
Fate/Hallowed Spring

A fanfiction of Fate Series... In 2042 disasters after disasters struck earth, it is said that the world is ending within a year or earlier. But, humanity wanted to live. And so they were given a chance, a prophecy came from the church. A Holy Grail...No. A Greater Grail is the prize... But there is something wrong.... In this series different heroic spirits from different countries will be shown...

GrayWB018 · 漫画同人
91 Chs

Chapter 25.4: A Priest and A Demon

Date: 18th of May 1742| 9:40 PM

Location: Corway, Ybalish

*Karma's Perspective* (I used Luna to make it easier to understand)

The church was slowly collapsing. We were left with no choice but to go out.

"It is 2 vs 1 do you think you can win this? Priest-san"

"Hm. Indeed I am in a dire situation…. Now then, how shall I overcome this predicament?"

"Why not pray to that god of yours?" Park Binna asked sarcastically

"Hmmm." The priest placed his right hand in his chin thinking. "Indeed"

"Wha?!!?" Binna was stunned, because he took her words seriously.

"God will help me in times of need… Hmm, you are right I should've ask for his guidance"

Park Binna sighed "Is he for real?" she raised her eyebrows in disbelief

(Master!) Caster suddenly called through telepathy

(What is it?)

(Oh. So you are still alive Master?)

(Why does it feel like you want me dead?)

(I thought of no such things, Master)

(So? What is it?)

(I was left facing with 3 servants here)

(3? That's awfully many for you)

(It is giving me a hard time)

(You need help?)

(If it is possible)

So that is why he wants to isolate me away from Caster. They sent 3 servants to him. It is a lot considering situation. Should I use a command spell? Giving away my trump card easily won't do.

"Damn… this was not part of my contract" Binna suddenly said

I looked around and one by one zombies and golems appeared. In a matter of seconds, we were already surrounded by zombies and golems

"Is your god? a god of death? I was not aware of that" I asked him

"He is not. He is the supreme being who governs life and death. Everything in this world is his, and all of the undeads here are all heretics who rebelled against our god. Heh, a fitting punishment for them" he smiled

"Hey, Karma" Binna called


"I heard from a certain someone that you are immortal. Can I ask something?"

"I am not actually immortal. But I guess I can hear you out"

"Can I run away? Haha" a let out a forceful laugh.

"I guess…? If you could, but if you can escape before they slaughter you to shreds."

"Haha… I guess I should just work overtime then…" She brought out a dual pistol and started stretching

"You are a master right?" I asked pointing at her command seals

"Yep. And just call me Luna, Calling me Binna or Park is annoying when I am not in Korea"

"Got it, Anyways, Luna can you send your servant to help out, Caster?" I asked

"Already using my name? Nevermind that. Well he is already on his way there. But there was a slight issue so he took care of it first"

"That's fine."

"I see you are prepared to face judgment. But let me first ask, Mister Karma, why you a personification of death helps the living?" The priest asked looking at me straight to my eyes.

A personification of death. The curse given to me for breaking a taboo. The immunity to the concept called 'death' and the curse of 'living' of slowly losing everything I love. One by one, disaster struck to those whom "I" love. I am allowed to be happy but will be devastated later, in every positive thing "I" do will be change into negative. It is really an annoying curse but without it I would've died from the first war.

"Death will cease to exist without life." I answered

"I see… Just like shadow cannot exist without light. Indeed a great reason. Well then, shall I grant you the concept of death." He held his ankh tightly and soon after it shone brightly and slowly a sword was formed. A silver long sword, the hilt was decorated with gold and a large round sapphire in the middle.

"A sword that has the concept of death? That is something I don't see everyday" I smirked

"And you still have time to joke?" Luna asked

"Not really. It is really troublesome" I reverted back to my poker face

And without warning, the undeads started their attacks. Luna continuously repelled them with the guns and was throwing them around using judo.

"There is really a lot of them!!" she shouted holding her guns shooting and was already gasping for air.

We were under a series of attacks with no time to rest. If you move to the right a zombie will attack, if you tried to dodge the golems will attack. It is really annoying to keep this up. I should clean them all in one sweep.

"Can you jump high?" I asked while also swinging my sword

"I can, You have a plan?"

"To wipe them out"

She smiled "That makes thing easier" she leaned and touched her feet. After touching it, it shone bright blue in color and after that she jumped. It was high around 3 floors of a building.

"Sitan" I called out to her and raised the sword "Devour"

Indescribable screams can be heard. I swung my sword 360 horizontally, and it produced a slash with dark black flames on them and anything it touched was burned to ashes.

The sight was full of burning corpses and buildings. "That will do" I sighed and laid down my sword but—-

*Sheik* "GAH" I suddenly spout out blood and I can see a sword through my chest.

