
Cosmic Dragon in the Multiverse

A dragon in the multiverse story. I read 'Abyssal Phoenix - Multiverse' and liked it enough to want to write a similar story myself. That said, this story is very much written for fun, there won't be any romance, and it'll be fast paced. Main character is reborn as an infant Kaiju in Pacific Rim. He gets stronger pretty damn fast, and does so by eating (similar to Rimuru). I'm undecided on whether I'll give them a human form yet, since I didn't plan ahead and instead am writing as I go. If you want a better written and more fun version of this story, please go check out Sorrest story called Abyssal Phoenix - Multiverse ---------------------------------------- 1st World - Pacific Rim: 3 chapters 2nd World - Atlantis: The lost Empire: 1 Chapter 3rd World - Godzilla Earth: 3 Chapters

Rightomate · 电影同人
12 Chs

New Year, new Me

I spent several decades teaching my daughter the ins and outs of her power, while also bonding over our combined efforts to place the larger parts of the moon back in place, or destroying debris large enough to cause issues down the line. After pulverizing the larger pieces, the moon had acquired a ring, and occasionally some of it would crash around Earth in the form of beautiful meteor showers.

The fauna had already begun the process of copying her, with the once so monstrous looking Servum being turned into… well less monstrous wyvern-like forms. The plants across most of the planet on the other hand… had already finished, as they had only changed to become a more vibrant green, and a few species of aggressive vines had popped up. During this time I'd rescinded my own aura to allow my daughter to face some competition.

She'd already humbled another Godzilla Filius, an ape-mammoth hybrid called Behemoth, and a giant scorpion called Scorprex. She didn't kill Filius or Behemoth, but instead made it clear that she was top dog, while Scorprex was too stupid to accept that and become snack material.

Side note- the formerly edgy commander had softened up immensely compared to his past self… perhaps helped along by the fact that I'd had a chat with him about enjoying his life instead of being broody, and how he'd ended up marrying the Houtua twins and the woman I'd saved from being turned to nanometal. I'll admit it was rather funny seeing them all figure out they were pregnant before getting their hands on him. The man no longer had his Moby Dick-esque obsession, and had a large family on the way from 3 loving wives… he'd better be happy… fucking harem protagonist. I did eat any remaining nanometal though, no cheating through the tech tree for you!

Back to Gaia, she'd started out at around 100 meters tall, and after all this time had ended up growing an extra 20. Now that might not sound like much, but I was fairly sure she'd wind up becoming the largest Kaiju on the planet in shorter order than the original Godzilla. Power-wise she was already second only to myself.

…But alas, the time had come. I'd taught Gaia everything I could, and had spent enough time with her to develop an actual bond. It was time to leave. I'd told the others that today was the day, and had spent the last few months basically vacationing around the planet with them. Before leaving I'd also created 3 separate crystal stockpiles- that being Plasma Crystals for Biollante, Storm crystals for Mothra, and a new type called dragon crystals for Gaia.

Each stockpile alone would be more than enough to end all life on the planet, so I'd had a thorough talk with everyone about using them responsibly to raise their own strength, and to not share them with anyone that wasn't one of us. Really the talk was mainly for Mothra, since she was the only one likely to share.

After a teary farewell (teary for Gaia and Biollante) and a final hug, I created a golden portal above me, and slipped into it to begin my journey.

Void Ghidorah was a being who (fittingly) flitted between the void of dimensions to reach pretty much wherever he wanted. Doing so he'd managed to reach thousands of worlds, and devoured nearly as many beings like Godzilla. Of course, having eaten him, I'd gained the same ability, so it wasn't particularly difficult to use the Shattered Crystal Hearts energy to track down the Atlantis world again.

I'd converted all of my mass into energy using the Energy Being mutation, allowing me to be far smaller than previously- at a measly 50 meters in length. Unlike Void Ghidorah, I wasn't stuck being unable to properly manifest without the use of faith or catalysts, as Dimensional Travel acted like a key that would open the door into any dimension I was close to.

[Dimensional Travel]

…That didn't mean I couldn't copy Ghidorah's ability though, since after leaving the world I was able to feel a connection to the Houtua who had praised me as a god. Potential religious idolism aside, I slipped free of the void and into the ocean of the world of Atlantis. A quick survey of the world showed me that a decade or perhaps less had passed, as it was currently in the midst of the great war.

It wasn't my concern, as I instead locked onto the main source of crystalline energy out in space, and started portalling my way towards it. While portalling around, I also began accelerating forward… I trusted the strength of my body, but I could feel that wherever the crystal was, it was more than likely moving at a considerable fraction of the speed of light… if not just under.

