
Did I just awaken an overpowered ability?

In a world where Earth enjoys unprecedented peace and prosperity, wars and conflicts have become distant memories. However, beyond the veil of this utopian existence lies a hidden realm, a dimension where countless individuals known as ability users engage in unseen battles against monsters, demons, otherworldly races, and even their fellow humans. While humanity is aware of their existence, the truth about their whereabouts, nature, and identities remains shrouded in mystery. Amidst the backdrop of this hidden conflict, Raven Michell experiences a profound awakening. His once ordinary eyes now shimmer with an otherworldly hue of deep purple, a previously unseen ability that sets him apart. As the realization of his newfound power dawns, Raven is compelled to confront the enigmatic world that has long remained concealed.

killzoldik · 奇幻
15 Chs


Raven returned to his room, took a shower, and then started cultivating. He had discovered something from his reading – ability users with Elemental Quarks, such as Ain and Lucas, gained a significant advantage before reaching the third stage. This made them a substantial threat to people in the second stage. Raven was determined to find a way to build a perfect defense and attack against all ability users.

He delved deeper into his research and eventually compiled a list of abilities he needed to acquire. At the top of the list was Luna's ability, followed by an Elemental ability. However, he wanted to avoid selecting abilities like fire or ice, as that could lead to confrontations with powerful clans. After careful consideration, he decided that a lightning ability would be ideal.

Many clans with strong abilities had strict rules, only marrying either non-ability users or individuals with the same ability to preserve it within the family. However, the Lightning Ability family didn't adhere to such restrictions, making the lightning ability rare and hard to find.

That didn't mean it had disappeared entirely. Two known lightning ability users existed – the prince of Japan and a student in an organization in Japan called "Sakura."

Raven had progressed to the muscle stage, so he made the decision to leave the school for a while and take on missions in Japan, with the intention of challenging either the student or the prince.

"So, you want to leave for training? Isn't training here better?" David asked lazily.

Raven explained, "No, I've already defeated Luna. Ain and Lucas won't use their abilities because they're afraid of hurting me. Matt is no longer my opponent, but I don't want to defeat him and shatter his self-confidence."

David exhaled a puff of smoke and chuckled, "Sure, go ahead. There are no missions for you here right now. But if anything comes up in Japan, I'll pass it on to you."

Raven added, "If you manage to contact my sister, please inform her of my situation, but don't let her know where I am. I need time to train and focus."

David smiled and replied, "Your sister is quite strong; she might beat me."

Raven was certain that this seemingly lazy teacher was a formidable individual. His aura was the largest Raven had ever seen, and according to what he had read about the aura ability, it could gauge how strong people were in comparison to the user. The color indicated the emotions people felt towards the user. Red represented hatred, white was neutral, green indicated liking, pink represented love, and golden symbolized worship.

Lucas, Luna, Ain, and Matt all had white auras with hints of green, with Ain having the most green. Raven had been initially surprised but decided not to ask further. David's aura was green, signifying that he liked Raven, likely due to his connection with Raven's sister. But the aura was so significant that it could intimidate anyone.

"I'm sure you can handle it, Teacher. Take care," Raven said and walked away.

David smiled even more and thought, "This kid is entirely different from his sister. She was more energetic and honest, while he is more cunning and dark. But I like him more. He has a future."

At the training hall, everyone gathered around Raven. Ain asked with concern, "Why are you leaving for Japan?"

Raven sighed and replied, "I need more fights and training. Fighting the same people every day isn't helping me make progress."

Luna, skeptical of his answer, wanted to know the real reason. Her ability was activated, and everyone was aware of it. "What's your real reason?" she asked.

Raven, aware that his secret was about to be revealed, responded with a cold voice, "I don't appreciate you using your ability against me, but since I know there is no harm in telling you."

Luna felt a pang of regret and fear. Raven continued, "Ain and Lucas don't want to use their abilities against me in a real fight. I've already defeated you before, and Matt is still injured. I need challenges and missions. Not all of us are from families that have understood their abilities." His voice remained cold and upset.

Seeing Raven's mood, Lucas stepped back and said, "It's true, you need to understand your abilities and power. I don't refrain from using my flames to look down on you; it's to protect you. My ability is dangerous."

Raven nodded, saying, "I don't blame you. We all have our secrets." He glanced at Luna, who noticed.

Ain, feeling guilty for pressing the issue, asked, "But why Japan? Can't you just stay here and spar with the teachers?"

Raven was becoming increasingly annoyed. "This is so annoying. This place feels like a prison. I might truly leave for good this time," he muttered in a low voice, though everyone heard him.

Ain realized she was unintentionally trying to deny him his freedom and stepped back. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean..."

"It's alright. See you all later," Raven cut her off before walking back to his room to pack his things.

Matt, usually cheerful and talkative, sat there in silence. He noticed that Raven was stronger and chose not to fight him to avoid damaging his confidence, which only made him more despondent.

Luna left the group and followed Raven.

"Raven, don't reveal my secret to others," she said with a demanding tone.

Raven turned back and asked, "Why are you ordering me?" His voice was indifferent.

Luna realized her mistake and embarrassment crept over her. She lowered her head and said, "I'm sorry; I was impulsive."

Raven also noticed his harsh tone and how he was talking to his friends. He stopped and said, "Don't worry, I don't care about your secret. We all have our own."

She smiled and replied, "Please take care of yourself in Japan and come back soon." Raven smiled and entered his room.

In the plane, Raven contemplated his plans. He couldn't bring his sword with him, so he had packed only the essentials in a small backpack, including toiletries, underwear, and his passport. He intended to purchase clothing once he arrived in Japan.

As he flew towards his destination, Raven focused on devising a strategy to attract the attention of ability users and the Sakura organization. He knew that this journey was crucial for his development, and he was determined to make the most of it.