
Cool ideas (Stuff that other authors can use if they want)

Ideas/suggestions for cool things that any and every author can take if they want to incorporate them into their own stories and choose to use for their own stuff if they want.

Pedro_Padre · 其他
21 Chs

Magic suggestions

A person enters a magic world with different types/schools/disciplines of magic. The world can be DC, Marvel, a fantasy world with elves, orcs, dwarves etc. whatever world you want your character in.

Each magic with it's own strengths and restrictions.

Main types in that world being:

1) Wizardry

2) Sorcery

3) Summon

1) Wizardry Magic

Can only be used with/through a medium to channel the personal energy. The medium can be anything e.g. a sword, a bow, pencil, wand, staff etc.

Commonly used with wands, staffs, and pencils. Because of the material they're made of. Wood that can conduct and channel energy through.

Can do anything with Wizardry. Works on imagination. All you need is the intent of what you want to do (it helps if you have a name for it to solidify the image. This is how the name [spells] were born), the magic power amount required and the medium with which to channel said power (wand, staff, sword, pencil etc.). With this system, you can even write runes by using pencils, intent and magic power.

Limitations are things like;

a) Medium. If your medium is not a good energy channel (not made specifically for channeling energy. Just a regular object), then it will affect your spellcasting speed and strength.

If you're fighting someone with a proper medium (meant to channel energy through) and you cast the same fireball spell at the same time with same amount of energy, you're fireball will come out after the opponents' one already has and is on its way to you. You're fireball will also be smaller than his despite you both using the same amount of energy. Because if it's an improper medium, energy will have difficulty passing through it taking longer than you want for it to leave the medium and in the process, about half of the energy would also be lost. Being dispersed as it's leaving the medium.

There's also the matter of fact that you can't use this magic without a medium.

b) Amount of power. Certain things you need to do require more power. Runes, transmutation, healing, golem creation, summons, teleportation etc.

2) Sorcery Magic

This magic can use personal, universal and dimensional energies to be done. Can also use objects to channel power.

Can do alot with this magic. Almost as flexible as Wizardry.

External energies (universal & dimensional) used alot. Sorcerers don't have to worry much about energy expenditure because they use external energies more than personal ones.

With personal energy, stuff like telepathy and telekinesis can be done.

With universal energies, stuff like transformation and elemental magic etc. can be done.

With dimensional energies, it depends on what dimension(s) you've connected to. Fire dimension, lava, energy (like the summers' brothers), ghost, quantum realm, devil-like realm, limbo, ice dimension (like Bobbi), magic dimensions etc. and many more.

Limitations are:

Since external energies are being channelled through the user, they don't have to worry about exhausting their magic. Only exhaustion they'd face would be mental.

a) They can't draw too much from a dimension or dimensions because of overload (like a full cup with water spilling out cause it can't contain the rest) and fear of manipulation at the hands of the beings from the dimensions from which they draw power from.

Drawing from those dimensions that have residents or even owners/dimension lords, they risk pulling attention of those beings to themselves when they're not ready yet to confront them.

b) To use power of most dimensions that have owners, they have to make/form contracts with said owners to use them.

3) Summoning Magic

Can be used through objects and people too.

Person can use themselves as a medium to summon spirits and use their abilities.

They can also draw summoning circles to summon physical beings to their world.

They only spend energy during the summoning. The power used after that is of the spirit or physical summon.

If they summon an animal spirit, they can gain animal abilities and forms to transform into. They gain elemental abilities based on the elemental spirit summoned to temporarily inhabit their body. And if they summon divine spirits (divine animals or gods) to temporarily inhabit their body then they can use said divine spirits abilities but not to the level and strength of if they would have summoned them physically separately from their bodies using summoning circles.

Animal spirits can range from regular but still impressive animals to monster animals (e.g. chimera, griffin, griphon, nemean lion etc.) to yokai (e.g. tengu, kitsune, two tailed cat, monkey, oni etc.) so they don't necessarily loose out to demon spirits and some divine spirits.

Limitations of this magic being:

a) Magic amount. Like all magics, you need energy to do them. In this case, need energy to summon spirits and physical beings. You need three times more energy to summon the same being physically to your world instead of summoning their spirit to temporarily Inhabit your body. You need more energy to summon divine spirits than demons & animal spirits and more energy for demons & animal spirits than elemental spirits. Same for physical beings. More for divine beings than demons & animals and more for animals than elemental beings.

Personal energy alone is needed. Like Wizardry, you can't use any other energy.

b) The being summoned physically can choose when to leave and their own energy is being used instead of yours to sustain their existing on your world so they can leave immediately after you summoned them and the colossal amount of energy you used to physically bring them will never be recovered if they choose to leave the very next moment you brought them to your world (that's why most summon magic users choose to only summon spirits).

c) The power you use is limited to the summon you bring.

If you summon a fire spirit, then you can only use fire. You may be immune to fire for the time the spirits in your body and can use fire magic better than others, but you can't do anything else other than what the spirit you summoned can. If you summon a storm spirit, you can only use wind, and waterpower. Etc.

d) You can only summon one spirit at a time so if you summon a physical being, you yourself are vulnerable as you can't summon again and have to rely on the physical being summoned to protect you.

e) When summoning, the thing being summoned (whether a spirit or a physical being) has to accept to be temporarily summoned to even be summoned in the first place. If they refuse, then the energy used for the summoning can't be recovered and you've not succeeded in summoning.

Other kinds of magic you could say are branches of these main three or mixes of two or all three of them (e.g. Necromancy magic being a mix of spirit summon and wizardry or spirit summon and sorcery. Illusion can be done through wizardry, sorcery or even summoning. etc.) which is why they're not included in this system. 

My thought for the magic system of stories.

Clear define it like so;

Wizards use objects to do magic (wands, pencils, staffs, swords etc.) and personal energies.

Sorcerers form contracts and use universal & dimensional energies to cast different spells.

Summoners use personal and universal energies.

Its rough but you can understand what i'm getting at.

Pedro_Padrecreators' thoughts