
Hired Love

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ShyLunaria · LGBT+
51 Chs

Fluttering Feelings

The day turned to night as the pair continued their idle conversation. If it wasn't for the frantic messages from Annalise then the pair probably would have stayed put until they were forced to leave.

"Sorry Mallory, it seems I must take my leave."

"Don't worry about it Stella. I will see you tomorrow?"

"Bright and early!"

"Okay maybe not early."

"Well maybe I will wake you up tomorrow~"

"You can certainly try," said Mallory as she giggled.

"And try I will!"

Something about the grin across Stella's face caused a shiver to run down Mallory's spine as her mind wandered what that deviously annoying mind was currently planning. With a sigh Mallory decided to follow Stella out of the cafe.

As they stood on the cobblestone path in front of the cafe neither knew what to do next. They just stood looking at each other unsure what to do next. The pair knew this is where they should say their goodbyes but neither wished for it.

"Well I guess this is until I see you again." said Stella as she pulled Mallory into a hug before retreating to her car.

Mallory stood there perfectly still like a picture of awkwardness long after Stella had parted ways with her. It wasn't until a waitress managed to catch her attention to inform her that she was scaring away customers that Mallory rushed off to her apartment.

Valerie had all grown accustomed to her sister storming in at this point expecting to find her. Today of all days she was expecting Mallory to come running to her for story time. However Mallory instead tried to quietly sneak her way into her bedroom but Valerie wanted details so Mallory wasn't getting out that easily.

"So my lovely sis, how did it go?" said Valerie, still keeping her eyes on the television as Mallory froze in place.

"It was good~" said Mallory softly.

"Come over here and tell me all about it you silly bean!"

"Huh! There isn't much to fill you in on other than the result of we are now dating without contractual obligations."

"Good but it's been over twelve hours since you left."

"Has it really been that long~"


"Well we just kind of relaxed and talked." said Mallory finally giving into Valerie's demands and taking a seat next to her before resting her head against Valerie's shoulder.

"I see. So did you kiss?"


"I asked if you kissed Stella."

"No, I would never do something like that in public!"

"Wait, you didn't?"

"Of course not."

"From your red cheeks though you definitely thought about it."

Mallory responded by pushing a throw pillow in Valerie's face as she repeatedly told her to stay quiet. After a couple moment Mallory calmed down before settling back down next to the giggling Valerie with a, "Hmph!"

"Okay Lory I know what I have to teach you about next."

"Wait Val, why do you of all people know about kissing?"

"Oh! Um ... Don't worry about it and trust in your little sis."

"Nope. Please tell me their name out of curiosity."

"Who are you talking about?"

"Every last single person you have ever kissed."

"Why would I do that?"

"Big sis Mallory just wants to keep you safe."

"Nope not doing that."

"Why? Do you not trust me?"

"In this aspect nope. You might get Stella to run a background check on them or something."

At that last statement Mallory turned her away with an exaggerated, "Hmph!"

However Mallory didn't relent and continually tried to pry the information out of Valerie to no avail. Part of it was simply a change of topic but part of it was Mallory's curiosity eating away at her.

'I mean also it was her duty as the elder sister and guardian of Valerie to see if any potential relationship was worthy of her sister. If they weren't, all she had to do was make it disappear right.'

Once she was puckered out and Valerie had successfully evaded her assault the pair prepared a simple soup to soothe their sore throats before bed. With a smile Mallory happily returned to her little lair hoping to enter the realm of dreams once more.

However there was one last thing Mallory needed to do before she could rest peacefully. With the light of her phone screen illuminating her grinning face Mallory texted out several good night messages to Stella before finally settling on a simple text of, "Goodnight talk to you tomorrow."

As for Stella the ride to her town house was quiet but somehow this quiet felt different. This quiet wasn't as lonely. Maybe it was the happy chemicals running rampant throughout her head but the world itself seemed brighter.

Other than a short greeting to Annalise on the way in, Stella went directly to her room while smiling like a giddy schoolgirl. As Stella laid in bed contemplating her next course of action the exhaustion she had been struggling to keep at bay consumed her in mere moments.

That night both girls despite their separate living situation found a night rest filled with delightful dreams. However the subject of those dreams shared a common focus. Though they may never realize it on that night the subject of their respective dreams was one another.