
Bleed Me Dry

A bootlegger runs into trouble while hunting love in Harlem.

Jesse_Grahm · LGBT+
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9 Chs


We didn't even make it to the train station before Morgot had pulled me into an alley behind some old shops. My dress was pushed around my hips in minutes. She was ravenous. Her mouth was on mine as her hands worked magic.

"Harlow, you're absolutely dripping." Her breath was hot against my neck. Her tongue lashed out and captured the dainty stud in my ear, sucking on it for just a moment, pausing long enough for her fingers to find purchase.

Whatever sound I made was muffled quickly be her free hand. The brick of the building behind me cut into my back when she curled her fingers. I arched toward her, but she held me tight.

"Have you been thinking of me all night?" She sounded amused at my suffering.

"Wait!" I tried not to shout between gasps, but she was relentless. "Let's talk about this!" My mouth was watering and I was so scared that I was covering her perfect hand in my spit.