
The Truth About The Game

I flopped on the couch and Myrrh sat beside me and cuddled against me. I looked at her then sighed and looked at the ceiling the closed my eyes. "You're delusional...and obsessed. Surprised you aren't lovesick yet."

"I'm not delusional." Myrrh looked at me and pouted.

"You literally fell in love the moment you saw me. I don't know what you read about me, but I am literally nothing special." I said and looked at her.

She held my cheek and smiled at me. She rubbed her thumb against my cheek. "You are special...come on."

I blushed and closed my eyes, sighing softly. Feno entered the home and walked into the living room.

"Whoahoho! Now this is a sight to see." Feno smirked. "The sexual energy from you two is powerful!"

I pushed Myrrh back and blushed even more. "There is no sexual energy between us! None! She's...she's literally just delusional!"

"Mhm. And he's just a guy..." She looked at me and back at Feno. "That you wanna look at, wanna fuck."

There was silence then I looked at Myrrh, blushing hard. She looked at me and back ahead of her. Feno blinked and looked at us.

"A-Are you serious?" I asked.

"Yes." She looked at me.

"This took a weird turn.." Feno laughed awkwardly. "I'll just come back when...the sexual energy dies down."

Feno left the house and closed the door behind him.

Faylen crossed her arms and rose an eyebrow. "Feno, what the heck is up? You're blushing."

"The sexual energy between Leon and Myrrh is just phenomenal.." Feno said.

Faylen giggled and covered her mouth. "You should've seen it coming. I must say, I am a bit jealous that they have a relationship like that. I want some Leon time too! After all he is my partner in-"

I walked out the house, blushing madly. I walked to Faylen and took her arm and walked off. "Faylen! Lets go train!"

"Oh! C-Coming!" Faylen looked surprised.

"I don't know what I'm doing wrong..." Myrrh sighed and walked to the door.

"You're coming off too strongly. He is still new to this world. Give him time, he'll warm up to you." Feno smiled.


I sat on the grass and rubbed my head then sighed. Faylen sat in front of me then tilted her head. "I don't know what to do...Myrrh is a very nice person and sweet...she does a lot for me and I do so little, but I don't have the heart to reject her. Or tell her no..."

"Do you like her?" Faylen asked.

"I don't know. I feel myself being drawn to her at times, but sometimes she becomes way too much for me to handle. The whole marriage thing is too much sometimes...I just don't know.." I groaned and ruffled my head.

We sat in silence for a bit then Faylen raised my head and looked at me. I looked at her then she fixed my hair.

She smiled a bit then placed her hands on her lap. "Just tell her how you feel...she'll understand. She likes you a lot. She can come off a bit delusional, I know but she only means the best."

I nodded then sensed an attack headed to her. I summoned a barrier around us. The energy ball bounced off the barrier and Faylen looked to her right. "That will have to wait.."

"People choose the best times to attack us huh.." Faylen sighed and stood up.

I stood up then noticed multiple illusions surround us. Blue and black flames surrounded me and Faylen summoned her bow. "Stay on guard."

"Hmph you don't gotta worry about me.." Faylen smirked.

We bellowed and dashed towards the illusions. We began to double team one illusion then I kicked the illusion away. Faylen made me duck and jumped then kicked the illusion attacking me away. I looked to my left and pulled her to me then blew the illusion away with my flames.

"There are so many of them...who is this?" Faylen looked around.

"Faylen...Summon a barrier over yourself." I said.

She looked at me then nodded and flew in the air. She summoned a barrier around her body.

"You're all finished!" I said then my blue eyes shined brightly. I bellowed and my flames surged wildly. A black and blue flame pillar emerged to the sky then I began to condense the flames into an energy ball. "Take this!"

I threw the black and blue fireball at the ground and flew in the air, summoning a barrier around my body. The fireball exploded and high winds were produced. The illusions vanished one by one from the power of the destructive power of my flames.

"Ouch!!" A girl's voice was heard in the distance as she hissed in pain from the flames.

I landed on the ground and looked around. I ran to the direction I heard the voice. I saw a girl stand up then I grabbed her neck and slammed her against a tree. She whimpered and looked at me. She had purple hair that went down to her shoulders and her eyes shined blue. "Who the hell are you..?"

