
Chapter 3 - Ancient Spirit Pavilion

"Do you have any money?"

  A crucial point suddenly occurred to Professor McGonagall. After all, the clothes Luke was now wearing, although elaborate, were clearly visible as being a little unflattering and should have been left behind by the adults.

  Luke nodded and said, "There's money in it, but you'll need to pick it up from the Ancient Spirit Pavilion."

  With that, he pulled out the crest he was holding, "Gotta use this, this, that's our vault for this family, only the goblins in the Ancient Spirit Court know about it except us."

  Professor McGonagall nodded, thinking that if the money hadn't been hidden from the other Gunther family then there would probably have been nothing left at all. Both the extravagance of their heyday and the downfall of their final years would have left them hungry for the money, and who cared if their fellow clansmen lived or died?

  Professor McGonagall had come into contact with many pure-blooded wizards, whether they were from the so-called great families or those of the lesser ones, and some of their condescension and malice were on the verge of hanging on to their faces. The number of these fallen pure-blooded wizards was quite large. Although there is no denying that there are many of the purebloods who are very friendly. The Weasleys for example, or the Shackles to name a few.

  But of all these nobles, the child in front of him was the one that made Professor McGonagall feel like she had met a noble child the most.

  'I wonder if the other families have such hidden people.'

  Professor McGonagall's mind could not help but flash this thought in her mind. But it was immediately denied by herself. There really was such an outstanding talent, wouldn't it be good to pull it out directly to solidify the power of the family? The current situation of the pureblood families is not good, Voldemort's loss has caused many pureblood families to be expelled from the centre of power. Some are even on the verge of ruin. What was the point of hiding people at a time like this?

  After returning to his senses, Professor McGonagall said to Luke, "Follow me, we'll go to the Ancient Spirit Pavilion first."

  So Luke followed in Professor McGonagall's footsteps and walked towards a towering white building.

  It wasn't very far away and they reached the entrance after a few moments of walking. In front of the large bronze doors, two goblin guards in scarlet and gold uniforms saluted towards the pair and opened the doors for them. The attitude was quite respectful.

  The next thing that came into view was another silver door with some writing engraved on it. A brief glance at it revealed that it was in fact a warning from the goblins to anyone who wanted to steal.

  Luke was disinterested in this, such warnings didn't really work, Voldemort had commanded Professor Kilo to rob the place by force, and then Harry and the others had just ripped the place apart ...

  So this threat really wasn't much of a deterrent.

  Professor McGonagall was familiar with the place, so she didn't stop and went straight through the silver doors and into the hall, and Luke hurried to follow.

  The hall was flanked by goblins counting their money, and Luke didn't care, heading straight for the highest seat in the middle.

  A goblin with thinning hair and half-moon glasses was sitting there, and he saw Professor McGonagall and Luke from a distance. It made him feel a little helpless; after all, he had just sent off a Hogwarts hunting ground guard, and now there was a proper professor who would be Hogwarts. More to the point, he was well aware that students who could get professors to guide them were often not easy.

  So the odds were that this one wasn't here to handle the pound-for-gallon service.

  "Luke Gaunt is to inherit the vault saved by Robert Gaunt." Luke stepped forward and calmly displayed the coat of arms in his hand, to the goblin.

  The goblin drew a backward breath. He had thought this little guy would be tough, but he hadn't expected it to be this tough. Shit, it was the heir to that shadowy Gunther family. He'd thought that after all these years, that clan was dead.

  Although he quickly returned to normal, his reaction could not be hidden from Professor McGonagall after all. Judging from this guy's reaction, I'm afraid that the money in that vault

should be a sum beyond imagination.

  "Just a moment, please."

  With that, he got down from his high chair and went to a room.

  One of the other goblins immediately stepped forward and saluted the pair, making the gesture of leading. Luke and Professor McGonagall both followed the other goblin into one of the rooms. The room was exquisite and elegant, obviously not meant for ordinary guests.

  A few moments later, the governor returned to Luke holding a small box.

  Opening the box, inside was a whole dark green gem carved into a snake. The red stone was embedded in the left eye socket, but there was only one eye. The letter was spitting out, but the mouth was tightly closed.

  "Please, a drop of blood to the eye."

  The goblin's tone was flat and stern. What was behind this was a large piece of interest, and despite the validation of Hogwarts, he would have to carry out this step eventually, both because the process was necessary and because it did seem a little disheartening.

  Those treasures, if no one comes to claim them in another hundred years, they can be classified as ownerless and then become the property of the Ancient Spirit Court ...

  Luke did not half hesitate, immediately took out his own pocket knife from his own waist and cut his finger. A drop of blood spilled out from the wound and dripped down into the eye socket of the snake's right eye.

  But the snake didn't seem to react.

  There was a glowing light in the goblin's eyes. Professor McGonagall was also frowning. Luke, however, was no longer panicking. As it happened, after about thirteen seconds or so, the blood curdled into a jewel in the right eye socket and the snake turned from dark green to emerald green. The mouth opened and a key was revealed.

  Luke calmly took the key out, UU read the book www.uukanshu.com smiling and said to the goblin who obviously had a lost look on his face, "Please lead the way, I need to get some money to buy some things, as you can see, I'm down and out and don't even have a piece of clothing that fits."

  The goblin's professionalism was still very good, so he nodded and his expression returned to natural: "Please follow me."

  Then he led the two towards the location of the vault.

  When they got on the slide, they were greeted by a huge cave and a vault at the edge of the cave.

  This is where the deposits of almost the entire British wizarding community are located. Whoever ransacked the place would have been mobbed by almost all the British wizards, regardless of how much money they would have got.

  The carriage didn't go very far then before it slid down a branch. It reached the end, but instead of a treasure trove door, there was a dark cave in its place. Professor McGonagall was actually quite surprised. It was amazing that Luke hadn't meant to dump her at all for this sort of thing. She didn't think Luke would have overlooked it. That much was clear from the worried face he now wore.

  Luke was also negligent, it had just occurred to him on his way here that today seemed to be the thirty-first of July ... If he remembered correctly, today was also the time when Harry and the others had arrived at the Ancient Spirit Court. In other words, it was also the day that the Ancient Spirit Pavilion was attacked. Granny the bear is really not a coincidence. So of course he didn't dare to leave his 'lap' behind to come here for a wave by himself.

  Furthermore, he had considerable faith in Professor McGonagall's integrity. Unless the legacy left by the Gunter family was quite exaggerated, he believed that Professor McGonagall, who had seen the world, would never be moved!