And I was right… when I eventually caught up with the damn thing 8 months later. Were it not for my acceleration, I'd have been pasted over it the moment I got nearby. As is, despite my excitement, I still spent an extra few hours deccelerating it using gravity control. Damn this thing is big… Like, small moon sized. It's large, and seems to have multiple layers of rings around the central crystal; those rings are constantly moving and shifting, and seem to either be a defense mechanism, or containment of some sort.

Also… it's absolutely sentient. And angry, as I could notice from the light shifting from blue to red. I'm currently composed of energy making it able to do something between jack and shit to me, but I'm extra wary of what would happen were I currently biological. As a test, I created a Servum just to see what would happen, and as I thought, before it could even wonder about being in space, it was converted into a dark blue crystalline form with red veins running through it… and simply exploded a second later.

That's rather scary… I can't wait to have it for myself!

As I was preparing to teleport through the outer rings toward the crunchy center, those rings on the outside all shifted shape, and it began taking on a giant whale-like form. Black in color, with glowing blue rune-like patterns covering its body, it sported armored plates along its back, foremost fins the width of its body, and a mouth easily large enough to swallow something slightly bigger than itself. In fact… it looked rather similar to Kyogre all things considered… so long as you ignored its normal looking tail. Either way, it was a few thousand times my size, and the moment it had completed the transformation, it opened its mouth to eat me.

I let it.

Eating me was perhaps the worst move it could have done, as the moment I entered what passed for its stomach (full of several different machines trying to kill me), I simply manifested a singularity around myself, and began consuming it from the inside. The whale let out a… wail, no pun intended. As despite the toughness of the material it was composed of, it was still shredded and consumed at a brutal pace.

It couldn't even hope to run, as I used my control over gravity to lock it all in place. I felt how the main source of its power- the crystal, was constantly being moved around its body… and seemed to be generating more material? Very interesting.

Though as hard as it tried, more and more of the vessel it had created was being consumed faster than it could create replacements. It seemed to have realized the futility, and stopped fighting the pull… yet began glowing brighter by the second. None of that!

I was almost playing with it before now, but like hell I'd let it just explode. I made a portal directly next to it, and grabbed onto it- absorbing the buildup of energy to prevent a detonation. I could feel its despair and hatred, as I created several tendrils to surround and hold it, while the energy it had was drained into myself. Nothing personal… you're just tasty.

The crystal was unable to do anything with all of the energy it was generating or using simply being absorbed, and similar to Ghidorah, it eventually shifted from blue to black, before dispersing into nothing.

[Energy: 107,346,967 -> 185,039,417]

[Source Crystal Energy: 100%]

[Abilities Gained: Healing Energy Manipulation, Thrivation, Earth Manipulation, Force-Field Manipulation]

[Mutations Gained: Crystal Heart, Life-Force Physiology, Life Wellspring]

[Healing Energy Manipulation: You can generate and control healing energy]

[Thrivation: Whether it be through environment, experiences or other factors, your abilities, characteristics and strengths will undergo constant change to reach an optimal condition capable of thriving in any given situation]

[Earth Manipulation: You are capable of creating and controlling any mineral element]

[Force-Field Manipulation: You are able to generate and control force-fields]

[Crystal Heart: Your crystal heart has been repaired stronger than ever, all that is crystal is yours to control]

[Life-Force Physiology: You are capable of transforming your body into pure life-force. [Notice: Life-Force Physiology is being subsumed by the mutation; Energy Being]]

[Life Wellspring: You are a wellspring of life energy, and are capable of generating living beings/souls at will, you are also capable of granting immortality and strength. [Notice: 1593+ applications unmentioned, list?]]

Woah… save the list for later. I- I need to rest. Now. The previously sluggish transformation had sped up by quite a bit after consuming the crystal… and even if I could stay awake, I really didn't want to right now.

I went through a portal and began looking for a relatively quiet world, and upon finding one slipped through.

[Dimensional Travel]

From a quick look, I could tell that this world was rather primitive- with there still being creatures reminiscent of dinosaurs and whatnot roaming around. Not too important. I went around the world until I found a relatively active volcano- a lovely specimen that even had several crystals growing around it.

I spent a few days clearing it out and making the inside resemble a crystalline palace surrounding the central lava pit (Sized up for me). I also used this time to create 2 guardians for myself- 1 being a light blue dragon composed out of crystal, whose purpose was to guard the top of the volcano, and who rested atop my palace. And the second was a multi-headed hydra covered in crystalline armor whose task was to guard the only land entrance. Both of them were also granted immortality and a few abilities that should make them far and away the strongest beings on the planet (excluding myself of course). And of course both of them were set to defend me should any threat emerge.

