
Hiccups Journey

Watch Hiccup go through an alternate storyline to after the end of Homecoming. The first three chapters around about are the same perspectives. please ignore that, or sound be the only time it happens. Note that this contains characters from my own book. Chapters will be 1000 words long. The R-18 stuff comes after chapter 40. Chapter 61 and after will not come out until 2024 at the latest. Originally posted on wattpad to chapter 60, no longer posting there due to content changes.

Night_Survivors · 电影同人
65 Chs

Chapter 54

Chapter 54


Astrid Pov:

"You tried to drown our leader when he was attacking your island. By the time you get home, it will be overrun and he will kill everyone you —." Hiccup cuts his throat stopping him from finishing because he did not want to hear the rest it seems. We kill the remaining Hunters and through them out into the forest from the cliff. As we do so we see the another ship at the bottom near the water fall.

"Me and Thorfinn will take out the remaining Hunters and ships. I want you guys to clean up that because of the kids. Alright and also do the same for those guys down there." Hiccup says to Tuffnut and Snotlout and they respond. "Sure." "As for you Astrid, go and get out the spare clothes, we will be needing to change into them after we are done." he says to me and I nod.

I leave going into the sleeping hallway and go to my room. When I arrive I change into some of my old clothes. It is a little bit of a tight fit and show a little to much but it will have to do. The docks are not safe yet and I don't know if they burned or something to our clothes.

I take my blood covered clothes and throw them down the clothing shoot. We will wash them before we leave. I head over to Hiccups Room as I hear yells of despair from below. I go in and get out a change of his clothes witch are obviously not going to fit and put them on his bed. I look around and find a larger pair of armor that he most likely made right before he left for when he was older. I put that on the bed as well and then leave.

As I am leave I see that the blood is cleaned up and walk into the Living area. As I do I see Nuffink and Zephyr looking away from the door where the slaughter was. I walk up to them and Hug them and as I do Zephyr asks. "Mom why is your hair, face, and part of your legs dark red?"

At this I realize that I forgot to clean. "Sorry I forgot to do something, I will be right back." I say as I hurry out and to the shower room.

When I arrive I also see Hiccup washing up and the others had already finished. When I go over to start getting ready to get in Hiccup notices me. "Please tell me you did not walk in front of the kids covered in blood?!" He asks me.

"Ok, I won't." I say and then hear him sigh as I finish taking off my clothes and putting on a towel. "Should we tell them about it or keep it quiet as to not give them nightmares?" He asks me and I think on it.

"I should say that we just spilled some paint. That should be good right?" I ask and I notice that he got himself off topic for a second. "Yeah."

We quickly finish up and dry off. Turns out that they burned our clothes so we are stuck with our old ones for now. After that we put on our clothes and go back up to the living room and cold dinner. "I will reheat the food." Hiccup says leaving me to talk to the kids.

"So what was that on you earlier, mom?" Zephyr asks. "It was some red paint I spilled and forgot to clean off." I say and luckily their questions stop there. Once dinner is reheated we eat and then we go to the sleeping area.

We show them the rooms that they can use and we go to ours. The reason that we are sleeping here is because the ship is very rocky. An we figured that this would be nice. Me and Hiccup before we go to bed go down to the laundry room and clean out our clothes.

After that is done we take them with us to our room to dry. After they are set to drying we get in bed and spend some time talking and stuff. Once we are done we go to bed and wait to see what tomorrow brings.

When we wake up we get dressed in our dry clothes and look at the sunrise from the balcony. It is beautiful. After the sun rises we go back in and Hiccup makes breakfast. After breakfast we go down to the ship and Hiccup seems very concerned and wants to go now.

Last night we did not tell me what he learned so I might as well ask now. "Hiccup, who sent those hunters yesterday?" I whisper as to not alert the children. "Someone who should be dead, Ryker!" He responds and at the name I almost fall over. Did he just say, RYKER!!

"You mean the person who got eaten by a Submaripper is still alive?!" I question and he responds saying. "Yes, and not only that. He has amassed an army to take his revenge. He found out the direction that our home is so we are heading there full speed. He killed all those romans to find us and he will not stop there. Can you see why this is so urgent."

"Yeah, we need to hurry." I respond and we head off full speed.