
Bierny: He Had a Unique Way of Writing

It was, a large mounted company, of international acquisitions.

Only, everything was, on paper. No visa: legal, commercial, not least financial. Nobody had noticed, to check the bank accounts, because all of them: they went to tax havens, they were accounts: Difficult to trace!

At nightfall: Bierny, he took: old cardboard, and lay down under the bridge

. Bridge that divided the city from the countryside. On the edge, of crystal clear waters, of a friendly river. River that, in the light of the moon: Bierny, was reflected! In the midst of all her sidereal misfortune, the stars were her few cares than dawn: they faintly disappeared. Giving Bierny: a certain peace, in the midst of all his daily hesitations.

Bierny, he was all disheveled. They believed him, on the verge of madness!

For this reason, the people who accused him before: sending him to prison. Now, she hated him: for his carefree appearance.

At dawn, Bierny, wrote verses: from the experience lived, in prison... Vallejo style, he said: I'm Trilce!

- Of the aspirations, which I long to achieve: A profession!

- Of the affections, which were professed, between brothers...

-Of the artist, who was: his father. That for dedicating himself to business, these: They took him to death!

Well, that was when he desperately wanted to make more sales than he could manage. It's just that he accelerated: the merchandise delivery truck. That when he lost control, by getting on the sidewalk: he turned around, his existence! Well, when hitting a tree, it fell: on the truck. He broke: the windshields: causing a brain injury. -Which caused him, an internal hemorrhage, in the head-. He dying, over the years, from an aneurysm.

What caused him, over the days: a stroke! That he put him in a wheelchair. With the passage of time: half his body was paralyzed: Leaving him immobilized, and the whole progressive family! The doctors: -decreed vegetable death-. They expected, without more, hope: his death. So it happened, two years later...

Bierny:-he had a singular way of writing-:

-He was inspired by the tenderness of his mother.

- In the maternal councils.

-In the care, that his mother: lavished! To his father, still alive: prostrate like a vegetable in a wheelchair!

-To his younger brothers, A Bierny, himself. Well, being Bierny: the greatest of all. He enjoyed his mother: More than the other two brothers!

We could: say that -externally, Bierny was bad-, according to the perception of the world. But deep down: -Bierny had a tender spirit, and strong-. Bierny used to: -say to himself-: 'all this will pass, and tomorrow I will laugh in my mother's arms and take care of my brothers'. I'm just a little late: 'because of the injustices of corrupt men who take advantage of innocent young entrepreneurs'.

And of course, this: it made his heart beat harder!

And more, when meeting: KeiSky; -a young woman, apparently, in her features: Central American-. Sweet, of words. Of gestures: Friendly!

Falling: the sun. Every afternoon: under the bridge. To the murmur, of the waves: that the wind blows over the water, that runs quickly, to get lost; in the immense darkness: 'Bierny: I remembered her': -as if it were yesterday.

It was a sunny morning, -he was there, very busy serving the neighborhood clientele-. Suddenly: she entered. And she seemed, in her presence: The place shine! With the body scent of her figure. Passing: the door, not even: Guarson, he barked: entranced by her innocent look. When: He kindly asked for attention. Bierny, -admired by the brightness of his eyes-: 'and because he walked, dancing his hips, to the sound of his words'.

—Hello, good morning, what do you offer…! Bierny's father said.

"What brings you here?"

"Isn't she from this place!?"

— Are you coming to the port of Chimbote as a tourist? Bierny asked.

—You see: I need a map of the city. A soft drink to go. Also: a snack, whatever: without spicy. Would you bring them please?

—And true: -I'm not from around here-; I am, of university exchange, for a semester. If approved, my application. I will stay for the entire Environmental Engineering career. My thesis: I will do it, based on: the wetlands of Villa María, on the banks of the Lacramarca River and as a whole for all the "environmental" needs of the Bay of Chimbote.

—Wait a minute, -said Bierny-: I'll bring your order... (After a while)

—I took, I hope she likes it, what we offered her. Please pay: the amount at the checkout. Dad, please attend to the lady?

— KeiSky, it's my name. And yours is?

—I am: Bierny, -this is a family business-, I learn, in the university of life. (both smile)

-He has. Ha. Ha. I understand: Can you help me with the bag?

