
Chapter 5 The First Encounter with Harry Potter

All the goblins saluted Luke and Professor McGonagall as they stepped out of the doors of the Ancient Spirit Pavilion.

  The fact that Luke had inherited the Gunter family's treasury was not a secret to the goblins, so their delay in the treasury was enough to spread the news to the ears of all the goblins in the Pavilion. It was even more than enough to fill them with envy towards Luke.

  After all, one could only think with one's toes and know what an astronomical amount of money an old pure-blood noble would use to start afresh.

  Luke came out with not much changed on him, apart from a more confident brow and just an additional delicate belt around his own waist.

  It was one of the few magical items he could now use that he had rummaged through his family's treasure trove. The six gems on the belt provided for five useful spells and a silver gem that had storage capabilities, but could not store any living things. It's sort of a lower-quality version of the system's storage. But it was a really nice thing to use to hide the existence of the System Warehouse.

  Professor McGonagall, on the other hand, was holding a magic experiment manual in her hand. She was so careful that she could see how much it was worth.

  Professor McGonagall looked at Luke who was walking beside her, still slightly embarrassed because she had thought that she would never take any of the things in it before she entered the treasury. Because a student's things were a student's things. If one took it, one would be somewhat holding a favour in return, and if one were to give Luke preferential treatment afterwards specifically because of this, one would be even more suspicious of bribery.

  This is naturally too serious, but given how serious Professor McGonagall is in this area of education, it is not surprising that he would think so. But the contents of the ... Gaunt's treasury were too tempting, and Professor McGonagall was convinced that no professor would come out of it empty-handed unless it was Dumbledore who was here today.

  The fact that she had only taken a research manual on 'Special Transfiguration' was already the result of curbing her greed.

  "Are we going to get wands next, Professor?"

  Luke's words were more of an expression of his own thoughts than a question to Professor McGonagall.

  "I remember you having a wand that doesn't fit?"

  Professor McGonagall looked at Luke with some confusion, after all, from what he had seen this morning, the wand fitted Luke quite well and had obviously approved of him, and more crucially, the wand had struck Professor McGonagall as an ancient and powerful one from the first moment he saw it. For any wizard, to receive the approval of such a wand was a matter of celebration.

  Luke smiled bitterly helplessly, "It is too powerful for me to use comfortably at the moment ..."

  It was a Slytherin wand, and to have its approval was a combination of Luke's own ambition, the help of the system and the Gunther bloodline. But to control it comfortably, Luke reckoned he'd have to grow a little more.

  Professor McGonagall nodded and didn't ask any more questions. After all, it really wasn't a topic that could be talked about much with anyone. Wands were quite private to any wizard.

  Luke did know how he should describe the relationship; wands, like his own mobile phone in his previous life. Although the phone wouldn't appear to be less suitable because it was too powerful instead is all.

  "We'll go to Ollivander's first then."

  Luke nodded, he was quite eager and curious about that wand shop, wondering what the best wand for him would be like.

  With their goal in mind, the two men didn't waste any more time and walked straight towards Ollivander's shop.

  Diagon Alley was quite crowded at this time of day, and although there were usually quite a few people, many of them had brought their children to purchase items at this time because of the Hogwarts acceptance letters being handed out. After all, young wizards didn't tend to have much patience.

  Luke watched everyone he passed with interest, it was the first time he had come into contact with so many wizards and he was inevitably a little excited. There were also quite a few adult wizards along the way who recognised Professor McGonagall, and a few nodded at him, after all Professor McGonagall had a vaguely wary look on her face and didn't look like she was keen to stop and chat for a few minutes.

  This made them look over at the young boy beside the professor, slightly puzzled as to his identity.

  Luke knew it had nothing to do with him, that it was the fault of the magic manual, but he couldn't possibly explain it to the passers-by, nor could he persuade Professor McGonagall to relax; after all, it was indeed considered an isolated copy, and copying magic couldn't be used; the only way to make a copy was to make one himself, and even he could only lend it to Professor McGonagall temporarily, not as a gift. Of course, the time of borrowing they didn't specify.

