



The sound of the doorbell woke me up from sleep. It was 8 o'clock in the morning, I lazily dragged myself to the bathroom to cleanup and get ready for breakfast. It had been a very long week and the new environment I found myself in made it hard for me to sleep.

The weather here in Nigeria was warm and cool, dad was right. Having spent the last fourteen years of my life in Canada, I knew it was going to be a bit difficult to adapt but Wesley said it wasn't as bad as I thought it was. To be honest, I wasn't ready to give my new life a chance.

Wesley and Yasmin were my older twin siblings, the came back to Nigeria two years ago;going according to the plans of my father. We were supposed to finish our secondary education here in Nigeria to help us adapt to our "fatherland" (so says my father!). This campaign was obviously driven by my father and we didn't have a choice.

Wesley and Yasmin seemed to enjoy their stay here so far. I was going to have to put my shit together if I was going to be the "good girl" as my parents always wanted me to be. It wasn't that bad right?


I brushed my teeth, took a shower and got down for breakfast. Everyone but my dad, who was always so busy with work now a days was seated at the table and my aunt, Rosie happened to be at the table too.

She was my favorite relative. She was my moms youngest sister and we hadn't seen each other since my tenth birthday. I was so happy to see her. Rosie was just the best!

"Good morning mom, good morning Rosie , its so good to see you again"

"I thought you wanted to rest today so I didn't bother calling you down for breakfast. How are you my love?", mom asked.

"I'm fine mom"

"Hello my love", Rosie said as she stood up to embrace me. "Your mom told me you arrived yesterday. I decided to drop by to see you. How are you doing darling?"

"Well I'm doing great. I'm soon happy to see you again" , I said as I took a seat next to Wes.

"Turns out the duckling has finally decided to sit up and stopped being a gloomy puttana!", Wes smirked beside me

what the f**k was that supposed to mean??

I decided to play along.

"I don't know what you're talking about!",I smirked back at him.

Wes could be such a d**k sometimes!

"So are you ready to take look at your new school?",Yasmin asked.

"I- I guess so"

"Alright then I'll have the driver take you around the school then",mom said.

gosh! I was so freaking out right now. I wasn't ready for school. But I dared not voice out my feelings.

I would be in serious trouble.

How could I even go there alone?

"Mom. Is it okay if I and Wes tagged along with her... you know give her a tour around the school?", Yasmin asked.

Perfect life saver! She must have realised I was freaking out! I would thank her later.

"Yeah, of course I guess so. You can. But be careful honey"

Yasmin was my loving big sister, she was my life saver, my therapist when I need some crazy sessions, she was my guidance councillor and I loved her very much.

Everyone continued with breakfast, with little discussions here and there. The whole place felt lively and I wasn't tensed anymore. I still missed my younger siblings though. The were twins Cleo and Leo. They were coming back next year and I couldn't wait so see them during our Christmas vacation this year.

After breakfast, Wes and Yasmin took me to my "new" school. The driver took us in moms SUV, it was a five minute drive from our estate and when we arrived at the gate, I couldn't help but stare at the structure I beheld. Being a mafian school of course the school had to be equipped with the best of the best. A guard at the gate, neatly dressed approached us armed with a gun and asked a the driver a few questions before granting us access to the school premises.

This school was on fleek! I was awe struck and lost in the thought if me becoming a student if this prestigious academy before Yasmin tapped on the arm and signalled me to come down from the car.

"Mondie, come on let's go. I told you the school was perfect for you. Come on we're giving you a school tour" , Yasmin said as she pulled me down the walkway leading to to buildings.

The walkway was decorated with colorful stones, the paintings on the school's walls were classical was very intricate and attractive. The flowers of different kinds, shapes and colors filled my nostrils as i, Yasmin and Wesley made our way to the entrance of the school's reception. At the etched in gold was written CROWN LAKE ROYAL HIGH ACADEMY.

