
Hiccups Journey

Watch Hiccup go through an alternate storyline to after the end of Homecoming. The first three chapters around about are the same perspectives. please ignore that, or sound be the only time it happens. Note that this contains characters from my own book. Chapters will be 1000 words long. The R-18 stuff comes after chapter 40. Chapter 61 and after will not come out until 2024 at the latest. Originally posted on wattpad to chapter 60, no longer posting there due to content changes.

Night_Survivors · 电影同人
65 Chs

Chapter 53

Chapter 53


Mysterious Figure Pov:

"Can you tell me anything about them?" I question wanting to know why people were here. From what I know this place was deserted and I sent these guys the leak to find the one who tried to drown me. "Yes, they went by these names though the one was false. Thor Bonecrusher, Fluffnut, Stuffnut, Sir Ulgerthrope, Valerie and Fury Night and a man named Karlsefni." He says and I realize that these guys are the ones who tried to drown me because Sir Ulgerthrope was the person that infiltrated an auction, otherwise known as Snotlout.

"I will let me live if you can tell me where they were going I say to the terrified Roman soldier in front of me. "They were going Northeast and we sent men to follow. They came back saying that they set course for almost Directly south." The man says.

I this I note that they went to Dragons edge, But I do not know why they went south. "Send 3 ships after them men. The rest of us will go west. As for all the Romans, kill them without mercy." I say. "But you said you would not kill us!" The soldier yells.

"I am a dragon hunter and I said that 'I' would not kill you, not 'my men'." I say as I head back down to my ship. I cannot wait to kill Hiccup.

Hiccup Pov:

I sneeze, someone must be talking about me. We left dragons edge a week ago and it will probably be about 4 days till we get where we are going. We continue on towards my island as I entertain the kids.

As I am doing so Snotlout comes up and asks me. "Why are we going to Ryders island. I thought that, that place was a death trap to anyone who strayed onto it." I sigh seeing that I did not tell them about it. "I was going to save this for the island but I guess it can wait."

"Ryder will not be a problem, also didn't he disappear about 15 years ago. So it should not be a problem right Snotlout." I say trying to confuse him but then he says. "You mean right around the time that you came back?"

"Yeah, he was taking care of me but after he got me to you guys he disappeared. The reason for that is he got word about some baddies and went out to investigate. After that I never heard back from him." I say trying to make him beleive that I am not Ryder. This should not be as hard as it is.

"Yeah, I see." He says and walks off to doing what he was doing.

About 3 days later we notice a tail, it is a a few ships, around about 3. We watch for a few hours and realize that they are keeping their distance. They are probably trying to see where we are going and report back or stop us from getting home. I tell everyone my plan to escape and we put it in action.

We put down all the sails and zoom off to the south faster than they can go. We lose them about an hour later and continue at the speed. We arrive at the island the next day with a 3 hour lead so we head in and park the ship at the dock.

"So you are saying that Ryder is gone H, Right?" Snotlout questions me. "I will tell you once we get to the dining room." I say as we head up the staircase.

Once we get to the top I lead them into the living/dining/kitchen room. "Look at all of these wood and stone carved chairs!" Tuffnut exclaims. "Take a seat anywhere, I will cook dinner." I say as I head to the food store.

When I arrive I see there is still some food that is good. I grab it and take it back to the kitchen and start cooking. As I am cooking Fishlegs asks. "Hiccup, what exactly happened to Ryder and Valkyrie, I mean this is their cave and island, Right?" Seeing that I cannot avoid it any longer I decide I might as well say it now.

"Well you could say that they are still alive, those were made up names anyway." I say and to this Snotlout says. "What do you mean, you said Ryder disappeared on a trip to find out about some ominous threat. An Who is Valkyrie?"

"Valkyrie is Ryders wife, and no Snotlout he didn't disappear on a mission. He just went back to his normal life before everybody thought he was dead. He went back at the age of 15 and Disappeared Originally missing a leg in an attack on a school island at 13. Does that sound familiar?" I say seeing if they will realize just who Ryder was.

"Wait you mean that while we thought you were dead, you were Ryder, who we ran into a lot and no one ever Noticed!!!" He exclaims. "Yep, pretty much, now who wants Dinner." I say but then an unexpected voice says. "We do."

I look over and see a bunch of hunters, probably the ones tracking us, in the door. "Cover the kids." I say as me and the other guys go to confront them. No one was guarding the ship so we didn't know if they got in here.

Me, Astrid, Thorfinn, Tuffnut, and Snotlout maul through them as Ruffnut and Fishlegs cover the kids eyes. We do not want them seeing this yet or ever. We leave 3 alive and I say while drenched in blood making me seem vicious. "Why are you here?"