

Sighing, whats done is done. He already said what he said, and can not take it back.

Besides, Jay thought that his acting was pretty good. The cop also said he will drop the case, so if he keeps to his words, nothing should go wrong.

Finding a reason he was satisfied with, Jay adjusted himself in the seat, and started to roll out.

'I wonder if I can gain a handicap permit before I walk again...'

Shaking his head, even if he gained it, he felt like he couldn't be shameless enough to replace people in actual need.

At first, it was hard for Jay to keep moving his wheel chair, soon he got familiar with it though, as it was not complicated in the first place.

Passing the hallways filled with patients, and corridors filled with the smell of medicine, Jay Kaiya reached the lobby.

After doing the formalities with the girl at the desk, he was ready to go. The receptionist also notified him that someone was still waiting for him in a privite waiting room.

This was the person that brought him to the hospital and payed for his fees.

Hearing her, Jay already had a inkling of who this person might be.

Making his way towards the room, he noticed the receptionist said 'private room'. Now he thought about the earlier room, it was also a single room. It even had a nurse on stand by.

Normally in a hospital, one would share rooms when the patients had to stay over. Even if it was private, nurses aren't waiters. They have their own jobs, and had to check on several patients throughout the day.

This means he received the best care, but vice versa, the most expensive bill. If the person who he was thinking, is indeed them, they must of been pretty well off after he left for America.

Reaching the room, he slowly opened the door, trying to fit the wheel chair through. Once halfway, he confirmed whom he thought his savior was.

A beauty sat by the window, staring into the city. Her luscious brunette hair dripped over her shoulders, skin as clear as water, and a body of a dream.

She was the beauty, like the night

Of cloundless chimes and starry skies;

And all that's best of the dark and bright

Meet in her aspect and her eyes;

Thus mellowed to that tender light,

Which heaven to gaudy day denies.

Seeing her, who got even more beautiful over the years, he was reminded of a poem by a famous poet. Her beauty could not be described in words, but only related through comparisons.

Better looking than models, and more natural than idols. This was Granny Jin's granddaughter, Jin Aiko. [1]

Aiko as in a child who will be loved, and Jin representing kindness and benevolance. She was an etheral beauty, looking true to her name.

Hearing the door to the room enter, she turned her starry gaze to look towards him.

Her eyes were pink, formed by her recent tears. Her face lacked color, coming from her lack of sleep. Her body looked weak, needing in protection.

"Handsome... your awake..."

A smooth voice quietly whispered to him, a voice filled with fluff, making the receiver feel soft.

Giving a smile, she helped Jay into the room, and went to close the door.

She was a beauty that countless boys fantasized. She was nice and lovable, making her a perfect candidate for a wife. People around them back then thought they'd make the textbook couple.

To him however, he longed since stopped thinking about that. Jay Kaiya knew better- Her name was a complete lie...

Closing the door, the smooth voice was all but missing, all that came to engage him was a voice spiting out all their grievances. A noise level rivaling engines.

"Where the heck have you been these four years! You leave with barely any notice, and then never reached out at all! Then all of a sudden you appear in Japan without saying aything at all!"

Fuming she kicked Jay hard into the legs, making him yelp and groan in response.

"If it wasn't for my grandmother calling me, I would've never known! So you just planned to stop by, and never say anything you piece of crap!? Whats even worse is that when I hurried home the next morning, what happened!?"

Her eyes becoming watery, her kicks started to soften.

"You were litterally almost dead! OH MY GOD! There was so much blood! You were so pale that you looked dead! Your body was so cold!"

Starting to sob she spilled out everything.

"Whats even worse is that I lost everything! Everything Jay! OH MY GOD! Everything!"

Jay Kaiya seeing how much she cared about him, felt guilt and tryed to help.

"Its ok now- isn't it? Just let me pay for the bill, and you can treat me. Lets just treat things as they were before."

Hearing him, she grew angrier, making the tears fall harder.

"You stupid idiot! Are you mentally retarted!? You litterally only had five US Dollars in your wallet, you useless wretch! If you are that poor, you obviously have nothing in your bank by wasting all the years you were gone! Holy crap! You made me lose everything Jay! My four years of savings! ARGHHHHH!"

Dropping to her knees, she used her hands to tug and mess with her hair. Groaning, crying, and squealing out everywhere.

Seeing her act like this, Jay was speechless for the second time today. He first thought she cared about his well being like a family member, but he should've known better... Its her after all...

Waiting till she calmed down, Jay only dared to speak with her again once she calme down, after she sat on the chair glaring at him.

"If you weren't that rich, what made you have the guts to pay the first class for everything?"

Her emotions flaring once more, she gritted the voice through her teeth.

"You think I wouldn't want too!? You looked so serious yesterday!? What if something went wrong! Plus if I didn't do that, you would already be dead! You fricken seizured on the bed while I was playing on my phone! You already owe me two lives!"

Standing up, she went behind him to grip the wheelchair. Pushing him out of the room, seemingly afraid to being forced to pay more.

"Then they forced me out the room! The only way I could stay in the hospital was the waiting room! Everyone there is so sick though! So much germs everywhere! Plus you know how I look like! How can I possibly relax feeling burning gazes from you perverted man animals!"

Storming out the hospital, she pushed him heavily to her car, purposely not taking smooth paths, but only rough ones.

There was a handicap ramp to the right, however she slowed down over the stairs to purposely make him feel pain.

The sidewalk was straight, but she purposely pushed him on the streets filled with pebbles that fell off the asphalt.

She even didn't spare signs, forcing the wheel chairs through the tight spaces, just for a chance to hit his head.

She continued to try and torture him, all the way till the two reached the car.

Her car was a Nissan SUV, making her appear indeed well off. He wondered if she actually lied about the price affecting her that much.

"Aiko, how much did the hospital price cost?"

Jin Aiko who had opened the door for Jay, slammed the door in front of his face.

"Get on your fricken self! It costed 50 million Yen! I don't have the energy to look at your stinking self anymore more."

"Wa-Wait, what about my stuff? We exited too quick! Stop! Answer me!!!"

"Be Quiet! Can't you let me live in peace for once! I'm already carrying them! You were even so poor that everything fit in my pocket!"

Yelling back she slammed the driver seat door closed. Jay Kaiya looking at the passenger door had grievances in his heart.

'Can't she at least help me get in?'

Normal people who have relations would care for one another in need right? What was this treatment he always recieved from her when they were on oppisate sides?

A couple minutes passed, and Jay Kaiya finally managed to get himself in the car. Once his but reached the seat, he reached for his wheel chair.

Before he can reach it however, Aiko put her feet on the pedal, leaving the chair in dust. Even the door was still open as they drived out into the main road.

Losing his ability to process his words, Aiko responded to his blank mind.

"Just stay in bed disabled for three more days, and then, just maybe- I'll forgive you."


Yoo~ Eslyna here!

Yes I used the cringe phrase roll out for a wheel chair. ~~~ヾ(○゜▽゜○)...

Writing this chapter was so annoying. I'm staying over at my grandparents house in Japan, and my cousin's 3 year old baby has cried for 2 hours straight, trying to sleep with my grandpa in the storage room... Middle of the night, waking up his sister, dad, neighbors, and kicking at my grandpa.

Now imagine that with a natural high pitch whiney voice with that... God the horrors

Eslynacreators' thoughts