  Luke soon saw a tall figure, and the man was carrying a birdcage with a beautiful white owl in it. Luke recognised the man at first sight.

  "Hagrid? You're here too?"

  Professor McGonagall asked, a little surprised. She knew what Hagrid's mission was, and since Hagrid was here now, that meant ...

  "Oh! Professor! You're here too!" Hagrid responded in a gruff voice, then he saw Luke who was following Professor McGonagall and understood the reason why she was here, "Is this the child you are in charge of guiding?"

  After saying that, he couldn't help but give Luke another look, apart from his good looks and good temperament, the boy had an inexplicable attraction, where he stood, was where people's eyes were focused.

  "Yes, Luke Gunter, this year's freshman."

  Professor McGonagall replied as she glanced around Hagrid, but didn't see the figure she wanted to see.

  Naturally Hagrid saw Professor McGonagall's movement and smiled, "Harry is trying out his wand at Ollivander's right now, would you like to come along and see it, Professor?"

  Professor McGonagall subconsciously glanced back at Luke. Luke noticed Professor McGonagall's gaze and then said, "We just happen to be on our way, Professor."

  Professor McGonagall smiled lightly and nodded, then said to Hagrid, "Then let's go and check on the boy."

  And so the three walked together towards Ollivander's Point.

  In a few moments, Luke and the gang made their way to the front of the shop, and through the window, Luke saw the famous 'saviour', Mr Harry Potter.

  At this moment he was still trying out his wand, the look on his face revealing a little restraint in his excitement.

  Professor McGonagall looked at Harry and then at Luke beside him, before letting out a silent sigh of her own. No matter how much one looked at Harry as an elder, this gap was still clearly there after all.

  Thinking about it, she couldn't help but grumble a little at Dumbledore. If Harry had been raised in their hands, even in a normal wizarding family, he wouldn't have been as cautious as he was showing now.

  Just then, Hagrid tapped gently on the window, drawing the attention of the two men in the shop.

  He lifted the white owl in his hand, a big smile on his face.

  "Happy birthday, Harry!"

  With that, he pushed the door open and walked in. Professor McGonagall froze for a moment at the words 'Happy Birthday' and then was a little distressed. It was logical that as the eldest she should give Harry a birthday present, but she really didn't have anything on hand right now ...

  But it was only a momentary thing, and she understood that there was no need to think too much about such things UU Read more www.uukanshu.com, the big deal about the birthday present was that she could make it up later.

  So she walked into the shop as well. Luke was even more indifferent, if he still had a few yearnings for Harry Potter in his previous life, after he really entered this world, he was still more concerned about himself than Harry.

  "Harry, come and meet, this is Professor McGonagall, she is the Vice-Principal of Hogwarts and the Dean of Gryffindor and Professor of Transfiguration."

  Harry listened to Hagrid's introduction and then said to Professor McGonagall with some formality, "Hello Professor, I'm Harry, Harry Potter."

  He always had the feeling that the serious-faced professor in front of him was not a professor to be dealt with.

  "Hello, Harry. Happy birthday."

  Professor McGonagall didn't show too much enthusiasm after all. She actually recognized Dumbledore's statement. What the boy needed was not bragging rights and preferential treatment, but normal development.

  "And this one, Luke Gaunt, is a new student in your year."

  Harry had seen Luke long ago; after all, it was like he glowed and one couldn't help but look at him.

  Luke smiled and extended his hand, "Harry Potter, I've heard a lot about you, and I finally got to meet you in person today. Happy birthday to you too."

  Harry couldn't help but drop his defensive stance at the sight of Luke's smiling face.

  "Thank you, it's the first time I've felt so famous too."

  With that, he reached out his own hand and shook Luke's.

  And just as the two shook hands, Ollivander on one side stared dead at Luke with suspicion and disbelief in his eyes, but more than that, he was bewildered and shocked.

  "Gunter? Is that the Gunter?"

  He couldn't help but ask.