
Dragon Incarnation

(TEST) RELEASE RATE INFO BELOW... Tyler has never had an easy life ever since he was in elementary school, it was even a little unfair. One day his bad luck finally breaks and he discovers AlKo online. A massive fantasy world filled with magic and mythical beasts awaits him. Numerous unfathomable threats and catastrophes stalk this world with ravenous eyes. A new powerhouse is born and the major powers can't ignore him. His great ambition, which was suppressed in the real world, runs wild and his strength expands rapidly. Absolute power... Overwhelming strength... Unshakeable influence... Vast wealth... Endless knowledge and potential... Beautiful women... His ridiculous growth speed startles the gods and devils alike as he obtains everything and anything. All who threaten or get in his way are brutally put down. All who aid him only see great benefits and a bright future. A legend is birthed... Tags: Romance//System//Action//Harem//R-18//Adventure//Fantasy//Game//Ambitious MC//Cunning & Smart MC//Comedy//Polygamy//Overpowered MC//Fantasy//Prodigy MC//Strong from Start// Non-human MC//Hidden Gem Infrequent Tags: Tragedy//Strategy//Yuri(rarely)//War//Politics//Economics//Gore(sometimes extreme)//Modern//Urban//Sci-fi//Futuristic//School//Psychological (This means they might not be frequent or will appear much later on) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ {TEST RELEASE RATE} FRIDAY: 2 chapters This is my TEST release rate to see if I can handle it. I'm still a new author so need to see what I can handle. I will try hard to abide by this release rate but I do have the stuff to do in real life so please bear with me if I’m late or I miss it. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ {COMMON QUESTIONS} NOVEL’S FUTURE: This story is quite special to me because I’ve loved reading my whole life and I thought I’d give it a try. This is my first novel and I have big (and I mean BIG) plans with a really solid storyline planned out for its future. I truly don't plan on dropping this book or leaving it alone for unreasonable periods of time because I feel like I’ve invested too much of my energy and emotions to just give up on it. FAKE WORLD CONCERN: Some people are discontent with the fact that the world that the MC focuses on is all fake and virtual, but all I can say is that you shouldn’t be worried about that!! After all, I’m a reader too..... I know how you guys tick because I’m one of you so I would have similar feelings. Just wait and see what happens. MORAL ALIGNMENT: I believe readers get a little confused on the MC’s moral alignment (at least in the beginning) and I don't blame them, he’s a complicated fellow. He usually does whatever he wants with little care for the other party unless they interest and/or benefit him and his ambitions, or his principles or bottom-line get in the way. When he makes decisions, he can respond like a ”lawful neutral”, ”neutral good”, or ”chaotic neutral”. I would say he’s morally grey… His strong views on matters such as slavery and extremely unethical organizations such as the Archaic Church stem from past experiences in real life that will be explained. I’d have to say that the MC is in between an ”anti-hero” and an ”anti-villain”. The main force that drives him is his unnaturally large ambition and yearn for power, which strengthens his end game goal… world domination. OCCASIONAL NAUGHTINESS: Concerning the (+18) scenes and chapters, I don't go heavy on them. I mainly focus on the storyline with the occasional scene or chapter as a cherry on top! They’re short and sweet and I try my hardest to not let them be lacking, but also not dwell on them. SINCERELY hope that you enjoy it!!!!! (The title image isn't mine and if the original creator wishes to have the credit or for it to be taken down, please contact me through comments.)

TitanicApex711 · 游戏
98 Chs

Void Tutoring II

Kyren was slightly surprised by the improvements to such a basic spell. There was more change than the last time he innovated something. Lucien was also dumbfounded by the potential of the spell.

:::*Cough* Let's continue onto teleportation then.:::

Lucien explained how there was a couple of types of instantaneous travel but the one he used was the most common. This method only shortened the distance between two points by wrinkling space and time. They used a mental piece of paper to model. The paper represented space while a dot was the initial point before teleportation.

Random teleportation was messy and half-assed in the opinion of all void users because it scrunched the paper into a ball where the dot would then appear practically anywhere on the paper. Traditional teleportation on the other hand would neatly fold the paper so the two specific points would connect without question.

Kyren willed the flow of the void mana to come to him and took his time to gain complete control. He was then instructed to imagine a place and transmit this memory of it to the magicules so they could link up with the place in question. It actually took him a few tries before he was confident that the location wouldn't be random.