Finally, I made sure that most of the energy I was passively generating was directed toward my Stockpile Energy ability. Even just the few days I'd spent here without doing that had created a small forest surrounding the volcano. I still let some emerge- both because I didn't see the harm, and to keep the lava nice and warm.

With that, I went under the lava, got cozy, and strapped in for my next long nap. I was still aware of my surroundings… Full-Body Brain and all that, but so long as I didn't feel a threat or something of the like, I was more in a fuzzy state of consciousness.

While resting, I felt my Guardians get challenged time and time again- usually by beings so far beneath them on the totem pole that it didn't even qualify as a fight, but to my surprise, they actually got challenged by a few beings that were worthy opponents. 3 in particular in fact. The first worthy challenger was another draconic being seemingly made of lava, who wanted the volcano for obvious reasons.

It came from the ground entrance, and so faced the Hydra. While it did lose, it survived the encounter, and would occasionally visit to fight once again. Rather enjoying the creature's grit, I granted it a lot more longevity, and essentially used it as a tool to keep my guardians on their toes.

Another challenger came in the form of a nearly 400 meter long serpent from underground, this one bypassed both of my Guardians and tried to attack them from behind- with it ending up being beaten black and blue by both, before being killed and eventually leaving a giant skeleton coiled around the castle.

The final challenger was the most deadly, as a dragon with what felt eerily similar to storm energy barreled through the top of the volcano and challenged my Crystal Dragon Guardian. I could feel how the area surrounding the volcano was building up for a storm of cataclysmic proportions, and, not feeling like having to rebuild the entire thing, I dissipated it before it could strike- while also layering a shield around the volcanos inner structure so that they could fight freely.

Their battle lasted for several days, with both of them juking around the other and firing off large attacks- the storm dragon firing attacks laced with the same energy, which created explosions of electricity and sharp blades of wind, while the crystal dragon fired ice breaths cold enough to freeze the lava on contact… something I told it to stop unless it wanted me to get involved. Eventually the fight ended with a draw, as both of them were too exhausted to continue, and instead layed down to collect their energy for another round. I could have sent the Hydra in to deal with things, but I was actually quite curious what the dragons goal was, not to mention it granted rather good experience to my Guardian.

They started another fight once they'd recuperated… and it ended the same as the first bout- that being them both left beaten up and struggling on the ground. This back and forth continued for months, with small breaks in between where the storm dragon would occasionally leave to heal up, or just collapse on the ground and do the same. It led to an… interesting development.

Something I didn't consider happening, was that they eventually developed a friendly rivalry of sorts (perhaps helped along by me granting the storm dragon increased longevity and intelligence). After several decades of back and forth, they began using each other like a grindstone to improve themselves. And perhaps there was something more there?...

After all, I may have created the Guardians to keep away the riff raff, but I'd also granted them a level of sentience. They had likes and dislikes of their own- with the Hydra being a battle maniac, and the Crystal Dragon enjoying the act of sunbathing. I wouldn't claim them to be my children, but they were certainly precious enough that I'd grant them the right to pursue their own happiness… as was likely happening between the Crystal Dragon and the Storm Dragon.

Nevertheless, aside from that, the next most interesting developments were that several giant lizards, with rams horns and covered in gold made their way into the volcano through the underground entrance left by the giant serpent so long ago. The Hydra wanted to tear them to shreds, but I'd ordered him not to due to them being rather peaceful creatures- whose mere presence caused swaths of gold to accumulate. It'd also let me figure out what world I was in… Monster Hunter! The gold lizards- Kulve Taroth, were lovely beings who, so long as they weren't provoked, were more than happy to use the volcano as a spot to nap and relax- something I can empathize with. Hell, some of them even started covering themselves in crystal instead of gold! Lovely creatures! Fun fact - the male Kulve Taroth were silver, and barely a quarter the size of the golden females.

But that's enough talking about events, the main one is that I'm finally done cooking!



[As a congratulations for gaining affinity with a major element, you have received a title!]

[Title Gained: Life Bringer]

[Life Bringer: Your mere presence causes worlds to rejoice! You can create living beings at will, and even the soul is not beyond your grasp. You can turn even the most desolate and lifeless of places into a flourishing ecosystem with only your presence alone!]

