
Did I just awaken an overpowered ability?

In a world where Earth enjoys unprecedented peace and prosperity, wars and conflicts have become distant memories. However, beyond the veil of this utopian existence lies a hidden realm, a dimension where countless individuals known as ability users engage in unseen battles against monsters, demons, otherworldly races, and even their fellow humans. While humanity is aware of their existence, the truth about their whereabouts, nature, and identities remains shrouded in mystery. Amidst the backdrop of this hidden conflict, Raven Michell experiences a profound awakening. His once ordinary eyes now shimmer with an otherworldly hue of deep purple, a previously unseen ability that sets him apart. As the realization of his newfound power dawns, Raven is compelled to confront the enigmatic world that has long remained concealed.

killzoldik · Fantasy
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15 Chs

first win.

Back at the academy, Raven was tired, so he went to his room directly. He checked his bank account and found that he had 16 million in his account.

He smiled and checked his card, finding that he had 600 points. He wasn't thrilled about it, but there wasn't much he could do.

With some time on his hands, he began to think about what his eyes could do – learn quickly, copy any ability. But he wondered why his eyes hadn't copied Luna's truth ability. Thinking further, he found the answer; he could only copy abilities of people he had defeated. It made sense, as he had only defeated the aura guy, while Luna had defeated the two gang leaders. Raven was starting to understand his ability better.

"My ability is overpowered, but if I use it poorly, it would be a shame. I could basically become a god if I use my cards right," he thought. He sat cross-legged and started cultivating.

The next day, he was shocked to see Lucas and Matt in such a bad state. "What happened?" Luna asked, concerned.

Lucas sighed, "We met a monstrously powerful guy. His ability is terrifying, and his power is overwhelming. He defeated us too easily. If we hadn't used his mate as a human shield, we might have been dead."

Luna was shocked. "What's a person like that doing here?"

"He wants to create his own organization. He's training people," Matt replied, his mood no longer cheerful.

Raven nodded. "Why are you surprised? There are many organizations, so it's natural for new ones to emerge."

Lucas smiled and shook his head. "No, you can't just create organizations randomly. All organizations are under the control of countries or powerful families. This one is under the Silverwood family, which rules North America. You can't randomly create organizations."

Raven realized this was a form of monopoly but chose not to comment. "Compared to Matt, how strong is he?" Raven asked.

Lucas and Matt noticed that Raven was becoming more talkative after the mission but didn't comment. "He's ten times more powerful," Matt explained.

Raven nodded, thinking about cultivation stages. Everyone at the academy was at the skin stage, with Matt at the peak, and Ain was probably at the muscle or blood stage. So, Marvin was likely at the blood or bones stage.

But all of this might be irrelevant given an ability like Lucas's. His fire ability was incredibly powerful.

"What's his ability?" Luna asked.

"Adaptability. He can adapt to the abilities of others and stay immune to them, turning battles into contests of cultivation," Lucas explained.

Raven and Luna nodded. "Well, we'll fight him in the future and take revenge for what he did," Luna said, looking at Matt's injured hands.

The group returned to their routine, with Raven training in martial arts with Luna, and Lucas watching from the side, next to Matt.

"Something's different about those two," Matt commented.

"Yeah, maybe something happened during their mission. It's good that Raven is starting to open up a bit," Lucas said.

"After I recover, I'll go and kick that arrogant guy's ass," Matt said in frustration.

Lucas smiled but wasn't entirely sure.

Time passed, and the four continued their training. Ain joined them after a week, having spent some time with her mother.

The principal didn't show herself much, spending her time with her daughter and then returning to the magic realm.

Raven continued to improve rapidly, and with just cultivation, he was on par with Luna.

"Are you sure you want to duel with me?" Luna asked.

Raven, still stretching, replied, "Yeah, don't hold back."

Luna smirked and attacked, delivering a powerful kick to Raven's face. He blocked it with his crossed arms. She followed with a right hook, which he dodged, and a left hook that he also managed to evade. She continued her assault, dominating the sparring session.

"Are you just going to keep dodging?" She mocked.

Raven smiled and, with a side kick, pushed her back. He then slid and grabbed both her legs with his own, causing her to fall. He sat on top of her with a big smile and started pretending to punch her face.

Raven's punches were ruthless, and Luna was clearly injured, but she didn't surrender. She stopped blocking and accepted a punch to the nose. However, she grabbed Raven's clothes and threw him off. He countered by kicking her off, and they both quickly stood up.

Raven didn't relent. He dashed towards her and launched a flying kick. Luna sidestepped and landed a punch to his stomach, but he grabbed her hand and unleashed a series of Wing Chun-style punches, shifting the momentum of the fight. With a low kick to her ankle, she fell to the ground, and he followed up with a heavy kick to her stomach, causing Luna to cough up blood.

"I... think... huff... I win," he said before also sitting down, drenched in sweat. Ain and the others watched with their mouths agape.

"This guy is scary," Lucas commented.

"Yeah, without abilities, he can give us a run for our money," Matt added.

"What's even scarier is that he only started practicing recently, while we've been training for years," Ain mentioned.

"But still, we focused on abilities. He won against Luna because both of them have abilities that can't be used in combat. If he fought me or Ain, with our abilities, he wouldn't stand a chance," Lucas remarked.

"That was a good fight; I had to use all my power," Luna said with a smile.

Raven frowned, knowing she was lying. With his newfound ability to see the truth, he had discovered that Luna was being dishonest.

He gave her a knowing look and said, "I don't know what you're hiding, but I wish you could use your full power next time." With that, he stood up and left.

Luna was shocked. She wondered how he had found out her secret. Her eyes were wide open, and her heart raced as she felt fear because her secret had been revealed. However, she noticed that no one else had said anything, and she realized that Raven had only whispered his words and hadn't said them out loud.

"I need to warn him not to say anything," she thought as she got up.