
Chapter 4

After his fight with Mira, Beerus called the Oracle Fish to ask him about his prophecy from 39 years ago, one about a Super Saiyan God, so Mira already knew what would happen.

'It seems even with my intervention the events are unfolding like in the Battle of Gods movie.' Mira thought silently as he watched Beerus and Whis talk about the prophecy the Oracle Fish had spoken of.

As he floated on his rock, Beerus closed his eyes, recalling the Seer's words. "See? The Seer's prophecy and my premonition... An arch-rival of mine is going to appear. A Super Saiyan God!" 

Whis, always serene, bowed his head slightly. "It sounds entirely questionable to me. It's hard to imagine an arch-rival for you to begin with, Lord Beerus."

Beerus opened one eye and shot a nonchalant look at his assistant. "Well, even if the arch-rival that the Seer mentioned is an exaggeration, someone fascinating is bound to appear, right? That's why I woke up early this time."

Whis nodded slowly, better understanding the reasons behind Beerus' unusual awakening. "I see. So that's why. So, are you going to go see the Saiyans?" 

"Of course I am." Beerus replied, his tone bordering on impatience. "I have to find this "Super Saiyan God."

"Super Saiyan God, you say? Such over-the-top naming. It ends up sounding tawdry." Whis said as he looked into his Staff, locating the Saiyans. "I found them. Most of the surviving Saiyans, five of them, are in 4032 Green, on Planet 877, living on a world called "earth.""

"Earth? I'm sure I've been to that planet once, long ago." Beerus replied, reminiscing with a grimace. "That's the planet which had something called dinosaurs, which took a rude attitude toward me, so I exterminated them, right?"

Whis nodded with a slight smile, as if all this was a trivial anecdote in the vast history of the god of destruction. "However, one of them, the Saiyan that defeated Freeza, currently appears to be on Kaio of the North's world.

"A Saiyan at a Kaio's place?" Beerus raised an eyebrow, intrigued. "That sounds suspicious. Whis, how long will it take to get there?" 

Whis consulted his staff again, calculating the distance accurately. "Roughly 26 minutes."

"About the length of an episode of TV anime, huh? Sure is far!" Beerus snorted with a mixture of exasperation and resignation. "Well, what choice is there? I'll suck it up and go."

At that moment, Whis turned to Mira, who was listening intently. "Look, I think this would be an excellent time for you to join us. You are no longer just my apprentice, you are also a student of Lord Beerus now."

Beerus looked at Mira with a faint gleam of interest. "What do you think, Mira? You should come. Not only is it an opportunity to learn more, but also to demonstrate your skills as my apprentice."

A smile formed on Mira's face, lighting up his expression. The idea of joining them would mean experiencing the events of the film in person and even meeting the heroes of his childhood, something that was definitely not to be missed. "Yes, I would love to accompany you."

"Well, then," Beerus said, pleased with the decision. "Who knows, maybe this 'Super Saiyan God' will offer him a chance to prove himself."

Whis smiled, feeling that everything was aligned for his apprentice's growth. "So, it's going to be an educational trip for all of us."

The atmosphere changed slightly as Whis extended his staff and, with a faint glow, enveloped the three of them in a sphere of energy. Without wasting any more time, they set off for the planet of the North Kai.

As they made their way through the space, Beerus settled into his seated pose, with a thoughtful expression. Although many saw him as an impulsive and destructive being, his curiosity to find this supposed rival had sparked a genuine interest in him. After all, he didn't get up from his sleep every day to do something as mundane as destroying planets. This Saiyan could represent something else, an opportunity to challenge himself in a way he hadn't experienced in millions of years.

"I wonder," he thought aloud, "if this 'Super Saiyan God' will be as formidable as the prophecy suggests. It's not easy to find someone worthy of a real fight."

Whis, looking at his master out of the corner of his eye, smiled smallly. "We will find out soon, Mr. Beerus. But, if what Frieza has told us about the Saiyans is true, he may find something more interesting in them than he initially thought."

