
Meeting The God of Lust

I walked into the tavern and sat beside Ikeshia. She looked at me and smiled then took a sip of her beer then closed her eye. I ordered myself a Lime Cooler.

"You aren't with your wife?" Ikeshia teased.

"No I'm not with my wife." I said in a mocking tone then sighed. "Besides she's not here. She's at work."

Ikeshia chuckled and opened her eyes then gave a soft sigh. "And seven years ago she was a very shy and straightedged girl. Now look at her. She's possibly one of the best in Elvania barely reaching her mom in magic prowess. She was also trained by the God of Esoria himself."

"Mind giving me a little history lesson about you all?" I asked.

Ikeshia nodded then stretched and popped her back. She sighed then adjusted her eye patch. "Seven years ago, there was a man named Shiro Moji who came to this world and took it by storm. When we first met, I attacked him because I thought he was a bandit as well. He overpowered me and only got stronger from there."

"Where is he now?" I asked and took a sip of my drink.

"He's a Wandering God. He could be anywhere in Esoria. He became a god and decided to help the other Goddesses rule over the world." Ikeshia said then took a sip of her beer and lowered her head. "Hey Victoria...send another one this way."

"This is your fifth one already." The woman sighed.

I looked at Victoria and noticed she had elf ears and long blonde hair with pink eyes. "Victoria?"

"Oh yeah she used to be a Love Demon. Seven years ago, Sex Demons and Love Demons were a thing. They were the cause of many wars here. I believe the true purpose of them was to find a suitable person who was strong enough to break that curse. Shiro of course broke that curse, saving the Love Demons and Esoria." Ikeshia said as she caught the cup of beer when Victoria slid it her direction.

"I still think of Shiro as my master, but he told me to be my own person and that he refuses to be my master." Victoria smiled then closed her eyes as she cleaned some cups.

"I see." I nodded then took another sip of my drink.

I heard the door open and looked back seeing Faylen walk in. She sat beside me and ordered an apple juice. "I can't wait to enter the National Destiny Tournament. Rumor has it that the winner will be able to meet any of the royals of their choosing! I really wanna see Queen Lusella again! Oh yeah! Shiro is in Destiny Central! Ikeshia let's catch him before he leaves!"

"Eh?!" Ikeshia looked surprised.


"Oh you're just being nice!" Myrrh laughed and blushed.

I walked in the Destiny Inn and looked around Myrrh saw me then smiled happily. "So..this is the place Myrrh works." I looked ahead then noticed a man standing at the counter.

"Yo!" The man smiled and waved.

"Shiro! It's been like...a few years since I last saw you!" Ikeshia rushed in the Inn.

"Yeah, my time in the Realm of Beyond took longer than I expected." Shiro said then rubbed the back of his head.

Shiro Moji...the supposed God of Esoria and Lust. He had long red hair and gold eyes. I also noticed a little girl holding his hand. I looked at her and she hid behind Shiro. She had red hair styled in a ponytail and bright gold eyes. She looked a lot like her Shiro.

"Awe~ Who's the little one?~" Ikeshia asked.

Shiro looked at the young girl hiding behind him then smiled. "She's actually my daughter, Lusette."

"Oh? Who'd you knock up..?~" Ikeshia smirked and crossed her arms.

"Ikeshia!" Myrrh looked surprised.

Ikeshia laughed softly and rose an eyebrow. "Oh come on, an old friend shouldn't have an issue telling us the deeds~"

"The mother is actually Lusella. I have her for a couple of weeks before I go back patrolling around the world." Shiro smiled then showed his ring. "We are actually married."

"Oh boy, now I wasn't expecting that." Ikeshia laughed.

"Uncle Shiro!" Faylen said happily running into the inn.

"Well well, if it isn't my apprentice. Are you ready to take the tournament by storm?" Shiro smirked.

"You bet your ass I am!" Faylen smirked back.

"Oh yeah?" Shiro chuckled. "Well you better not hold back."

