

Snyposis. This is my second book, please show some encouragement by leaving a comment in the comments section after reading each chapter. Atinuke Keturah Demilade is a young, beautiful lady who is very determined to make a name and image for herself in the society after the humiliation she witnessed her mom go through. She isn't very smart and can say a lot of stupid things but that doesn't stop her at all. Samuel Oyewole Douglas is a very handsome, smart and emotionally strong man. After what happened to his family and himself several years ago, he decided to come to Nigeria in search of some peace of mind. He hides his pain behind a false smile and a playful behavior. Lolade Daniel Coker, daughter of late business guru David Daniel Coker, has inferiority complex and so she hides that, pretending to be happy amidst her rich and classy friends but deep down, she knew she only wanted to be a simple girl and continue to be friends with her childhood bestie who she was so jealous of despite being a hundred times better than her in terms of money. Adediran Prince George a totally fake man and a fraudster who came back to Nigeria with a lie that he came back in search of the queen of his heart, a simple woman to get married to and return to America with her. Olatunde Akanni Fiyibi, a man who continously lied so that he could keep two wife's without either finding out about the existence of the other. He gets caught and is separated from the best family he could ever ask for. Dupe Sarah Demilade, a wonderful wife and a good mother who was betrayed by the man she trusted and believed to love her. After this incident happened, she was dragged, humiliated and ridiculed by those she believed were her family. By herself, she raised her daughter to becoming an independent woman. Justin, Ayoola, Timothy are all Samuel Oyewole's friends and partner in crime. Adebisi Adeoye a secretary and a busy body. A total chatter box who can't mind her own business and meddles way too much. The Demilade family consisting of bunch of small and big hypocrite and gossipers. Here is just a little bio of the characters of the book, He might be the one.

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Annoyingly and also surprisingly, Fred has never noticed me before despite going to church with him in his car, bringing him deliciously cooked food by mom on some Saturdays and always clapping the hardest after he finish singing praise and worship every Sunday for the past six years.

It's strange but Fred was my third crush, I took the microphone from his hand and he still didn't blink.

I left him there standing like a statue, this black beauty have managed to mesmerized the Mr handsome and rich of the church.

Halleluyah!!!! Atinuke shouted into the mic and the church responded with an amen.

"Though my voice isn't that good but I will like to sing for God. This special number is going to be a song written by someone dear to me and my soul." I said and smiled.

Fred's heart fluttered at every word that came out of her mouth. It was like he's never heard a woman speak before, his deep black eyes were focused on Atinuke's lips as she said each sentence, he was literally dumbfounded by her.

The pianist Mr Johnson who has served the Lord diligently for eighteen years of his life hoping to become a pastor in return for his diligence worked his magic fingers on the piano and brought out a simple and yet splendid beat.

"He reigns in my heart. He reigns in my soul, what a great God." Atinuke starting singing and it seemed like the universe came to a standstill.

Her mouth opened and closed softly at every stander she sang. When she got to the chorus, she raised her voice to the highest pitch she could reach and awe everyone.

She was so beautiful as she continued singing, everyone was astonished. Never did they think that Atinuke would be such a great singer.

"The girl simply sits in the congregation hiding this amazing talent instead of joining the choir." Mrs Gboyega praised Atinuke unknowingly.

'Because your reign is forever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'

Atinuke ended the song and got a standing ovation by everyone. Mrs Dupe felt so proud like she did years ago when her dear daughter won the first position in her school.

Tinuke look in the direction of her mom and saw the satisfaction and happiness on her face.

Fred finally got a hold of himself and collected the mic from her.

"Wow, that was truly a spirit filled song. Mrs." He said hoping she would finish the sentence by telling him her name.

"Atinuke." I said feeling a little annoyed that he didn't remember my name, a name I told him more than seventy times if I am not exaggerating.

"Mrs Atinuke, a beautiful name for someone with a beautiful voice. Thank you, you just made my day." He said to Tinuke with a smile.

I nodded with a smile holding back my sudden contempt for this man.

"But are you new in this church?" He suddenly asked increasing my already burning anger that was still at 98° to 100°.

"She is Mrs Dupe's daughter." The church chorused.

What! He grasped in surprise.

"You are all grown-up." He said and I scoffed at this remark.

"Was I small when I took piping hot ginger bread and ice tea to him three years ago?" I asked myself trying to hid my disgust.

Before he could say anymore rubbish, I got down from stage and went back to my mom with people's eyes following my back. More like SpongeBob, their eyes were definitely glued to my back.

The service ended quickly but the pastor Nathaniel stopped us to give us an information about one of the church very diligent usher's marriage.

"Our dear sister Rebecca will tie the knot in our church this coming Sunday, so please everyone should try to grace the wedding with their presence." And he ended the service with a short prayer.

Everyone started coming out of the church one after the other greeting each other and some gisting. We simply got into the car and left.

The next morning, mom made a breakfast of Efo (Vegetable soup) with lots of fish and Kpomo (Cow skin) in it and we ate our bread with the soup, it was delicious.

I took my bath and got ready for another day of work. My mom had woken me up early, so after leaving her house, I was lucky not to get caught in traffic.

"Good morning." Everyone kept greeting me cheerfully as usual.

I smiled and greeted back while walking elegantly to my desk. I suddenly felt a sharp grip in my arm, a fingernail pinched my skin hard and I turned around with a cry of pain. It was Adebisi Adeoye my chatterbox friend and also the bosses making her voice sound sad and broken.

She was just like this, always emotionally blackmailing you when you refuse to secretary.

"Are you trying to tear off my skin." I shouted at her with shock on my face.

"No girl, I have a very big news for you." She said not even regretting what she did.

"You always do, Mrs Gossip."

"Don't call me that. Is it a bad thing to see something big about to happen in this office and not even inform my only friend in this office full of haters." She said

listen to her juicy gossip.

"What is this big news." I said forcing myself to show interest.

Adebisi sat down next to Tinuke and wispered the big news to her ears but this news was indeed big.