To all this, Mira only looked at them with a neutral expression, but inside he was delighting with every moment knowing what would happen. 'If only they knew.'

"I wonder," Beerus thought aloud, "if this 'Super Saiyan God' will be as formidable as the prophecy suggests. It's not easy to find someone worthy of a real fight."

Whis, looking at his master out of the corner of his eye, smiled smallly. "We will find out soon, Mr. Beerus. But, if what Frieza has told us about the Saiyans is true, we may find something more interesting in them than he initially thought."

The silence on King Kai's small planet was palpable as Lord Beerus, Whis, and Mira descended gently, as if space itself were holding its breath at their arrival. The tension was evident, especially on the face of the nervous North Kai, who was rushing to receive the powerful deities.

"Lord Beerus... ...w-welcome to my... ...humble place. Thank you for coming... all this way..." The King Kai said, bowing repeatedly, beads of sweat beading his forehead.

Beerus approached calmly, with his characteristic nonchalant air. "Long time no see, huh? Kaio of the North..." he said, with a smile that didn't tell if he was being friendly or sarcastic.

The King Kai forced a nervous laugh as he looked around, aware of the small dimensions of his planet. "Y-Yes, my Lord. It's been a long time. I hope your trip was comfortable."

Beerus glanced around with a critical look. "I must say... your world... ...is small, huh?"

The blunt comment caused the King Kai to stutter. "Eh? Y-Yes... I'm terribly sorry. Please excuse the cramped fit." His tone denoted a deep respect and a touch of fear.

Before the awkward moment could deepen, Whis intervened with a serene smile. "Long ago, Lord Beerus destroyed it, making it smaller... taking it out after losing at hide-and-seek."

The King Kai's face visibly paled as Beerus frowned, as if trying to remember the incident. "Oh, did I? However, considering that you restored your world before and didn't bring it back to its original size, you must prefer it to be this small, right?"

The King Kai swallowed, not daring to contradict him. "Eh... Well, it's handy for my... daily activities, my Lord. Y-yes... I guess that's the case."

As the exchange continued, Beerus paused, looking briefly at Whis, who was smiling calmly.

"Oh, I almost forgot. I've brought someone else with me this time. Kaio of the North I introduce you to Mira," Beerus said, pointing to the imposing being standing behind him, who upon hearing that he had been mentioned stepped forward.

"Hi Kaio of the North, it's a pleasure to meet you." Mira said as he bowed to greet him.

"N-Nice to meet you," the King Kai stammered, clearly surprised. "Who is he, Lord Beerus?"

"He's my apprentice." Beerus declared proudly. "I've started training him recently. He's quite promising."

The King Kai bowed nervously. "An apprentice! I didn't know that you had taken someone under your tutelage, Lord Beerus."

Whis nodded with a smile. "Yes, it has been a surprise, but it seems that Lord Beerus has seen something special in Mira as I have."

"Yes, he's pretty strong," Beerus added, in his typical nonchalant tone. "Maybe one day he can take care of some of my chores."

"That sounds... "The King Kai said, still processing the idea that the God of Destruction had an apprentice. "I must say that it is an honor to have you both here."


'Here we go again...' I thought as I watched Lord Beerus and Whis exchange words with the King Kai. I had spent two years training with both of them, and although I was still not the strongest fighter in the universe, I no longer felt that need to prove myself to them. He had fought Beerus. And although the outcome had not been favorable, at least he knew that he could survive his wrath now.

The air on King Kai's planet was different, denser, almost as if the atmosphere itself feared Beerus' presence. However, after so long, that kind of environment no longer intimidated me. He knew what he could do and how far he could go. My power had grown exponentially under Whis' guidance, and while I still had a lot to learn, I was confident that I wasn't in this position by chance. Lord Beerus had brought me here because he knew I could handle myself.

'The King Kai is as nervous as ever,' I thought, watching him try to remain respectful to Beerus. But I couldn't blame him; anyone who had seen the destruction power of the God of Destruction would know that he is not someone who likes to antagonize. I knew it very well.