I watched them so casually talk with a literal GOD. I felt really out of place them Myrrh walked from behind the counter and wrapped her arms around me. I blushed and sighed then looked away.

"Let me introduce you, This is Leon! My husband." Myrrh smiled.

"We aren't married." I said.

"I remember years ago Myrrh briefly spoke about you. Well not you in specific but you seem to match the description. As you know, I am Shiro, God of Esoria and Lust. You shouldn't be afraid, I'm not like the Gods on Earth. I don't expect you to fear me or anything." Shiro chuckled then picked up his daughter.

"Papa...I'm hungry." Lusette said then looked at Shiro.

Shiro chuckled and looked at Lusette then smiled. "Well you heard the princess. I'll be heading out, but you can catch me at the tournament."

We waved goodbye to Shiro and his daughter as he walked out the inn.

I looked at everyone and rose an eyebrow. "So he's strong enough to be the God of Esoria huh?"

"Strong enough? He was so strong he was even loved by the Goddesses and still is. His abilities are unmatched. I'll tell you now before he told us he was married, he actually had a huge harem. I was a part of that harem, but it was nice and he really treats every last one of those girls with respect." Ikeshia smiled.

"Ughh...I have like the worst hangover...Never again will I compete against Akira in a drinking contest.." A woman groaned and held her head. "Huh..? Hey girls...and male..."

"Hey Krystal." Ikeshia smiled and waved.

"Hey Ms. Dawn!" Myrrh smiled. "Oh yeah this is Leon, my-"

"I'm not your husband!" I blushed even more.

Krystal is a 37 year old woman who looks pretty good for her age. I mean I've seen her before in those adult magazines back on Earth but never had any interest in her. I really wasn't one for the sexual desire. My libido is pretty conservative if I'm pretty honest.

"Hey there sweetie. It's nice seeing new faces around here. Well I'll be off trying to get rid of this...hangover I have.." Krystal smiled then walked out the inn.

I sat down on a chair and Myrrh sat beside me then smiled, humming happily. "You seem pretty happy."

"Well yeah, you finally know where I work so you can visit me anytime!~ I'd love it if you do." Myrrh blushed and looked at me.

"Yeah..no." I turned my head.

"Come on! It's not all that bad!" Myrrh pouted.

I mocked her for a bit by repeating what she said then looked at her. "I already get enough of you with the lovey-dovey stuff at home. I won't allow it in public."

"I mean...I like you. You're like my soulmate." Myrrh smiled.

"You're insane-"

"-ly interested in you." Myrrh giggled.

I sighed and gave up trying to compete with Myrrh. She's an airhead and if I know anything from the anime I've seen, the rule is to never compete with an airhead.

"So...Where is this tournament gonna be?" I asked.

"Destiny Central's Arena! A lot of strong fighters are gonna enter from around the world! Hey you should enter! Your Azure Flame powers would take the tournament by storm! Of course you'll soon have to fight me and we all know how that will go! I have 2 and you have 0." Faylen smirked. "I was personally trained by Shiro after all."

"Whatever." I rolled my eyes.

I gave a little smile and watched the other girls laugh a bit.

If I was honest...I'm starting to enjoy my time in Esoria. I really like it here especially with people like Myrrh and Faylen, the days are never dull.


Feno stood on a tree branch and watched Ailas walk out the village. He vanished and followed him in th shadows. Ailas walked into the forest and Feno watched him closely. "Is it true that Ailas has the power to defy the effects of the Forest of Beginning..?"

Ailas looked back then Feno hid behind a tree then looked back. Ailas frowned then continued forward.

"Someone...anyone please help me get out of the forest.." A girl cried softly.

Ailas walked to where he heard the voice then Feno followed him slightly. Ailas helped the girl up and a bright light shined on the ground, revealing a path out the forest. Feno was surprised then noticed the path led straight to Old Wellspring. "Follow me.."

"What..? How.." Feno stood on a tree branch and watched Ailas. "I'll need more information about this power..."