
Force Users in MHA

The life of a boy and a girl born into the world of My Hero Academia with a strong connection to the Force. Will they live in the light or fall into the dark or perhaps they will be balanced as all things should be. I wrote this cause I felt like writing a story about a power couple. This is my second go at writing a Fan-fic so give it a read if it sounds interesting. I don't own anything in this Fan-fic but my own characters, that means I also don't own anything My Hero Academia related.

a_BMO · 漫画同人
26 Chs


Waking up from a long nap, or was it a short one I'm not sure the point is I'm not dead.

"Or maybe I am" I wondered standing up and taking a look around at my surroundings. I was in an all-white space that stretched on seemingly forever. I could remember everything about my life except how I died. I didn't have any family just a few friends, I immediately felt a pang of guilt when I imagined how a certain person would react to my death.

'She's gonna be pissed, I hope she doesn't do anything too drastic' I thought with a sigh.

Standing surrounded by all-encompassing whiteness I had two options stay where I was or wander around and try to find some kind of exit judging by how no matter how far I looked I couldn't see even a hint of a wall I decided to just sit and wait. After a long time or maybe a short time it was honestly hard to tell, I was starting to worry that I was trapped in some kind of purgatory I heard a voice that sounded both all around me and in my head. The voice was both male and female, young and old.

[Hello, you are correct in thinking you're dead. My condolences it seems it was not yet your time. While you will not be able to reincarnate in the world you lived in previously to make amends for this I will allow you to keep your memory when you reincarnate]

'Hmm reincarnation huh it's not a concept I'm unfamiliar with, though it's unfortunate that I can't go back to my world'

[Indeed, it is a fairly popular concept in certain parts of your world.]

"How do you choose where I reincarnate?" I asked hoping I would get to pick unfortunately my hopes were quickly crushed when I heard the emotionless voice once again.

[Regrettably what world you end up in is left to chance spin this wheel and where it lands is the world where you will reincarnate.] The voice said as a wheel appeared before me. The wheel was split into four sections each with the name of a different world.

1. The world of Naruto

2. The world of Harry Potter

3. The world of Percy Jackson

4. The world of My Hero Academia

I knew about amount about most of these worlds the only outlier would The Percy Jackson I had watched the first movie

When I was a kid and I vaguely remember owning the book but that was the extent of my knowledge.

I had read and watched Naruto all the way through I tried to get into Boruto but I just couldn't get into it. I had read all the Harry Potter books but wasn't confident in remembering the specific details. And lastly My Hero Academia I had watched about halfway through the 5th season but read slightly farther than that. Honestly, I couldn't remember anything other than a rough outline of their plots.

Except for maybe Naruto having watched through it multiple times. But even with extensive knowledge I wasn't completely confident in surviving given the nature of the world. Sighing internally, I decided to just spin it and see what I get.

Watching the wheel as it spun, I found it hard not to think about how ridiculous this whole situation was. As the ticking sound of the wheel began to slow down, I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, and waited for the noise to stop completely.

When the noise stopped completely, I opened my eyes to see the wheel stopped and the arrow pointing at My Hero Academia. 'A world set in the mid-to-late 2100s where 80% of the inhabitants have special abilities called Quirks' I thought recalling what I knew about the setting of the series. I just hope I'm not in the 20% or maybe I should be hoping not to have a glue dispenser or a manga panel for a head. Just when I was lost in thought I heard the voice again.

[Do not worry I'm not so callous as to leave you in a dangerous world with no protection.

You may pick from these three options.]

Just when I heard the voice golden letters appeared in front of me spelling out my options.

[ The potential to have all:

1. The powers and abilities of Magneto(Marvel)

2. The powers and abilities of Nagato Uzumaki(Naruto)

3. The powers and abilities of Grandmaster Luke Skywalker(Star Wars)


[While these powers may seem to be the manifestation of a quirk to the inhabitants of the world they are not and thus cannot be stolen]

Looking at my options I realized that the ethereal voice was serious about giving me some sort of protection. While I wasn't an expert on any of the options but I knew some knowledge about each one. Magneto was a master of magnetism and I think he also had control over the electric magnetic spectrum and a few other things.

For Nagato, his powers mainly come from his Rinnegan which grants the user all the chakra natures. It also gives the user access to the Six Paths Technique: the Deva Path controls attractive and repulsive forces; the Asura Path can mechanically alter one's body; the Human Path has the power to extract souls; the Animal Path can summon various creatures; the Preta Path could absorb chakra; the Naraka Path gains one access to the King of Hell; and the last path the Outer Path that lets the user revive the dead but at the cost of their own life, it gives access to black receivers and chakra chains.

Finally, the one I was most interested in was the Grandmaster Luke Skywalker this option would give me the potential of one of the most powerful Force users. I knew the Force was a powerful and versatile ability to have. It effectively gave the user both telekinesis and telepathy as well as numerous other abilities.

After thinking about my options for an undetermined amount of time I decided to follow my instincts and choose the third option.

[Now that your choice has been made the reincarnation will begin. I wish you the best in your new life.]

And just as the voice finished talking my vision went dark.

I tried make the abilities the protagonist could choose equally appealing, but I'm not expert in comics so let me know what you would have chosen.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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