
Global Evolution

Five hundred million years ago, an epoch of extraordinarily fast evolution and mutation took place. It is said that all ancestors of today’s species on Earth derive from those that appeared in the “Cambrian Period”. Unfortunately, nothing gold can stay. After the brief “Cambrian Period”, life on Earth entered a period of stagnation. Humans came out on top, becoming the most powerful species on Earth. A second age has come. During the first “Cambrian Period” humanity was kicked off of the throne of the food chain quickly. Now, during the second “Cambrian Period”, what will happen to humanity? The real end of the world is not the tale of brainless zombies. It is paradise.

Bite the Dog · 科幻
146 Chs

What About Now?

編輯: DarkGem

"You guys are good at upsetting me in every way," Chang joked to the clones. "I mean it, every way."  

"Yeah, still, that doesn't change the fact that we are older than you," the clones said in sync.

"How far away are we from He Bi?"

"I think we are almost there."

"Then what should we do with this big guy?" Chang pounded on the centipede.

"I'll look after it," Shui Qing said. "You, Zhizhi, and Sanpang should go downtown to restock our food. We can't stay for long. The migrating animals are just behind us. The city will be destroyed in no time."

"Alright," Chang answered. "What about the centipede? Shouldn't it be hungry by now? We didn't allow it to eat for a few days."

"It's all good, insects are better at enduring hunger than mammals anyways," Shui Qing explained. "Though, I think we should bring it somewhere where it could feed itself. Otherwise, when it's starving, it'll rebel and resist our commands."