"I-I am the student of Queen Illuse of Specter and I uh, I just wanted to see how strong you two were since I heard from Shiro that you were gonna be in the tournament!" The girl cried out. "Please don't kill me!"

I let her go and sighed then crossed my arms. "What is your name?"

"I'm Noxa. I actually...am entering the tournament because I wanna get better at using my power. Right now I can only make the illusions last for about five minutes. I wanna make them how Queen Illuse makes hers." Noxa looked down and rubbed her arm.

"Hey you fucking bitch! Do you know who my siblings are?! I'll have them kill you!" Faylen pointed and bellowed.

"I'm sorry! Don't hurt me!" Noxa cried out.

I held my arm out in front of Faylen. She looked at me then stood down. I looked around then grabbed Noxa's arm then pulled her behind me. She looked surprised and noticed I helped her avoid an attack. "There's another. Faylen."

She nodded and aimed her bow to the sky. She pulled the string then released the string and three arrows were shot at the unknown combatant. A groan was heard then another woman crashed down on the ground. I walked to the other woman and glared.

"I yield! I yield fuck!" The woman said then sat up and shook her head.

"A harpy..?" I looked at her then watched her wings turn into normal arms. "Today just keeps getting even weirder...meeting a god...fighting a spirit and a harpy...what's next? Professor Ailas comes out of the forest with another person saved from the Forest of Beginning?"

"Uh...Leon?" Faylen tapped my shoulder and pointed.

I looked at where she was pointing then facepalmed. "I don't get it. I don't understand this world. I just don't. Someone make it make sense please!"


"So your name is Styx, named after the legendary bird of the Underworld, Styx? Are you like a crow or raven or something?" I asked as I sat against a tree.

"Yeah. I'm actually a harpy of the Raven Descent. My mom is a legendary bird and my dad is a human. I am actually looking to play the Game of Lust. I know who made it too." Styx smiled.

"Who?" Faylen asked.

"Shiro. He created the Game of Lust." Styx said.

I looked at her surprised then looked at Faylen. She was just as surprised as I was. We looked at Styx. "Do you know the rules of the game?"

"Only like two. No Killing when the game isn't active and one of the rewards has to be the Challenger gets to have sex with the host." Styx said.

"Is there a way to beat the Game of Lust?" I asked.

"Nope. There is no end to the Game of Lust. You can play the Game of Lust with only one person, or play it with a million. Just know the game never ends." Styx said.

"So...what you're saying is, you can't beat the game?" I asked.

"It's an endless loop, the great part about it is you don't have to play. Only when someone challenges you or if you challenge them." Styx explained.

I looked at Faylen. I shrugged and smiled. "Well I guess...that's alright. Earth is overrated anyway."

Faylen smiled and nodded. "It is."

"I just got an idea..what if I play the game with Myrrh? I didn't even think about that." I stood up. "Yeah! That's how I'll get her to calm down a bit."

"You know what happens if you lose. 'Ahhhn~ Leon, right there~'" Faylen teased and laughed.

"Sh-Shut up!" I blushed and walked away.


I walked into Myrrh's house and closed the door behind me. I walked to the living room and noticed her sitting alone. I walked to the couch and sat down beside her. She looked at me.

"Leon I-"



"I wanna-"

"You go first." Myrrh smiled.

I looked at her then took her hand. I looked her in the eyes. "Myrrh...play the game of lust with me."

She blushed softly and looked into my eyes. "Wait...what..?"

"I wanna play the game with you. If you win, we can have sex and you can call me your husband all you want. If I win..." I looked at her.

She looked at me and I looked at our hands. My heart was beating softly and I began to blush. "I think I understand-"

"If I win..." I blushed and looked at her. "I want you to teach me how to be as open as you are."

She blushed even more. "Leon.."

"Will you play the game with me..?" I asked.

"Yes! I'll play!" Myrrh smiled and looked at me with shining eyes. "I'll...play the game with you."

I nodded and smiled then kept holding her hands. I couldn't let go...or more like I didn't want to let go. I don't want her to be sad...she finds enjoyment in being like this with me. I don't want to take away her joy.