
Elemental Ninja

Our Mc finds himself in a world beyond what he hoped for. Does he have what it takes to survive what the future has in store for him. A.U. ---------------- This is my first fic so be nice please. or don't idc. synopsis is mid. Do some stuff in the comments or stones or something.

OofMySenpai · Anime & Comics
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16 Chs

Chapter 4: Start

'Word' = Thoughts

"Word" = Speach

*Word* = Sound



Waking up, Irano can see he's back home in his crib. 'Oh man, we survived the night, Thank god.' In his own thoughts, he hears the door to the room he's in open. Hearing the steps getting closer, He looks up and smiles seeing his father.

Picking Irano up he says, "Ohhh, are you happy to see me," kissing him on the cheeks. "Well, I'm happy to see you." He says mostly to himself seeing as there is no way for his son to understand him.

Walking to a nearby rocking chair and sitting down, He holds his son close to his chest. After the night he had, fighting the personification of rage, he just needed to sit down and hold his only child. After rocking for a few seconds he passed out.






"Sensei!"x2 Jiraya and Tsunade exclaim rushing to his side, Seeing he's bleeding profusely from the wound in his chest Tsunade starts using her medical ninjutsu. After using up all of the strength gained from the Strength of a Hundred Seal when fighting the nine tails, her healing wasn't as good as it should be.

"This isn't working!" Biting her thumb and going through some hand signs she slams her hand on the ground near her. "Katsuyu I need you!"

From a cloud of smoke appears a Giant slug. "Oh my, Hiruzen Dono what happened to you?!" the slug says in shock. "Katsuyu hurry!" Tsunade yells to her summon. "Right away," she responds.

Dividing herself into hundreds of smaller slugs they move to surround both Tsunade and Hiruzen, Beginning the healing process for him while providing chakra to Tsunade so she can help with healing.

As that is happening Nawaki looks over to Dragon sitting with Kushina's head on his lap. Walking over he asks, "Minato, how is she doing?" 

"She will be fine Hokage sama, She just needs to rest." He states looking towards him. "You should take her to Naruto, I'm sure she will appreciate it when she wakes up," Nawaki suggests.

"Thank you Hokage sama, I will be back to help soon," Minato says gratefully body flickering away towards the Uchiha compound. Looking out towards the destruction caused by the kyuubi he felt aggrieved at the sight.

But at the same time, he felt grateful that the attack was limited to the main gate and the are the area surrounding it. The village could be rebuilt, But the people lost couldn't be brought back. The village would feel the damage dealt today for years to come.

Hearing the sound of Katsuyu disappearing he looks over towards his sister. "Nee-san?" he calls out to Tsunade questioningly. She looks over to him with a slight smile she says, "He is stable, But I need to get him to the hospital for further evaluation."



-----Time Skip-----



*Hah* "So here my journey begins." Irano says to himself standing in front of a large building with the kanji for fire right on the front, The Ninja Academy.

He stood at 4,5/1.37m with short spiky light brown hair like his father, and golden eyes and sharp features like his mother. The spitting image of both his parents.

(Image here)

Behind him, a spiky-haired blond kid says to him in a mock jocking fashion. "You talking to yourself again Irano, Stop being weird," he says chuckling. "You're one to talk Naruto, Today is the first day I haven't seen you attached to your mother's hip." He says in faux annoyance.

They both stare at each other in anger, Gritting their teeth, Looking like they're about to fight, They then both bust out laughing as this is how they usually greet each other. 

Stopping their laughter Irano asks mockingly, "Are you ready to be stuck behind me for the next six years Naruto?" "Hah! I was going to ask you the same question, But hey only time will tell."

They shove each other as they both rush to see who can get inside their classroom first. Naruto makes it in first and proceeds to taunt Irano. "Hah, See I told you I'm faster." Irano in slight annoyance responds with "Whatever, I'm still stronger than you."

Looking around for empty seats they find two in the middle of the classroom. Taking their seats their teacher, a man in a green flak jacket with a giant scar across his nose walks in. "Okay class before we get started by opening up the Chakra coils of those who need it, Why don't we introduce ourselves with our names and future aspirations?



(A/N: I'm just gonna do the rookie 9, Irano, and the future LI.)



"Who wants to go fir.." Iruka is cut off as Irano practically stands on his chair proclaiming. "I'm Irano Senju, and I'm gonna be the strongest there is!" Not wanting to be one-upped the boy next to him does the same. "I'm Naruto Uzumaki, and I'm going to be the next Hokage.





"Pft." Irano looks to the back of the class to see two blond girls sitting there, Similar enough to be twins yet he can tell the difference. One of them was trying to stifle her laugh but couldn't. While the other was nudging her trying to get her to stop. Seeing that she's been spotted by the one she's laughing at averts her eyes, whistling.

The rest of the class continues to introduce themselves, Most of them being civilian-born. The last nine were the more important ones in the class, Clan heirs, and the main cast. He knows a few like Sasuke, though that's from their mothers being friends. He also knows Shikamaru, and Choji because they hang out with him and Naruto a lot of the time.

"Shikamaru Nara, I don't really want to do anything." He says, yawning towards the end.

"Choji Akimichi, I want to eat all the chip flavors in the world!" He says, smiling excitedly as if imagining the chips.

 "I'm Kiba and this is Akamaru, We're gonna be the strongest duo in the world!" He says arms crossed with a wide grin.

"Sakura Haruno here, I'm going to be the greatest kunoichi." She says with a smile throwing up peace signs.

"I'm Ino Yamanaka the cute twin, And I'm going to lead the intelligence division one day." She says winking to the whole class.

"Hinata Hyuga, I want to be strong." She says briefly, averting her eyes from everyone. 

"Shino Aburame, I want to cultivate the most powerful insects." He says staring blankly at the teacher.

Sasuke seeing that the other blond girl isn't going, starts his introduction.

"Sasuke Uchia, I want to get strong like my big brother." All the girls in the class practically swoon over him. Except for the blond girl who has yet to be introduced.

'Tch, why are they fawning over that bro-con, so annoying!' she thinks annoyedly at her sister and the rest of the girls.

"Moriyama Yamanaka, I'm gonna be the strongest sword user to ever exist!" She exclaims with one foot on the desk and a fist in the air.

'Blond hair and emerald green eyes. She kinda looks like a young Mordred from the Fate series.' "Hmm."

(Image Here)


Introductions out of the way, New character, Sasuke wants to be just like his brother and not kill him?! WTF!

Future love Interest is gonna be a Mordred look alike with possibly more similarities, Cause Im simping. 

Next chapter, using gift for the first time. 

1219 words

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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