

Beeeep- Beeeep-


Distorted noise entered his ears. Jay wondered where the sounds originated from.

His lips were parched, throat dry, his body ached all over.

'Is this a hospital?'

With a smell of disinfectant entering his nose, it basically confirmed his thoughts.

'Hospital... That means I lived through last night...'

Thinking of those scenes, his heartbeat quickly escalated, making the electronic beat tick faster.

His feet! Glass! Blood!


Jay Kaiya's body started to convulse on top of the hospital bed. The instruments shaked and the bed frame rattled.

His Granny! Ghosts! Monsters!


Jay's body shook harder on top of the bed. The bed creaked, and the IV drip harshly disattached from his arm, causing blood to drip down.

His ears caught a muffled voice filled with worry, but he could not understand a single meaning from the cloudy words.

His wounds that he has recover earlier re-opened, bandages wrapped on him loosened, and red liquid spilled once more.

The door to the room was slammed open, and people rushed into the room.

Jay Kaiya's body was suddenly held down by the limbs, causing Jay to stay more still, but the bed to rock harder.

'They caught me!'

Jay could barely register anything, but he knew he was fastened down.

He struggled harder to get out of their grasps. He did not wish to be caught! He wished to live!


A long sharp needle punctured his skin, making Jay drowzy. His movement lessened, and soon fell asleep.

. . .

'Where am I?'

A bright white light shined through his eyelids. His throat was dry, his lips were chapped, his throat trembled, whispering out a soft dry voice.


Responding to his voice, a click and shuffling was heard in the room.

After a few moments had passed, a cool liquid slipped past Jay's lips, flowing down his throat.

His thirst relieved for now, Jay managed to open his eyes, seeing the world.

The white light burned his eyes for a while. As seconds passed, the blurry vision slowly focused, turning clear.

A nurse stood next to Jay, holding an empty glass of water.

"Hello? Jay Kaiya, can you respond if you here me clearly?"

The nurse grabbed a pen from her pocket, and clicked on the flashlight.

While Jay was still bewildered and getting his thoughts in order, the nurse flashed the bright lights at both of his eyes.

Blinded by the bright beams, Jay covered his eyes by instinct and repsonded with reflex.


"Ok I'll take that as a yes, I'll inform the doctor you are awake, please stay still while I'm gone."

The nurse collecting her things, left to inform the doctor, leaving Jay Kaiya in the room.

'Its not like I do not want to get out, but I can't...'

Thinking a useless remark, he looked down at both of his feet which were casted. The rest of his body was basically bandaged too, not like the casts on his feet however.

As he thought about what happened recently, he felt a little embarrassed.

The first time he woke up, he confused reality and what happened before he woke up.

He definitely caused a lot of trouble there. Luckily he didn't remember while the nurse was here.

As a minute passed, the doctor entered the room. He was a somewhat old man reaching his retirement years.

"You are Jay Kaiya correct?"

Jay not wishing to speak with his sore throat, he nodded to confirm.

"Ok, you are basically ready to go, but I have to do a check-up, and see if everything is all right. After that I will explain some things to you."

After saying that, the doctor began the check-up.

The doctor checked various things, while he filled out stuff on a piece of paper as he went along.

Checking his heartbeat, how Jay felt, et cetera. It felt boring to Jay Kaiya, he essentially just sat there as a disabled man as the doctor was finishng up.

"Ok, you are all clear Mr. Kaiya. Please keep to the prescriptions of your medicines. Other than the cast, everything else may be taken off at home."

The doctor rolled out a wheel chair that sat in the room, to the front of him, showing how to work it.

"You will take off your cast in three days, than apply ointment for a month. After that you will come back to the hospital for an appointment."

Helping Jay off the hospital bed, he put him on the chair.

Jay Kaiya felt a little bitter that he was reduced to such a state. He only needed to act disabled for 3 days though, plus he was still alive which was the most important fact to him.

