

Arriving near Jay's Granny's home, he already guessed what was going to happen. This witch was going to drop him off exactly where he was injured.

"Hey- um... Aiko... Can't you just let me stay somewhere else tonight?"

"No! We're both broke, so I can't afford to drop you off at a hotel! Plus I don't have time to babysit you. I'm letting you stay at my Granny's house till you recover. I already told her your coming.

Speeding through the tiny streets of Okinawa, somehow in God's name not crashing, Aiko pressed the breaks before her grandmother's house.

"Alright, now get out of the car! I still have to go to my job!"

Hearing her pound the steering wheel for emphasis, Jay opened his door, staring at the street, wondering how the heck to get out.

"How am I supposed to get out?"

Jin Aiko hearing him, got out to unlock the truck while clicking her tongue, making her way towards his door.

"Sorry, forgot about that. Luckily I prepared just in case you forgot to pack your wheelchair!"

Handing him oversized crutches, she went to unlock the gate and headed inside the home.

Jay not bothering to argue with her, examined the crutches. They were about the size of his whole body. A little shorter, but regardless, his feet wouldn't even touch the ground...

"See how considerate I am for you? I grabbed these pairs of crutches back in the hospital. They were only collecting dust inside a locked closet, so I brought them over for you!"

Jin Aiko coming back from the house, spoke proudly to him. To Jay though, this just meant that she stole them... Plus from a hospital, not a store... That was a crime...

She helped Jay into the crutches, and got him out the door. Mumbling about how useless and heavy he was, she helped him into the home.

As Jay's crutches were too long, he had to lean his back into her, as they walked into the house.

The house was more smaller than Jay's Granny's home, but this house was more spacious than his.

The home had space inside, unlike the clattered hallways of his Granny's home. In here, it was comfortable and not crowded.

Aiko rested him at the entrance, to close the door. Once closed, she continued to bring him in. Finally putting him down in the room Granny Jin prepared.

It was the room Aiko used to live in. It was girly, filled with bright colors and cute things. Jay didn't care that much though.

"Ok, you'll stay till your recovered, kapeesh? My grandma is still out currently to buy some stuff for you."

Dusting herself off, and patting her body, she pretended it was to exhausting to help him go into the bed.

After "catching her breadth", she threw the things found on his body earlier from her pocket, into his chest.

"Alright, I gotta go alright? Alright, good you know, now don't give my grandmother trouble, alright?"

Spamming a line of cringe alrights, the savage tribe girl left the house.

Seeing her leave, Jay Kaiya cussed the pretty girl off in his heart. She was kind for one second, than throwing things the next.

Trying to forget her, Jay looked at the two things she threw towards him. It was his wallet and a black phone.

Jay Kaiya thought to himself that this was wierd. He didn't have a phone when he tried to run away from next door. He should've only had a wallet? Besides, his phone did not look like this.

Thinking that its perhaps Aiko's, he chose to focus on his wallet first.

Checking it, there was no big surprise, it was still his wallet. It was a bit stained by blood though, plus his five dollars he had left was missing...

Thinking that at least he still had his cards, he was glad she wasn't that much of a douche.

The room he was in was Jin Aiko's when she grew up. Her parents passed away when she was still a kid, making her live with her grandparents. Her grandpa disapeared way before she was born. Likely divorced, he didn't know the exact details though.

Their circumstances were similar, they were neighbors, and went to the same school, so they quickly became friends in no time. They both had few friends, so they usually stuck together during the day.

They were practically family with how much the two interacted. Even their Granny's were best friends before they were even born.

Years passed, and look at where he was now. He was a failure, while she looked successful. He even went to study at a famous American university, but came out with barely anything, except for the skills he learned.

He decided to start looking for a job once his casts can be taken off. He needs to make money to live after all.

"Jay? Are you here son?"

Jay was so focused that he didn't even hear her coming inside the house. So he replied to her, hearing her come into the house.

"Yes, I'm already in Aiko's room!"

Hearing him, footsteps neared closer. Opening the door, she went inside.

With eyes of pity glancing at the crutches, she sighed.

"Wow... I knew she'd cause trouble, but she even didn't leave your wheel chair... Even gave you crutches that I'm guessing are too long too be used..."

Jay's mouth clicking in response, he choked out what he wanted to say.

"Its ok... I'm already used to her..."

"Sorry about her... Anyways, well don't worry about how you will move around, I have a wheel chair in the closet from when I got hurt before. Of course, it'll be a bit small for your height, so you will need to bear with it till you can take it off."

"Thank you, you can bring it later though, I wish to sleep right now."

Saying that Jay put on the pink sheets of the bed, and put his head on the animal pillow.

Granny Jin laughing at how much he did not match with the girl's room, helped put away his wallet and phone.

"Jay I'll wash the wallet for you as its still stained. Also just how did you clean the phone? Aiko said that the phone was litterally soaking red in the puddle, by the time she got there."

Surprised, Jay Kaiya felt something was wrong. This meant this was his phone, or at least- meant to be.

He could vaguely remember that before he passed out thay night, his body missed the window, due to the new shadow appearing.

'Was this left by that thing? Was it meant for me, or perhaps on accident? Why is this even with me!'

He dedided he should check once his Granny was gone. Since it was related to that incident, he had a guess it was not anything good, that people should see.

"Hmm... I guess I'll leave the phone, I mean your phones even reflecting the light partially. Sparkling clean, I'm honestly a bit jealous at your skills. Goodnight Jay."


Stopping Granny Jin, she stood at the door. Agitated, Jay wished to confirm a question that has been nagging at him.

"Granny Jin... How long has my Granny been gone?"

Hearing him, she became a bit gloomy.

"Why- shes been gone for about three years now... She was always so lively!"

Sighing she closed his door.

Jay Kaiya hearing her couldn't help but shed tears. For whatever reason, no message ever came. He already had his suspicions at the hospital, but still had some hope. Now his hope was cut short though...

His Granny has long been dead, before he even got to Japan. His Granny was not a human, but a ghost.

'So shes been long gone after all...'

Yoo~ Eslyna here!

[1] Sorry guys! Forgot to say this last post as I complained too much. Asian names will be put last name first, first name after like in every other translated novel. Western names and MC will be put the normal way though, unless announced at Asia sometimes

Also... yay~ I got my first signs of life today! Other than from me and the powerstones votes! A review and comments! We ended at 21 powerstones last week, and first day tday we got 9! Lets beat the record!

Eslynacreators' thoughts