Walking into the reception felt like walking into eternal paradise and the room was wide enough to accommodate a number of guests, beautifully decorated with flowers abstract and landscape paintings. With a large glass case that contained what I supposed to be the numerous awards won be the school over the years.

Wesley approached the receptionist while I and Yasmin sat close to the window, a few inches above the air conditioner. I could easily hear the conversation going on from where I sat.

"Hi, good morning Ms Steven", Wes said.

"Why good morning to you too Wesley! I see you came with your sister. Who's that young lady beside her?", Ms Steven asked

"Well she's my sister. She just gained admission into the 10th grade and I promised to give her a tour around the school with Yasmin. That's why we're here"

Ms Steven turned towards my direction and smiled. I smiled back, trying not to show how nervous I was.

"What a beautiful sister you have Wes. Believe me, I'm already seeing the academy's future Ms Crown Lake", she giggled.

Okay good to stop you right there miss, I can't possibly be Ms Crown Lake. I just can't, because my bff , Annabel has been dying for this position since she came down to Nigeria. She was just twelve years old back then and she gas been in Crown Lake ever since.

And from what I heard from her during our numerous conversations on the phone, she has been eying this position for the last three years she has been in the school and honestly I've known Anna too well to cross path with her

Mental note: it never ends well.

"Diamond?", Yasmin's voice brought me back to reality and I realised it was time for us to go into the school premises.

Wes showed me the classrooms and laboratories. The students and teachers lodges and the special loges for Mr and Ms Crown Lake and for Mr and Ms Hamilton.

These were the various positions in the school that meant a lot to the people who took the position. Yasmin had been elected as Ms Crown Lake last semester and Wesley, Mr Hamilton.

Which meant they were popular and the ran the school. They were in charge of school activities and report to the directors at the end of the month.

Mr and Ms Crown Lake were the first in command followed by Mr and Ms Hamilton, Wesley explained. The positions in the school meant power and respect and I could finally understand why Anna was desperate for the position.

After the tour, Wes and Yasmin took me to the store to pick up my uniform. On our way to the car Yasmin asked if I liked the school enough to give it a chance and I agreed.

"So what do you think, ready to give Crown Lake a chance?"

"Yeah I guess so. I think I'm ready. I mean how hard couldn't be. I love the atmosphere over here and I think I'm begging to like it here"

"Well Crown Lake isn't as easy as you think it is. It'll be hard to cope if your not up to it. But you can do it, I know you can", Wes said.

Yasmin stopped, took a glance at Wes and turned to me , held my hands and said "look, I'll tell you, Crown Lake is going to change tour life forever..."


".....there'll be tears, happiness, heartbreaks, back stabbers and fake friends and most especially betrayal from the ones you least expected, but don't worry it'll make you stinger for what is ahead. I'll be there to guide you so there's nothing to worry about okay?

what was she talking about. heartbreaks, betrayal.....what???....i don't understand.

"Yea", Wes added, "Yasmin's right well both be there to lead you through and you'll do the same with Leo an Cleo, okay?"

"Of course, but I don't understand what you guys are talking about. Who's going to betray me?"

"Don't worry, time will tell", Yasmin said. I wasn't happy with the the response I got but I decided to just forget about it because from the look of things this conversation was not going any further.

I was getting scared and creeped out. I mean what was all that suspense about? Why won't they tell me what was going on?

I guess they told me what they wanted to and left me to my own thoughts. I went to the car and tried my best not to bring up the topic no matter how hard I wanted to. I already knew it was going to be of no use.

The drive home was calm, both Wes and Yasmin said nothing and glued their eyes to their phones, leaving me to think about what they had tod me earlier.

I spent the rest of the whole day thinking mostly of what Yasmin had said ".....there'll be tears, happiness, heartbreaks, back stabbers and fake friends and most especially betrayal from the ones you least expected..."

I still couldn't understand what that meant. I went to bed thinking about my new life at Crown Lake and my stay there fie the next three years. I finally drifted to sleep.


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