"Ok! Lastly, before we get out of here, you need to sign some papers, and also answer some questions to the police responding to your case. Too be honest, even I'm curious how you ended up like this, but thats not my job."

Hearing him, Jay felt reserved and hesitated a bit. He was constantly thinking of last night, whishing to blurt out what was on his mind for a while. Due to this, Jay ended up asking the man a question of his own.

"Sir... Do you believe in ghosts?"

The doctor started pushing Jay into the hallway, scoffing at the young man.

"You will need a better excuse if thats your story. Also don't joke about this, as please note you are at the hospital lad. You may end up being put in a rehab center to fix your mind, if you insist on such explanations."

Jay Kaiya became a little speechless at he doctor, and also thought what he said was true.

If he spoke out the truth, no one will believe him, but instead treat him as a crazy.

This was the real world. A world where people woke up every day and went to work. A world where students attends school, and studies each day. A world where the police fight against crime.

Maybe he was turning crazy, but one thing was true. He will never change his new view on the world again, no matter how much people try to convince him. He discovered what the real world was, and he knew deep in his heart, that this was a world with terrors.

"All right, I'll leave you here. The cops are resting inside the room. Once you're done, just wheel down to the lobby. Hopefully you will get your case solved Jay."

After getting his signature for some papers, he left Jay in front of the door once knocking, to inform the government workers inside.

Jay gulped, staring at the entrance. He garbled out a thought with sweat dripping out of his forehead.

'This means that I will have to lie to the police right? God I'm glad my lessons in acting will actually do something for me in this life.'

The door opened, and a man in a uniform helped bring him in the room. Jay was nervous, lying against the police was technically against the law, and can put him in jail.

The cop sitting down grabbed a paper and a pen, beginning to ask questions.

"Were you hurt where you were found last night? At the street?"


"How where you hurt?"

Jay Kaiya looked down for dramatic effect, and began to shiver. With fear in his eyes he told his tale that he weaved on the spot.

"I came home from America, and went to stay over at my Granny's house. It was all fine when I got there, bu-but!"

The officer seeing the fear got up to pat Jay, to help him calm down.

"Sir calm down, take your time. Now what happened."

"The house... There were people, groups of them! They were there in droves! They were all masked, but I do not think they were there for me, it seemed they lived there for a while. When I threatened to call the cops, the-they tried to kill me!"

Starting to cry, Jay spilt out the 'crucial' detail.

"Officer, do you know who I offended!? It was the Yakuza! They were in my house, and they tortured me! Look at these bruises! The-They even made me run through glass, and finally left me in the streets for dead."

Sobbing, Jay pulled up his legs on the chair and gripped them. With a voice that made him feel wronged, he cried out his words to the officer.

"Please I will drop the case... They already got rid of the evidence, and they know who I am by now. If they find out there is an investigation, my normal life will be gone..."

The officer was surprised at how serious this case turned out to be. The Yakuza was the number one gang in Japan, and was a force to fear with. They even possessed guns which is banned in Japan.

Understanding him, the officer told him he shall drop the case, and make up something to the higher ups.

He was actually thankful he dropped it, if he was the lucky one to lead this case, he can think of a thousand endings of what will happen at the end.

After saying some words of comfort, the officer left to go back to the police station.

Once the door closed, Jay Kaiya's sobbing stopped as he sweated all over his body.

'God I'm going to jail...'

After the man left, Jay kept repeating this sentence within his mind as he remained curled on the seat.

Yoo~ Eslyna here!

I have decided to add another prologue to the book, which pushed every chapter back one again. Sorry... I also decided to change the title for the novel from 'The Haunted Celebrity : A World With Terrors' to 'Haunted System: Path to a Superstar'.

I felt like I needed a better title as the past one was I think less interesting, so less clicks in turn. Naturally with the title change, I have also changed the synopsis.

*The new chapter is still scheduled to be released today.*

Eslynacreators' thoughts