

Snyposis. This is my second book, please show some encouragement by leaving a comment in the comments section after reading each chapter. Atinuke Keturah Demilade is a young, beautiful lady who is very determined to make a name and image for herself in the society after the humiliation she witnessed her mom go through. She isn't very smart and can say a lot of stupid things but that doesn't stop her at all. Samuel Oyewole Douglas is a very handsome, smart and emotionally strong man. After what happened to his family and himself several years ago, he decided to come to Nigeria in search of some peace of mind. He hides his pain behind a false smile and a playful behavior. Lolade Daniel Coker, daughter of late business guru David Daniel Coker, has inferiority complex and so she hides that, pretending to be happy amidst her rich and classy friends but deep down, she knew she only wanted to be a simple girl and continue to be friends with her childhood bestie who she was so jealous of despite being a hundred times better than her in terms of money. Adediran Prince George a totally fake man and a fraudster who came back to Nigeria with a lie that he came back in search of the queen of his heart, a simple woman to get married to and return to America with her. Olatunde Akanni Fiyibi, a man who continously lied so that he could keep two wife's without either finding out about the existence of the other. He gets caught and is separated from the best family he could ever ask for. Dupe Sarah Demilade, a wonderful wife and a good mother who was betrayed by the man she trusted and believed to love her. After this incident happened, she was dragged, humiliated and ridiculed by those she believed were her family. By herself, she raised her daughter to becoming an independent woman. Justin, Ayoola, Timothy are all Samuel Oyewole's friends and partner in crime. Adebisi Adeoye a secretary and a busy body. A total chatter box who can't mind her own business and meddles way too much. The Demilade family consisting of bunch of small and big hypocrite and gossipers. Here is just a little bio of the characters of the book, He might be the one.

Mey0 · 现代言情
20 Chs


"How can Mr Luis sell the company without letting us know." Tinuke kept saying in anger as she made her way to her bosses office.

She was shocked on getting inside, the news was indeed true, the entire stuff in his office was gone and the place was swept clean and shinny.

She scoffed trying not to believe and started dialing her bosses number and after several missed calls she managed to get through to him.

"Hello, my dear pretty Atinuke." He answered the call by addressing her fondly the way he always did.

Tinuke and her boss were very close even though the man was an ashawo (womanizer) and would always caressed the body of his female workers, he never dared to try it with her.

"Don't try to flatter me sir, just tell me what's happening. Why are you not in your office and why are all your stuff also not there?"

"Atinuke, I can't say anything now. I am in the middle of a swim race with my wife and can't afford to lose to her, I will have to call you back later." He said quickly and hung up before Tinuke could say anything else to him.

"This man is so unbelievable." I said a bit annoyed.

From his black super shinny polished shoe, one could tell that he was absolutely classy. His black designer pants also spotless and straight. His very expressive golden wristwatch could attract even the eyes of flies.

A long black suit and a white innerwear added to his elegance and swag. His black lips like that of a cigarette smoker was rather enticing and inviting to kiss.

His sharp, slightly big pointed nose was just too perfect for someone to dare call it ugly.

His big black eyes were seductive with the long eyelashes save guarding them from the glance of women who might try to look at it and get lost in it, then his well shaped eyebrows were also there to give or not give an interested woman a go ahead. His ears were the normal size, not too big and not small either.

His jawlines were absolutely flawless. His thick afro hair almost covering all his forehead was well carved in front, with a side parting. The hair was really dark and only because of how it was dark could you differentiate between his skin tone and the hair.

He also had a well shaped beard under his nose and on his jaw as well.

This man was a total hot ebony package, one could mistake him for a model even with the suit and suitcase that showed he was here for business.

As he approached the front desk of the MD's secretary, the secretary could perceive the strong and amazing fragrance of a man's perfume, an expensive one at that.

She quickly looked up from her work and her jaw dropped.

"Is this a man or a black angel from heaven." She said to herself.

He simply smiled at her reaction and almost ran the secretary mad with that sexy smile. She sat looking at him with her mouth opened and her heart beating super fast, she was also breathing heavily.

He dropped the suitcase heavily on her desk and it gave a loud thundering sound that brought her back to life and then he said in a classy way and with some kind of majestic aura.

"I am the new MD of this company."

She was shocked and could suddenly see tiny angels singing 'Halleluyah' round him as he said those words.

"Oh, oh, oh, oh my God." She got up hurriedly making the papers on her desk fall to the ground because of the rush.

"I hope my office is ready?" He asked.

"Ye, ye, ye, yes sir." She shouted, frightening him.

"Good." He said and smiled at her again.

He went into the office and she ran after him.

"That man, I feel like slapping him sometimes. How can he hang up on me? Now how do I know who the new boss is?" Tinuke kept asking so many questions to herself.

She couldn't just imagine her life with another terrible boss and this time she will now have to start getting used to this new boss. She will need to know his or her character and how to approach him or her, what she should do and not do around him or her.

"Gosh. Would be difficult, I just hope not too difficult." She sighed as she sat down on her chair.

Hey girl!!! Adebisi shouted frightening Tinuke to death.

"Jesus Christ." Tinuke shouted in anger and the eyes of the others were already on them.

"Were you planning on giving me an heart attack by shouting like that?" Tinuke asked holding her head that was now heavy because of how she had shouted.

"You shouldn't get upset because I brought you some news." Adebisi said still justifying herself.

"You will never admit to your mistake." I said disappointed.

"What's the stupid news?" Tinuke asked after she sat down again.

"You should have asked me that before you decided to shout so much. Anyways." Adebisi said making Tinuke's stomach turn in anger but she decided to let it slide because if she was to do anything, she would just kill Adebisi right there and then.

"The news is that, the new boss is around." Adebisi said in excitement. The others watched in silence without any reaction.

"Anyways, he is such a hottie, very." Tinuke raised her hand in front of Adebisi cutting her off and not allowing her to finish her sentence.