
Blood Dragon Khan

It was blood for blood. That is the rule of the golden throne. Kingdoms, tribes, and sects fought for it but only one will remain and sit on it. The throne of gold and power that is what they describe it. Who ever sit on the throne always seek to conquer the lands and let the enemies of the throne kneel and bow done rejoicing to those who sit on the golden throne. But it was no longer subject to return to the hands of mortals. Because the unstoppable force of the 9 Heavenly dragons took the power and the glory of it. The so-called guardians of the skies and the heavens, but like all those who maintain peace, there is always chaos among peace, and so the battle of the Ruling Dragons started. They named the first dragon after the shining brilliance of light that came when it fly down from the heavens. They called it “Eternal Dragon”. Followed by its brother, the second dragon, who bites on the handle of the throne and is wise and intelligent, the “Enlightened Dragon”. From the left side of the throne, the third brother grips on the handle and roar loudly and its claws embedded itself on the golden throne and named the “Ferocious Dragon”. Then followed by the fourth brother that slithers on the back of the golden throne known for its sweetness and gentleness, the “Blossom Dragon”. Then the fifth dragon known for its love for money and gold, the “Fortune Dragon”. That ended the 5 heavenly Ruling Dragons, but it did not end there. As there are still the four Dragons who did not get near the Golden throne because of their destructive power. Known as the 4 Demonic Dragons of Asura. First was the 6th brother known for mercilessly exterminating innocents and giving the art of war to the mortals. And widely known as the “Dreaded Dragon”. The 7th brother who sided with the Dreaded Dragon, known for liking the color of blood and created the river of blood of Asura the “Blood Dragon” and the 8th brother known for the thinking of the dark arts and created the dark demonic styles of fighting. The only rival of the Eternal Dragon, the “Ravenous Dragon” and the last of the 9 Heavenly Dragons that sided with that Dreaded Dragon and breaking the stalemate among the heavenly dragons for good, the “Thunder Dragon”.

ArkAnghel · Eastern
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34 Chs

The merchants

When the caravan guards saw what happened, they were all stunned. Li Xin turns around and looked at the two that remain alive. He smiled like a demon that was stuck in a human body.

Li Xin left the two to die from the blood loss and walk to the village that he wished to take a rest before entering the Phantom beast's plains.

The people who witness what happened were all stunned, "I need to rest for a while and especially I need to eat." Li Xin exclaimed while yawning and then walked to one of the village people who got scared because of the blood all over his face and body.

"We- can offer some food for you, especially you have saved us from those wolves that have almost killed our families," the village leader said and because of that Li Xin paid respect to the village elder.

"Don't worry, I will be the one who is hosting the food for this man to save our village," and everyone was happy. Li Xin is also because of this, "Captain, he did not take the phantom beast core of the wolves. Should we take it?"

One caravan guard suggested. After he suggested, the caravan captain looked the guard into his eyes and said, "We are not thieves and also we are not poor beggars that need other to get what we want. We are merchants and merchants earn to their benefit." The caravan captain looks up in pride and head to the village where Li Xin is being welcomed as a hero of the village.

It guided Li Xin to the elder house while the elder is welcoming the caravan for some trade between people. And the elder agree to it as they talked. Meanwhile, Li Xin was looking around the house and he felt the essence of his Master, as the place looked simple as all the things needed were within reach.

"How is Master doing? I know I left him, but I hope is he is not sad or lonely?" Li Xin whispered as he think of his Master. Soon enough the Elder of the village entered his house and said "What food do you want sir?" Li Xin turns around and paid his respect to the elder and said "anything that is not needed to be purchased, I really like hand work food Elder."

His words were calm and welcoming and the Elder of the village nodded. "Please wait and I shall prepare the food you need" and the elder once again leave the house and head to the outdoor kitchen.

While waiting, Li Xin started reading the book of the soaring red blood flame and while he was reading it, he was slowly practicing it in his mind. 40 minutes have passed and Li Xin have memorized the 4th part of the soaring red blood flame and the elder entered his house once again with some of the other villages who helped the Elder in preparing the food. Li Xin smiled and once again said his thanks to the people who helped the elder.

Li Xin started eating the food he enjoyed it as he felt and remembered the time that his mother cooked for him and his father when they were alive while he was eating his tears slowly drips.

The Elder noticed it and asked Li Xin with his calm words. "Sir, why are you crying while eating the food? Is there something bad about the food? Do you want me to prepare another batch?" the Elder worriedly asked. And Le Xin replied with the words.

"You don't need to. These tears that are falling are tears of the past that I remembered. And I want to keep remembering it to keep me in sane and help through this rough world ahead of me." The Elder nodded and wished that his son was alive and could meet Li Xin.

"I once have a son, but sadly, because of his knowledge of fighting, the soldiers of the Blue Dragon King took him away. And later I received a letter and money and within that letter it said that my son has died in a battle from the barbarians of the southern ridge." The elder tears fell from his eyes to the table. "I am sorry. I am like this. It is just painful to live without my only son." He added and stand up and walks away.

The elder walks out of the house to take some fresh air. While Li Xin finished the food that was prepared for him. When he finished the food, he stood up and turns around and was about to open the door when it opened. Li Xin saw the elder of the village covered in blood.

After that, a loud scream followed and, like Li Xin heard some neighs that were from horses. Li Xin quickly removes the cover the spear and walks out of the elder village. He looked at the elder, who was lying on the ground bleeding to death.

But the face of the elder was smiling as if he was meeting his son in heavens. Li Xin looks around and it was chaos. Some bandits have attacked the village at night. Luckily, the caravan guards are trying to repel the bandits, but because the bandits are more in numbers, the caravan saves their goods than to save other civilians.

Li Xin then used his Blood swirling dash style and then he closes a gap with 2 bandits that are trying to take a woman and her child. Li Xin first thrust his spear, and it stabs the bandit that was pulling the hair of the woman and then slash to his right to cut the arm of the bandit that was grabbing the child away from her mother.

Li Xin spits on the first bandit. The other bandit screamed in pain, but then another slash came and the bandit got decapitated. The blood sprayed all across the ground while its body slowly drops to the ground.

The other bandits heard of the scream of their comrade and quickly gather to meet Li Xin the bandits that attacked are 40 plus strong. The battle stopped even the attacked from the merchant stopped and focused their fight to Li Xin.

Then an aura of a colossal suddenly appeared. A 6'4 ft man with muscular muscles appeared with a fine weapon battle axe. Both have an edge that is sharp that can slice human flesh like butter.

Li Xin smiled and with a prideful voice he said, "Do you think you all can defeat a person like me? Well, think I again!" with those prideful words, it meant was to mock and taunt the bandits into attacking. And while they were not attacking, Li Xin used the Blood circulation meditation technique.