
Bleed Me Dry

A bootlegger runs into trouble while hunting love in Harlem.

Jesse_Grahm · LGBT+
9 Chs


Typically the bar closes around 3 in the morning, but whenever Don Carlo was around he had a few special rules. Carlo demanded the bar close at midnight, 'Men shouldn't worry their wives by being out so late' he says, and for the remaining three hours Carlo Bianchi hosts a private party for the family, which ,luckily, included the bar staff.

"Leo! Get the gin!" Carlo yelled across the bar at his youngest son, the boss.

"Pa, you're gonna drink yourself to death if Ma doesn't get to ya first." Boss laughed but still helped me pull down an unopened bottle of gin for his father.

"You're such a worrier. If Papa Carlo wants to drink we should let him!" Margo kissed the Don's cheek and leveled an invincible smirk at the boss.

"You should stay out of this." I wheeled Margot away from the two men, hands placed firm on the back of her shoulders as I steered her to the bar.

"Haley, you're a doll." Boss said sweetly. Margot rolled her eyes dramatically.

"Yeah she is! Did you see the way she worked the new boy today?" Bia yelled from the stairs, scaring the faith out of me.

Margot spun so fast I fell into a stool, scrambling to make the fall look planned.

"Jack?" Margot's barely hidden fury as she stared Bianca down was both sweet and wildly infuriating. Hadn't she spent all night flirting with him?

"The tall one, pretty face?" Bianca didn't even stand from her seat on the bottom step. "He was watching her like a hawk! I think she may have been giving him some special attention."

Margot bristled, a muscle just below her ear tensing. Cute.

"Children." A single word was all it took from Carlo to silence them both. He looked at them each in turn, then glared down at me. I shrank from him involuntarily, partially hiding behind Margot. Carlo waved his hands in front of him, gesturing to the seven filled glasses he had arranged on the table. "Drink."

I swallowed hard and followed Margot to the table, taking a seat between her and Bianca, who even when cowed by her grandfather's ire still swaggered about like she was untouchable.

"You poured one too many, Grandpa." Craig said, drawing my attention to the empty seventh seat.

"That's why I wanted to do this today." Carlo patted the seat and a mop of hair that are the light around it seemed to materialize out of the darkness of the room.

Jack took a seat next to Don Carlo, politely moving his glass away from the Don's.

"I assume you all had the chance to meet Mr. Carsen?" The Don said casually, eyes focused squarely on me. "Jack here is the finest doctor this side of the river. Never seen a steadier hand on a surgeon."

Jack looked embarrassed. "I appreciate your praise, Sir, but I'm not actually a doctor."

"You're right, boy, you're better than that. You're a savant! With you we won't lose any more boys to shots and knives that's for sure." Carlo laughed heartily.

Bianca elbowed me in the ribs, "Looks like you lucked out, Doll"

Heat rose to my cheeks and I couldn't look at her. She sat back in her seat, looking quite pleased with herself.

I looked across the table while I dipped my drink when those storm cloud eyes met mine. Jack was staring me down with an unreadable expression. A chill ran down my spine in the worst way.

Margot must have noticed me shift because I felt her hand on my knee just moments later.

I tried to tune out the conversation and focused on my drink and the way Margot seemed to shine. When in social situations she burned bright with a talent and ease I couldn't even fathom having myself.

I took a long look around the table, Craig and Carlo had already finished their drinks, the boss pouring more gin while the talked. Margot had almost finished as well, but she had always been a heavier drinker than me. Bianca and I were more sipping than drinking. She seemed distracted by Jack, her delicate fingers swirling the rim of her glass.

I tried not to look at Jack, but my eyes did land on his glass, politely cradled in his hands, completely untouched. Brows furrowed, I check to see if anyone had noticed but no one seemed to look at him. I started to wonder if like I did, before he sat down, everyone had just forgotten he was there.

When I turned back to him he was smiling at me. It was a small thing, almost sweet if not for those eyes. He had dimples and pillowy lips, but his smile never made it to those eyes.

His unblinking iron eyes were focused on me in a way that made my skin crawl like maggots had made their way into an open wound. The casual intensity made the warmth Margot always kindled in my stomach squelch and die. As if reading my mind he brought his glass to his lips and took the smallest sip of gin, and turned his attention Bia, who was making some advance on him, something about being a doctor.

Margot leaned in close, her hot breath on my ear making me shiver, as she whispered, "You wanna ditch this joint? Maybe follow up..." She walked her fingers up my thigh, pushing my dress up slightly, "at yours?"

I gave the smallest nod I could, not wanting to be overbearing in my enthusiasm. I stood, pushing my chair back suddenly. Don Carlo stopped his conversation with the boss to look at me.

"Leaving so soon, Haley?" Boss asked, looking genuinely concerned. I guess I didn't often bail out after only one drink.

"Oh, yeah. Got police sniffing around my apartment so I should make a point to be there if they come knocking." He seemed to relax a bit.

"You need me to walk you, you know, for protection?" Craig asked, subtle for sure.

"Yeah, Hales. Protection." Bianca teased, grinning at Craig's embarrassment.

"I'll walk you home, Sugar." Margot volunteered.

I raised an eyebrow at her and she winked. Slick. "If you're sure you don't mind." I tried to sound timid.

The Don spoke up. "Take Jackie with you, he'll need to know the area. Bianca, let Toni know to add a plate to dinner tomorrow. Boy needs to meet his new boss."

I swore under my breath, and Margot didn't seem too happy either. We agreed regardless. No saying no to the Don.

Bianca however whined. "Can I show Jack around instead? I can introduce him to Toni tonight, I have to drop by midtown anyways."

Carlo considered this for a moment then relented. "Fine. No funny business."

Margot and I took that as our que to book it out the front door, ignoring the watchful eye Jack still had on me as we left.