<You have discovered the spell, [Teleportation].>

When his eyes adjusted to their new surroundings on a nearby island, he discovered that it was a success despite it only being in the general area of his preselected location.


A couple of hours of practice and he was getting far more used to it, even close to mastery. He would teleport around so fast that it looked like there were multiple of him with numerous afterimages. It felt exhilarating!

He also learned [Gate], another form of teleportation. It would open a gateway or hole in the air and one could walk to the other side where their destination was. There was also [Warp] which would move him however far in one direction in front of him at speeds far faster than the snail that's known as light. This was incredibly dangerous though because if anything besides a gas, essentially a solid of a liquid, is in your line of trajectory then you would be getting off lightly with a mortal wound or death.






Tier VII


Movement Spell


The minimum is 1,000 mana but it depends on the magnitude of the spell

{Passive Ability}

<Disappearance> Using this spell will no longer make any noise or emit an effect.

<Lingering Presence> Depending on how fast you use [Instant Cast], an afterimage will take your place.

{Active Ability}

<Instant Cast> Casting time for this spell has been shortened to 40 milliseconds.

<Mass Teleporter>If all of the requirements are met and some extra mana is utilized, you can take up to 25,000 units worth of individuals with you.


A spell for an instant movement that can be used in combat or travel. Spell's potency has been affected by your large affinity for the elements in use.


Must have a place in mind. If the destination has obstacles in the way then it will fail.


"So all I have to do is imagine someplace? In and out pant raid... or perhaps I could 'borrow' some fries from a fast food place."


:::Well, if you're already able to do this so easily then why not try to make your own ability unique to you for your next lesson. I wanna see where this goes.:::

"Hmm," He plopped down on the ground in a crisscross position and folded his arms. His eyes tightly closed shut as he tried to think of something cool and useful.

After about twenty minutes of pacing and sitting down, a vague idea came to mind and he would need a test subject. Large amounts of void mana started gathering around him and condensing as he did for his elemental comprehension training. Once the mana got to a certain point, he teleported away and severed his connection to the magicules. The mana went violent as it contained too much power, and an elemental calamity began to form. After a few minutes, space and reality cracked, and what he now knew as a "gate" began to form. Before it even finished creating itself, large or small tentacles and tendrils looking slimy slithered out of the cracks with obvious impatience to get through.

The behemoth-ranked monster that came out of the gate felt quite stronger than the behemoths from the surface level. This was because the mana density was far greater here.

Kyren calmly squinted at the humongous monstrosity before him, 'Octopus? No, I giant squid I think.'

<Do you not know what a Kraken is? Aren't they like super famous back on Earth or are you just a dumbass?>

'Tch, I obviously knew what it was!'

When Leo cursed, which he did from time to time when they had conversations, it sounded a bit hilarious because of his faint sophisticated, and butler-like accent. When he first entered AlKo online, before he was shoved into the eerie black fog, he was given countless forms, waivers, and contracts to sign and go over before he was allowed to enter the game and one of them was to further customize his helper AI if he was given one. The cursing function was optional but it made him feel more approachable and down-to-Earth.

While they bickered inside his head carefree of the towering danger, the behemoth was getting increasingly hostile while the old man calmly watched through Kyren's vision, waiting to see what he'd do.

The Kraken had dark navy blue, rubbery, shiny skin with white/cyan lightning-like patterns covering its fifty-meter tall body. The pitch-black mantle(1) and fins on top of its head had small funnels protruding in random spots that flooded out a fog that formed a dark thundercloud above its head. There were considerably more tentacles on it than regular squids that each had pencil-sized curved spikes lining them. Eerie siren-like howls and screeches were being fabricated by it and that made him uncomfortable. Other than the two bright yellow eyes on its face, one larger eye squirmed and glanced in all directions on its forehead looking manic. The massive creature was also floating high above the ground making its movements look ominous and heart-dropping.

Two dozen menacing tentacles propelled toward Kyren at blinding speeds like whips.



The tentacles pierced through Kyren's afterimage and struck the ground. The manatium he was once standing on cracked slightly to everyone's surprise and Lucien shuddered. Thunder clouds raged and attempted to strike him every time he would appear whether or not he was within the Kraken's sight.

