
Blood Dragon Khan

It was blood for blood. That is the rule of the golden throne. Kingdoms, tribes, and sects fought for it but only one will remain and sit on it. The throne of gold and power that is what they describe it. Who ever sit on the throne always seek to conquer the lands and let the enemies of the throne kneel and bow done rejoicing to those who sit on the golden throne. But it was no longer subject to return to the hands of mortals. Because the unstoppable force of the 9 Heavenly dragons took the power and the glory of it. The so-called guardians of the skies and the heavens, but like all those who maintain peace, there is always chaos among peace, and so the battle of the Ruling Dragons started. They named the first dragon after the shining brilliance of light that came when it fly down from the heavens. They called it “Eternal Dragon”. Followed by its brother, the second dragon, who bites on the handle of the throne and is wise and intelligent, the “Enlightened Dragon”. From the left side of the throne, the third brother grips on the handle and roar loudly and its claws embedded itself on the golden throne and named the “Ferocious Dragon”. Then followed by the fourth brother that slithers on the back of the golden throne known for its sweetness and gentleness, the “Blossom Dragon”. Then the fifth dragon known for its love for money and gold, the “Fortune Dragon”. That ended the 5 heavenly Ruling Dragons, but it did not end there. As there are still the four Dragons who did not get near the Golden throne because of their destructive power. Known as the 4 Demonic Dragons of Asura. First was the 6th brother known for mercilessly exterminating innocents and giving the art of war to the mortals. And widely known as the “Dreaded Dragon”. The 7th brother who sided with the Dreaded Dragon, known for liking the color of blood and created the river of blood of Asura the “Blood Dragon” and the 8th brother known for the thinking of the dark arts and created the dark demonic styles of fighting. The only rival of the Eternal Dragon, the “Ravenous Dragon” and the last of the 9 Heavenly Dragons that sided with that Dreaded Dragon and breaking the stalemate among the heavenly dragons for good, the “Thunder Dragon”.

ArkAnghel · 玄幻
34 Chs

Forest Wolves are being hunter

"Oh, the village is really fighting for their lives. That is so outstanding. What do you think spear do you want to be a hero and kill those forest wolves?" and with that question Li Xin felt a sudden urge to attack the forest wolves.

So he headed to the position where the Forest wolves were. While he was walking, he was also meditating by the use of the blood circulation meditation technique.

The forest wolf's sense a strange vigor that flashes. So the wolves turn around. The 15 powerful wolves stopped attacking the village people's defender, and all turned to Li Xin. The wolf's growl and stares at Li Xin with their urge to fight him.

The village people looked at him and started having conversation regarding a man with a weapon of a spear. "Last night I killed a gigantic snake, now I am going to kill these dogs that are pestering this village" He smile and charged forward. The first to attack was Li Xin.

He used the Blood swirling dash style to minimize the gap between him and the first two wolves that was at the rear earlier. And with the sudden attack from Li Xin the wolves did not expect it and so the two who are supposed to attack change their mind charged toward Li Xin.

Li Xin thought of his plan to use the soaring red blood flame. Then finish with a blood disruption as most of the Forest wolves are middle rank class D phantom beast. Li Xin then swings and thrust his spear into the flesh of the wolves as they came across because of the strength that he has been cultivating.

The blade of the spear easily penetrated the thick fur of the forest wolves and pierced through the flesh. The blood drips to the blade while the other wolves got its front left leg cut off.

Li Xin looks at the bodies of the wolves that attacked him. And then looked at the 13 wolves that were trying to surround him. "Well, this seems to go well that I expected more blood for me then!"

He says while laughing and then 3 more wolves attack him jointly. The first one was on the left and the other two that was on the right. Li Xin used his blood swirling dash style to evade the left one, who was alone and focused on the two who were on the right.

The two forest wolves leaps and open their mouth. Li Xin also leaps, but because he used the Blood disruption and thrust his spear to the two wolves who just leaped towards him.

Because of the thrust towards the wolves. The tip of the blade created a whirlwind like energy firing at the two forest wolves, which then knocked them out and soon ruptured every circulatory vein and artery they have. Their bodies also seemed got sucked out with blood as their flesh and fats in their bodies deteriorated easily.

After he landed on the ground, he turns around and swings his spear, cutting the head of the wolves that was attacking him earlier from the left. The head of the forest wolf drops on the ground and rolls while its blood sprayed on the ground.

Now that there are 10 wolves remain the village people are still hesitant to help Li Xin fending off the forest wolves. "10 wolves all by myself. This is real blood training here!" Li Xin said while swinging his spear and defending himself from the claws and teeth of the Forest wolves.

Li Xin used his blood circulation meditation to meditate while he fends off the wolves so that he also won't deplete his Blood Qi inside of him.

Because he knows that if he killed 2 more wolves, he can go berserk because there is a lot of blood that is still fresh and all around him. Even though he can unleash the Half Demon blood dragon inside of him, it will surely be the end of the people. So he still maintained his meditation and balance to keep himself sane as much as possible.

Li Xin then swings his spear once again and cut the two front legs of the wolves that suddenly tried to bite him. The wolves crash his face to the ground and after that, Li Xin stabs the head of the forest wolf. After stabbing the head of the forest wolf, the spear sucks the blood inside of the forest wolf. Which gives Blood Qi supplement to Li Xin for him to not meditate.

Then the other wolves got wary as they lost another one. The other wolves retreated to the forest as the intense aura and killing intent of Li Xin suddenly rise. From the 9 forest wolves that remain, 5 of them flee from the scene and return to the forest. The other four stayed growling and waiting for an opportunity to arise.

A caravan arrived, and it was the caravan that Li Xin have encountered. And like what the caravan did was to stop and observe the situation. "So it was the kid back then again. Bad luck h-" one of the caravan guards stops his sentence when he sees that there are 6 forest wolves dead.

"He can take down 6 forest wolves." One caravan guard said. Li Xin then used the blood swirling dash style once again to finish the battle and for him to go inside of the village.

Li Xin thrust his spear on the abdomen of the first forest wolves to his right after pulling his spear he kicks one forest wolf on the right and then swings his spear to slash one wolf to the face cutting the nose of the wolf and upper and lower jaw in half. Blood started spurting and spraying on the ground.

"Is he a Yin practitioner he seem to like blood a lot, and I fell an intense killing intent from him? I really I don't want to make enemies with that boy in the future,"

The caravan captain said while observing Li Xin movements.

After slashing the face of the forest wolf, he then kicks it back to give it a off balance while the one he kicked earlier already regain its consciousness from the knocked out kick.

It joined with the other wolf that did not get injured and they both launched an attack. Li Xin smiled and then used his Blood disruption and thrust it at the two wolves that were going to leap towards him.

Once the spear got thrust into a target, an essence like power will come out from the tip of the blade of the spear and then let a whirlwind of wind and then knocking out the two wolves. When the wolves drop to the ground, they both lose a lot of blood.