Yep, I'm definitely gonna develop a god complex now…

[Evolution Complete, displaying status…]



[Name: Pavoros, God of Storms, God of Wealth, Father of Spring, Crystal Emperor (+4 more)]

[Sex: Male]

[Age: 17,443,583 Years]

[Race: Nebula Dragon]

[Class: True Dragon, Minor God]

[Title/s: The Judge, Life Bringer]

[Maximum Size: 8,750 Kilometers (Length), 3,500 Kilometers (Height), 12,250 Kilometers (Wingspan)]

[Current Size: 125 Meters (Length), 50 Meters (Height), 175 Meters (Wingspan)]

[Energy: 209,457,098]


[Track] [Kinetic Energy Redirection] [Sight] [Brilliant Flash] [Dimensional Travel] [Crystal Detonation] [Titan-Speak] [Telepathy] [Advanced Calculation] [Consume] [Aegis] [Replicate Matter] [Replicate Life] [Supreme Gravity Control] [Distort Space/Time] [Portal Creation] [Telekinesis] [Ascend Dimension] [Plasma Cutter] [Terraform] [Electromagnetic Manipulation] [Stockpile Energy] [Healing Energy Manipulation] [Earth Manipulation] [Force-Field Manipulation] [Ever-Growing Adaptive Power] [Ultimate Regeneration]

[Assimilated DNA: 278]


[Nidhogg' Chosen] [Dragon Heart] [Storm Heart] [Star Heart] [Crystal Heart] [Life Wellspring] [Endlessly Shifting Draconic Being] [Dragon King's Breath]


[Notice: Adaptive Evolution, Thrivation, Endless Growth, Full-Body Brain, Adaptive Shifting Draconic Form, Extra-Dimensional Nature, Energy Being, Molecular Management and Cell division have been combined to create Ever-Growing Adaptive Power and Endlessly Shifting Draconic Being]

[Notice: Hyper Regeneration and Instant Tissue Regeneration have been combined to create Ultimate Regeneration]

[Notice: Piercing Beam, Gravity Beams, Super Oscillatory Wave, Electromagnetic Atomic Beam and Dragon Breath have been combined to create Dragon King's Breath]

[Ever-Growing Adaptive Power: No matter the place, no matter the circumstance, you shall always be adapting and growing stronger]

[Endlessly Shifting Draconic Being: No matter whether ye be composed of flesh, energy or just a soul… you shall forever be a dragon. You can change your form to be practically anything, so long as you remember this]

[Ultimate Regeneration: Even if your body is turned to ash, and your energy depleted, so long as your soul is intact, you will regenerate… and come back stronger]

[Dragon King's Breath: Your breath can be whatever you please- from ice and fire, to light and dark. "When the dragon king draws breath… worlds can be seen within his maw"]

I… can be as big as a moon? Hot damn.

I pulled myself out of the lava, now noticing how it had turned into a light purple color. I know I'm technically radioactive… but I didn't just accidentally recreate chernobyl right? A quick check showed that it just contained a hell of a lot of the ambient energy I'd released, and had thus increased in heat, with the color being a side effect.

Hope that doesn't have any negative repercussions…

Eh… I can probably fix it if there are. Anyway…

I'd accidentally startled the nearby nest of Kulve Taroths- yeah, nest. After finding out how safe it was for them in the volcano, along with the energy I was releasing making them stronger over a few generations, they'd eventually turned the place into a nesting ground. And after pulling myself out of the pit (and releasing a telepathic wave letting them know I wasn't a threat), I just spent a few hours playing with the hatchlings.

Once having my fill of that, I contacted my Guardians to let them know that they were now free… Leading to the Crystal Dragon taking off to presumably go find the Storm Dragon to start a family, and the Hydra leaving to go find worthy opponents.

After they left, I created more Guardians- this time non-sentient. And left them to defend the Kulve Taroths. They were hunched golems made from lava, and while each wasn't too strong, they could combine or use teamwork to massively increase their power… Didn't wanna make it impossible for an aggressor to reach the place, after all, conflict breeds strength.

I then took to the sky and navigated around the world for a bit. I wanted to talk to the people before leaving. Both because it would be fun to see their reactions, and because like I'd mentioned so long ago, they were good people. The Admiral in particular was who I was looking forward to meeting the most.

And flying past an enormous tree in the middle of a forest that looked rather… ancient, I saw in the distance, a town composed of multiple ships and pulleys along the shore… Astera. I was wondering about the entrance I'd make when I heard alarms start blaring throughout the entire town, and multiple hunters began preparing to face me…

Hehe… let's go say hello.

Heyo! Later upload this time since I was spending time with my Dad for Fathers day! I found out I suck at fishing... anyway, hope you enjoy the chapter.

Also... perhaps I could hold onto those stones for you? I promise I'll keep them safe.

Rightomatecreators' thoughts