"I was really surprised such a simple trick worked on you" he told me

I coughed up some blood but I smiled "Got you" I told him

Luna appeared from the dust shooting his two legs and arms disabling them and making him drop to his knees in the process. He let go of the sword.

"Tch. A surprise attack?!!?"

I pulled out the sword from my back

"Tch. Even if I can't die from this it still hurts as hell" I grumbled while blood was gushing.

Luna rushed and used magic stones with healing enchantments.

"Are you that oblivious to death??!!?" she shouted angrily while bringing out potions from a bag that was enchanted with spatial attribute.

"I'm fine" I sighed

"This is the first time I saw someone they said they are fine with a hole on their chest" she said calmly this time. While healing me.

"So? How come the priest didn't——"

"See me?" she followed up "I used a familiar when I jumped, the priest thought I was still in the air."

"I see"

"Truly, wonderful" the priest talked, he stood up and backed away.

Luna glared at him and went on a defensive

"This should all keep you busy for a while" the priest smiled snapping his finger and suddenly a large ball of flame fell.


"WHAT!??" Luna grabbed me by the collar and threw me far. I rolled on the ground to reduce the damage and Luna soon followed.

"Just what is that?" I looked up in the sky and saw a meteor falling. It is a lot bigger than the town and saying it will definitely reduced the whole place to ashes is not an exaggeration.

"Are you planning to bring us down with you?" I asked standing slowly

"Not really, but still this will surely remove some of the important pieces in this game.

"Wh….WHAWHAWHA!!! WHAT ARE WE GONNA DO!?!?!? I KNEW IT I SHOULDN'T HAVE ACCEPTED THIS JOB!!!" Luna shouted pointing at the large meteor slowly descending to us.

"Calm down, Luna" I told her

"CA-CA-CALM DOWN!!!! WHAT DO YOU MEAN BY THAT??" she shouted back while tears falling from her eyes.

Calming her down is useless… I can survive the meteor but anyone around here will surely die. The priest has already vanished. Did they prepared an escape route?

"Master" Caster arrived at the scene along with someone who is wearing a…. A turtle like armor? No it is just like what the usual eastern foot soldier wear back in the 1500's. Is it chainmail? No it just looks like turtle spots….?

"Iyaaah. This is a problem huh?" The man said

"RI-RIDER DO SOMETHING ABOUT THAT!!!" Luna shouted at him and pointed at the meteor.

"I apologize milady. I know I have survived countless battles that was deemed impossible… But this is not something I just can do" He apologized


Ken and Haruka also arrived.

"That's a large one huh?" Haruka commented

"Is this really the time to give compliments?" Ken replied on Haruka's comment with a sharp glare

"HAHAH sorry sorry" Haruka just laughed it off while scratching her head.

Caster's Noble Phantasm can only be used on a servant….

"Haruka's Noble Phantasm can't be used for something like that. And even if we tried it will just spread the damage to a larger area" Ken said

"Noble Phantasm? So you found out your true name?" I asked


"Rider's Noble Phantasm can't also be used on something like a meteor…." Luna answered calmly like she lost all hope.

"If we tried to escape only Haruka's speed can make it out of here" Ken said

"Is this checkmate?" I asked everyone

But surprising another visitor arrived

She was a small girl and was hugging a notebook. She kept walking and walking. Her long white hair and bright red eyes will make people never forget her.

"E-Eris??!?!?" Haruka shouted in surprise and approached her.

Eris ignored Haruka and stared at the meteor. She was calm, very calm. Not something a child her age will do in front of a meteor.

She raised her left hand pointing at the meteor and said "Begone"

We were stunned to hear her say something. But what surprised us the most is…

"It turned into flowers???" Luna shouted

The large meteor capable of reducing this town to ashes vanished and it has now turned into a big ball of flower petals…. The petals slowly fell from the dark sky, like a newly arrive spring.

"Yo.. You did that? Eris?" Haruka asked

Eris nodded

The mysterious silent girl did something outrageous but there was no hints of it from her face… Just who is this girl?

———————————————Chapter End————————-

I used Luna instead of Binna so I won't confuse the readers and myself. I am not used in writing and using Korean names, so I change it this way. Hopefully, I didn't make any mistakes about the names. If I ever did a mistake then please feel free to tell me.

A sword with a concept of death or an immortal slayer- An example of this is Medusa's(Lancer) Scythe.

I reallly really really apologize for the very late release. I was swamped with school works this past weeks that I didn't even have enough sleep. I might miss more updates in the future but I will try my best to atleast release 1 or 2 chapters every week. Once again I apologize to everyone.

GrayWB018creators' thoughts