After a while, the creature's tactics changed drastically and all three of them got confused by what it was doing. The tentacles multiplied magically and burst forth from its body, spreading out through the atmosphere but not touching the ground or Kyren. His danger sense started ringing, telling him that a surprise attack was about to hit him, and he darted in a random direction.

*Pang* *Pang* *Pang* *Pang*.....

The entire surface of the island was being bombarded by invisible and visible whips making a horrible din against the metallic crystals. While Kyren almost effortlessly dodged each invisible strike, he noticed out of the corner of his eye that the Kraken's main body was inflating like a water balloon with fluorescent blue magic circles hovering around it. He realized that the attacks it was throwing at him and the island were all distractions to give it time to prep for something. He didn't do anything though because he still couldn't control his strength, he could heavily wound it before his experiment even started.

Steam was coming off of its skin and the violent heat waves could be felt across hundreds of meters doing continuous quadruple-digit damage to him. As soon as the giant calamari finished prepping, the discreet mouth on its underside opened up abruptly showing thousands of razor-sharp fangs and even more steam.


Literal tons of boiling water and what looked most likely like a purple poison gushed out and threatened to swallow the entire island.

<Ahh, so the tentacles above you are meant to prevent you from escaping by air! Another mystery solved...> Leo sincerely disliked things he didn't understand.

Kyren was unfazed by the incoming attack and was about to use hydrokinesis to nullify it when he felt the overwhelming temperature it let off, "I'd rather not get stung. *Sigh* Guess I'll just do this the old fashioned way."

He raised his dominant arm in preparation for a chop and used [Gene Transformation: Focused Transformation(right arm)]. Draconic energy radiated off of him and his limb grew more than two times his size.


His regular attack was quick and decisive while luckily not going berserk. Winds cut through and shoved the water off the island. The Kraken had no time to react because it went into a [weakened] and [dazed] state as soon as it launched one of its ultimate moves so it was inevitably thrown into a nearby large crystal from the aftershocks of the strike like a ragdoll. The illusionary tentacles withered and turned to ash while its body continued to deflate.

Behemoths were generalized as lower grade transcendent like himself. However, the Kraken most likely had "-U" power and was worlds stronger than the previous behemoths at the T~grade. He had "U" power on the other hand and the power difference between the creature and Kyren was just too vast so the boss-type creature could only be treated like a punching bag that will inevitably break. After all, "+" and "-" signs really start counting once one gets stronger.

'Hey, isn't this my first legit fight? Make sure to record the whole thing as a keepsake...'

[Draconic Prestige]

Kyren's arm shrank and he menacingly walked over to the lightly wounded Kraken with a devilish grin. It trembled in fear as it realized that it just offended an Elder Dragon in a whole other league on its own. It only had one choice if it ever wished to survive...


A creature wishes to form a master-servant pact with you for eternity to solidify its subservience... Do you accept it?



<Congratulations on being the first player to defeat/subdue the boss-type behemoth with the social status of [Tyrant of the Four Southern Seas]! You may go to the Shrine of Honor to claim your achievement reward.>

He was utterly flabbergasted by the notifications and the soon-to-be seafood kneeling its massive head in a horrible attempt to kowtow. He was thinking of this as a traditional boss battle so he thought it would fight to the bitter end contrary to his expectations.

<Here's the observation you requested...>



Ancient Hurricane Kraken of Illusionary Storms






Health> 97%

Mana> 93%

Stamina> 80%

Mental Energy> 99%

Hunger> 100%

Thirst> Infinite

Torpor> 2%




Tyrant of the Four Southern Seas




'Isn't this a little too late?!'

<You're the one without a proper observation ability!>

'Whatever... I can start testing now at least.'

He shook his head and declined the Kraken's desperate pleas. Hope was rapidly draining from its eyes and demeanor as it squished down in depression. It was honorable though so it maintained eye contact with its three eyes and sat up relatively straight in the face of its end.

"I can spare you and maybe even send you back to where you came from if you help me out."

He was extremely interested in what deep-fried Kraken would taste like but he refrained and kept a straight face. The creature went into pure delight, almost looking like an innocent little squid as it bounced up and down.

"Listen closely, this is what I need you to do..."


1: Squid Mantle) The main body of the squid is called the mantle, which fits like a sheath over the internal organs (looks like the cap with the two fins on the side).

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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