
On the side of the road to regret everything that has happened

It was October 30, 2010, and at just 19 years old, he lay down on the side of the road to regret everything he had experienced.

Bierny did not realize that he was sitting in the middle of the garbage dumps of a suburb on the outskirts of the city.

Recently, he had been out of jail for a few months and still regretted what had happened.

Although, -before his acquaintances and the few relatives of his, who housed him temporarily-: he did not comment anything! Bierny, -deep down he reflected-: Why did you accept that dishonest treatment? From the one he considered his lifelong friend; for this reason, he was convicted of fraud, with the pyramid modality...

In his pockets, -along with the prison exit documents-, he kept that receipt for 100 BitCoin, -this was the original receipt-; the others that he distributed among the associates: They were crude copies! That, his alleged friend: he gave him, for reasons of advance payments...

When people realized the deception, his friend Jack Latro: He had escaped! Taking away: a fortune in soles, dollars and euros. The fraudulent sale of BitCoin was carried out in several countries between: Peru, Ecuador, Colombia and part of Venezuela.

—If I had had, education: "professional" -from my parents, he said to himself-, another would be my reality. But, they were only dedicated: to temporary businesses.

He walked, -like every day towards the beach-. He liked to walk along the banks of the legendary Lacramarca River, whose mouth of fresh water ended in a beach shore of the sea. It was a convulsive scene; the salty water, propelled by the strong waves, established a torrid romance with hydric kisses. Sometimes soft, sometimes fragile, sometimes high and vibrant... there were hugs, flirtations, smooches and struggles, with the throwing of marine beings or the return of human waste; intermingled with foams, algae, rays, crabs. Followed by the avid flight of pelicans, whose jaws filled the crop with a single dip; idem of seagulls and shearwaters. Turtles were rarely seen; infallible in spawning season.

Bierny used to fall asleep, dreaming of contemplating the immense sea and its comings and goings of waves and life, he liked to hear the snap of those waves hitting salty and fresh water in the early hours of the day. For festive dates on the family calendar, he watched over a campfire with a roof of stars and fleeting ideas of living a different tomorrow.

That past August 6 was different, he had left behind the gates of the Cambio Puente prison and ran and ran without stopping until he reached his now favorite place. The few unlucky friends of his who went out with him, and the others who graduated before: they persecuted him fearing the worst. Perhaps: A marine suicide! But no: that race was, like a cry: of freedom! Breaking the past! A kind of self-liberation, a critical breaking of chains of impiety.

-The day after that scene: it was summer. The friends woke up drinking and dancing on the beach, there were a thousand splashes of happiness, they would have to clean the stains still impregnated in their clothes; unfortunate events that imprisoned them for an eternity in their hearts and that tanned their skins with unsociable reasons; each one he did not learn the law of daily routine.

Yes, -in each return or year of prison-; in each festive activity, especially on dates such as the day: "Mother's crowd" or as the day: "Father's solitaire". In the first thing they wanted: "the visit" like a blessing, a prayer... a motherly kiss, sobbing for forgiveness and "no, I'll do it again, I promise you mom." For the latter, it was a void, a ghostly day: sponsored by remorse, by contradictions, like: "I am not: this. I am: that" And I will be: worse, or better, or the same. Or nothing else!

-On one side, they were: Guarson, Chimpy and Graby-. The natural friends who, inhaling human pain, become more divine and opportune, -starting looks, smiles and words-; that among other similar ones, they would not say. In the distance flushed by the sand of the beach: Kitsuya spawned her millenary children: marine witnesses of life in the world. That is why he is universally called, Kitsuya: "world inhabitant."

The Peruvian dog: Guarson, -he had lost the transnational experience of accompanying his Venezuelan friend-, who died very young, and faithful to his "domestic" lineage, he looked for another master. Returning to be: "the ideal companion and friend of man".

Guarson, -accompanied the evening-, the group of happy intoxicants: Freed from the trap!, Who gave him a drink to the sound of music. In the early morning: his barking, -plaintive howls-, which only fell silent; being, the canine: defeated by alcohol! For the dream of the marine swing that kissed the beach And for the nostalgic happiness!

A dog is an example of relearning pain: To serve for love. For sharing: "until death do us part..."

And suddenly: -The father, from Bierny-, suffered an accident! That he put him in a wheelchair. And without someone to take care of the business…?

He got lost!

First: the excellent profits. Second: Why, it had to be mortgaged! The house was seized. -The following two years for non-payment. Whatever: with his mother, with his younger sister, and with his younger brother, they managed to live in the store! Whose rent: they covered, with donations from the neighbors, which, added to his misfortune, he did not contribute more!

Two years had elapsed, -since the father's accident; and they could not: be contributing, from which, it is not possible: recover-.

His mother, -had to emigrate, from the city, to Eastern Europe-. Taking away his two brothers: Leaving him alone to take care of the business!

For her, it was important: to travel there, to continue her university studies. Especially to manage an inheritance. Well, she worked, to pay for her studies, as a domestic worker, in her aunt's house, who for reasons mentioned, would leave the coast of Peru, in the longed for Chimbote Bay and would depart, -knowing the destination-: Without a ticket! return!

In these circumstances: Jack Latro appeared! Who, after helping him: with a couple of lunches; one, that other: snack. He agreed to mortgage the store, owned by his aunt, and whose papers Bierny had in his possession. For the great business of being: "BitCoin Consultants."

Bierny, did not realize that, the friend: he had it all planned. Everything came out in the name of Bierny: day by day, the neighbors came: to buy, what he scarcely sold...

And for what: they saw, the flashy BitCoin sign. To a Bierny: fully uniformed. The big car, parked at the door, of the store. Above all: to the extravagant friend, well: to the suit and tie.

There had been, -improvised in a corner of the business-, an old table; covered with a striking tablecloth. Which simulated a desk.

Jack Latro, -acquired a swivel chair-, in which: The new partners sat! Who: played, to be, great executives. This, after closing: the deals, from the Bitcoin receipt: For 100 coins! Or by bills, whether: soles, dollars or euros. Likewise, they promoted: profits according to the type of currency delivered.

This process, which was updated, on an informative page, from a foreign office. It had a clause: that all contributions should add up: according to the corresponding currency, to each country. One million soles for Peru! One million dollars for Ecuador! One million euros for Eastern Europe!

These international references: They captivated locals and strangers! Well, "the partners" from Peru: They admired "the partners" from Ecuador. And these from "the partners" of Europe. And repeatedly: Ecuadorian "partners", from Peru's "partners": And from the dream of vacationing in Europe. To visit the offices of Jack Latro, in Eastern Europe.

There is a routine of family life. Until everything changes for the worse and for the better: love. He comments:

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