
Elemental Ninja

Our Mc finds himself in a world beyond what he hoped for. Does he have what it takes to survive what the future has in store for him. A.U. ---------------- This is my first fic so be nice please. or don't idc. synopsis is mid. Do some stuff in the comments or stones or something.

OofMySenpai · 漫画同人
16 Chs

Chapter 5: Class

A/N: The chaps feel short for the amount of time in between uploads so I'm gonna make them longer. But I already have like 11 chaps in the bank, so 12 onward I'm gonna try 2.5 or 3k words.


'Word' = Thoughts

"Word" = Speach

*Word* = Sound



"Alright everyone, For our first lesson, we need to see where you all stand physically." Iruka proceeded to lead the class out to the training field, stopping on a running track. "First, everyone on the track!" he told them.

Naruto practically jumped over exclaiming excitedly, "Oh I'm so gonna win the race." As he's running in place rearing to go Iruka continues. "Stamina Training, All of you will run around the track for the next hour." Hearing this Naruto slumps over. "Endurance running?! I'm only good at sprinting!"



-----1 Hour Later-----



At the end of the one-hour mark, there were only five kids left on the track. Two civilian kids and the other three were Irano, Sasuke, and Moriyama. "Good work everyone, Take a thirty-minute breather then we will move on to Taijutsu." Now it was time for Irano to get excited. He had been practicing fighting ever since he first saw his mother training.






As Irano is playing on the back porch of his home he looks over and is mesmerized. There his mother is training in a fighting style he remembers seeing before, It features deeply extended postures connected by quick fluid transitions, able to quickly change the direction in which force is issued. She then strikes out sending out a plume of fire. 'That's a firebender fighting style! That was FireBending!' He then runs up to her.

"Mommy! Mommy!" He yells out. Scared Asuno stops what she is doing looking over to Irano running to her. "What is it?! What's wrong?!" Irano continues "That was so pretty, How did you do that without moving your hands like Papa?" Calming down seeing that nothing was wrong she answers him. "Thank you, dear. As for that question, we can save that for when you're older."

'Damn. Alright, let's try this.' "Can you teach me how to do what you did? I want to be like you." He pleads with puppy dog eyes. His mother not being able to resist caves, while simultaneously wanting to test if he was a bender like her or a shinobi like her husband.

"Alright, Come here stand in front of me and follow my movements." Standing apart from each other his mother takes a stance, Feet apart one fist close to her chest, the other outstretched. and Irano follows perfectly. "Very good, Keep it up."

She continues, Crossing her right foot in front of the left bringing her fists close to her chest. Irano does the same flawlessly. Putting her left foot out with her hands still in front of her she then strikes out with her right hand launching fire yet again.

Irano follows suit, But as he strikes out instead of an orange flame similar to what his mother has. Out of his fist shoots an almost blindingly white flame. 'Whoa, cool.' Irano looks at his hand stunned. As he does his mother screams in happiness "AHHHHHHAHAH! You're a fire bender just like your mommy!" She picks him up spinning him around kissing him all over his face.



-----Back to Present-----



Irano was brought out of his thoughts only to see that his classmates were done fighting and it was now his turn. "Irano, Kiba, You're up." As they both get up Kiba makes a statement. "Don't worry, this will be quick!" "Both of you make the spar sign," Iruka tells them.

They both make the spar sign and then get into their own stances. Kiba getting on all fours like a wild dog, And Irano taking a low stance with his feet apart.


Kiba rushes at at Irano and jumps into the air ready to strike him down in one hit. But he sees Irano start to spin backward fast while extending his left leg outward.

As Kiba falls out of the sky at Irano, Irano does a Spinning Back kick. The flat of his foot lands directly on Kibas cheek sending him crashing to the floor, out cold. "Winner Irano," Iruka says. While the rest of the class stands there in stunned silence.

"Alright, all of you head towards the targets over there while I take Kiba to the infirmary to lie down."

On the way over some girls start chasing after Irano mesmerized by the fight they just saw and wanting to get closer to him. Naruto then jumps in next to him and they start talking. "Have you been practicing your shurikenjutsu Naruto?" Irano asks. "Yeah, you?" Naruto responds. "I had to use rocks, Mom didn't want me throwing sharp things until I got to the academy.



-----4 Hours Later-----



The Shuriken jutsu wasn't as bad as I expected. I got fourth place, Shuriken and rocks are very different so It took me some time to get used to the difference in weight. But after that were three hours of theoretical classes and that was terribly boring. Thank god it's over and I can go home now.

Walking into his home he finds his mother reading a book. She looks up asking how his first day was. "It was great I got to show off how strong I was! Hey mom can we do more training?" He asks hoping to get more fire bending in. "Sure I haven't exercised today, Let's go."

For the next hour or so they went from just performing the movements of a Firebender to releasing their fire as well. Towards the end, Irano stops doing the movements And starts to wonder. 'Why haven't I tried using the other elements yet? I don't actually need their style of bending to do it.'

Asuno looks at her son as he follows her instructions that is until he stops and looks at the ground with an inquisitive look. "Irano what's wrong? Are you tired alre..." She starts to ask why Irano has stopped his practice so soon, that is until he starts up again.

Taking a stance he does a leg sweep across the ground, As he does instead of the usual white fire, A wave of earth comes out of the ground and crashes into a nearby tree. 'Nice, that's how you do it!' As he's internally celebrating he realizes something.

Looking back he can see his mother staring at him. Dazed and confused.


How will his mom react to him being able to use earth bending as well? Irano has never before seen white fire! Will we ever get mom backstory?

This chapter was all over the place, that's my bad, I had already started the classroom interactions when I remember saying I would talk about his gift.

Sorry, I didn't have him use all the bending types.

1103 words

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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OofMySenpaicreators' thoughts