My eyes moved to Goku as he walked out of the King Kai's house, with that silly smile I'd always seen in the series. 'The same as always...' I thought, suppressing a smile. It was rare to see him in person, after so many years of being a fan of him in another world. Although it was clear that, as always, Goku had no idea of the power he was dealing with. And there it was, that classic lack of formality that almost caused a catastrophe, but King Kai hits it just in time. A small internal laugh ran through me. 'As much as I like Goku, nothing has changed...'

However, seeing Beerus ask those questions about the "Super Saiyan God" made me think. I knew what was coming. I knew how this story unfolded. But being inside it was completely different. I wasn't worried about what might happen, but I was intrigued by what role I would play now. He was no longer a mere spectator. Now, I was part of this universe, someone who had trained alongside the best.

'We'll see how far Goku goes this time...' I thought as I saw that just as I expected, Goku asked Beerus for a friendly spar and he accepted.

Goku remained confident, even arrogant in his relaxed form. "Thank you! I mean, thank you so much sir! But are you sure you want my full power from the start? If you get hurt, don't get angry and destroy this planet." That classic nonchalance of his. But even with all his power, he didn't know what he was getting into.

I looked at Beerus, who responded with his usual air of indifference. "You have my promise. Well, go ahead." He knew Beerus wasn't worried. He had fought with him, and although he wasn't even close to beating him, he knew that the level at which he operated was unimaginable for someone like Goku, even in this form.

Goku began his demonstration. "Okay - First, this is the 'Super Saiyan'." The first transformation no longer surprised me, it was basic at this point. "And this is 'Super Saiyan 2'." A significant increase in power, but still far from what is needed to even bother Beerus. "And this is the powerful 'Super Saiyan 3'!" There it was. The last transformation known to saiyans, an impressive display of force.

When Goku began to transform, I couldn't help but feel a strange mixture of fascination and familiarity. 'I've seen it so many times on screen, but to be here, witnessing it firsthand... it's something completely different.' Although I had already seen this scene countless times in my previous world, things were different now. Goku was not a fictional character; he was here, standing in front of me, his power emanating palpably as he reached his form of Super Saiyan 3.

'The guy is awesome.' I thought, watching his hair lengthen and energy build up around him. But I also knew that this would not be enough against Beerus. Sure, Super Saiyan 3 was impressive in its own right, but after two years of training with Whis, he had a much clearer understanding of the abysmal difference between the power of a God of Destruction and any Saiyan transformation that didn't involve divine power and he knew that in the current state Goku had, he would have no chance against Beerus, not even against me.

"Run, Bubbles!" exclaimed the King Kai, clearly worried about what was to come and how to blame him? I would be too if the most powerful being in the Universe (without counting Whis) was about to fight someone like Goku in my backyard.

Beerus, for his part, did not seem impressed at all, as was typical of him.

"Well, well, this is a surprise. It seems like it's not just hot air, after all."

Although his words indicated a certain surprise, his tone told me otherwise. He wasn't worried. He knew that Goku was not an opponent for him.

'Goku was always the type of fighter who wanted to push his limits, but he has no idea of the true difference in power.' I thought, watching how Goku got excited at Beerus' small recognition. "Heh-heh, do you see? If you want, I can go back to '2' for you." That carefree confidence was what made Goku a great fighter, but it also blinded him to the true chasm that existed between him and a God.

"No, no, as you are it's fine. Okay, get started," Beerus replied, as if he was allowing Goku to play for a while.

I stood watching, knowing what was to come. "You're underestimating me. Very good... Here I come!" exclaimed Goku, launching himself into the attack.

'This is not going to end well for him.' He knew that this confrontation would be a brutal reminder to Goku of how far he still was from achieving true power. And, from my place, I couldn't help but feel a kind of sympathy for him, even so I knew that this would be something crucial for him to understand the difference that currently existed between his level and that of the gods, so I didn't say anything and just enjoyed the confrontation next to Whis.