— I forgot! Two fine-tipped pens: in: red and blue. Please!

"I'll bring them myself," Bierny said. In a moment!

-Are here. –He proceeded to hand over the pens, Bierny. To which KeiSky, he asked:

— And how much is it, for them?

- Any! He said, Bierny_. It's a courtesy for college students: right dad? But spend on his son. Your son will support illustrious students. And, of course: to the prettiest, like you?

- How charming? But: I can't accept it! -The father, from Bierny, who was attentive to the flirtation, clarified:

"Excuse me, young lady. My son, always: is, very attentive with the students.

"Take it as appreciation for his visit." That, yes: come back when 5.000 / 5.000

Resultados de traducción


i like it! —Accepted, thank you! —And you, miss: do you live around here? - Of course! I am staying at the university residence: a few blocks from here. - Will be? KeiSky consulted. What can I do, just call: to have the merchandise delivered. The one I require, to cook, from time to time. Well, I saw what they have: Delivery! - Of course! Said the father, adding: — Bierny. Take the rest of the morning to accompany the lady, what did she say her name was? KeiSky? -Yes. That's my name! -My father loved putting that name: because on his trips he usually sees: the skies for months. -Then! With the permission of my Lord Father. I can accompany you: KeiSky We're leaving! -Bye. –He apologized, waving, with his eyes and extending his tender hand. "Come back soon..." Bierny's father managed to say. -I will do it. –I affirm, KeiSky. They walked, in the direction of the stay of the students of the university. First in mutual silence, -like each one was thinking about what to say after all the above-; They were two young people: -analysts of their realities-. And since, that: first walk. They did not want to: fail each other, but rather: Commit more! – Were they made for each other? And as always, -she took the initiative to open the dialogue-. And she broke the friendly silence: with an unexpected proposal... "Bierny, is that your name?" "Yes," she said sheepishly: Bierny. - What happened? In the store you courted me –KeiSky asserted, cross-examining-: Now: Did a parrot eat your tongue? "It's not that," said Bierny, "but I don't want to be inconvenient with you." I am a man of objectives: And I must fulfill them! –Bierny, was referring to the great function of carrying things, and accompanying the client, despite youthful feelings: Responsibility! First of all. —I like that you say it like that, Bierny, —said KeiSky, who, at the same time, proposed: —Then: Do you think, if we change course? I would like to see the beach in front of the Malecón Graú, will you take me? -Not to mention more. Bierny affirmed with a smile full of satisfaction. Every young person, from the Bay of Chimbote: He dreams of walking accompanied by that place: -You don't, reader friend? –Bierny, already released from tensions: sentimental. More relaxed: he proposed: — Do you want, KeiSky, to go, in a taxi, bus, or walking? — Oh!? How do you think we should go? Goal man! —Well: How do I have the day off or what's left of the morning: we'll go walking! -By the way: I'll tell you; the history: of this city-, and you: accounts; the story: of your city. - Done deal! Let's walk, then. We go to the left. Let's see: down that path. Let's cross: that park. Let's sit down: on that bench. Let's go up: the wall. Let's throw: stones into the sea. Let's dream: awake, and... -Bierny, more sure-, slowing down his schedule for a walk, asked him: —I suppose that: you have traveled by plane, from your country. O: Did you come by boat or on a beautiful cruise…? — What do you guess? –I speak, like: with riddles, KeiSky-, she was a clever woman with words and she wanted to have the initiative in everything: —Hm. I would travel –Answered, Bierny; looking at her from head to toe. With that executive personality? By plane! "No, you got it right!" –He stressed, KeiSky. –To which, Bierny, asked: — Did you come on a cruise? -Yes. My father is a merchant seaman: Captain of a cruise ship! He left me here. -And he returned, to his work, to travel: the world-. He can only come back every few years so I'm going to need to make friends ASAP! I don't like to walk alone, less in an unknown city? –And with the most charming look, moving his eyelashes: gently, crossing his legs: with his hands together, inclining his face towards Bierny, he asked her: "Would you, Bierny, be my friend?" –Bierny, instantly: she replied: - Delighted! Princess: KeiSky, an honor to serve as your guide on the ground.

Will you be my friend: reader?

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Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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