
Between 2 worlds

Breaking most curses are not easy most especially when it comes from the mouth of a witch who witnessed her child killed before her eyes,placing a curse on the head of the three kingdoms present at scene, which only twins with divine and strong elemental powers can break,and placing the second curse on the Bibarni Rock to hold the soul of her daughter in other to haunt down the souls of every twins down.Who will break the curse,how will they break a curse that is nearly unbreakable

Oreoluwa_Oyebanjo · 奇幻言情
65 Chs


Chapter 8: My hero.

The wolf walked majestically toward me to have its breakfast."Somebody help me", I cried out.

Before I knew it, I was free and and the wolf turned to a bird and flew away, but when I saw that man that saved my life I fainted.


I wake up late in the night and couldn't guess where I was, all I could was curly and glowing red hair and a ball like structure under it.

" Blood of Jesus,good lord please save me", I screamed.

"Where am I", I asked boldly but deep Inside me I'm shivering, I'm frightened to to the core.

"sleeping beauty, you've finally woken up, don't shout or else you might be captured, and there's no more i can do ti help you then ", he said.

" who are you and what am I doing here, how did I get here", I asked.

"I'm Jaze", he replied.

"I don't care who you are Jaze, where are my friend", I asked after calming down a little.

"You haven't tell me who you are yet", he said.

"Why do you want to know who I am?", I asked breathing heavily as the man walked towards me.

"Stay away, my bible?, where's my bag?", I asked myself it must have fallen when I was running, I thought. "Stay away from me, please don't hurt me I beg you, just stay away", I cried.

"Hey, stop crying, calm down, I'm not here to hurt you, I'm here to help you", Jaze said calmly.

"I don't have any good reason to trust you, I don't even know who you are, who are you", I asked.

"I'm jaze I'm a ....cuts in.

"please jaze, I'm asking you politely to take me back to my friends, I really need them", I said.

"I'll help you on one condition, you must tell me your name", Jaze said.

"deal", I agreed.

"Where do you think they are", he asked.

"I don't know, but I can guess they might be at our apartment already, they must be thinking I'm dead, Oh God please help me", I said.


"Lucy is gone, she's dead now", Mary cried.

"Mary control yourself, everything will be alright, we'll all leave this place tomorrow", David consoled but deep inside him he was feeling deeply hurt but he didn't want to break down in front of Mary, else it would be hard for her to get herself together.

"Nothing would be alright", Mary cried.

'Stop crying", David continued to console her.

"stop it now guys, enough of your cries, your tears won't bring her back, I'm sure you are all feeling stressed out, go to sleep, its late", Wisdom said.

" I thought you are wise as your name implies but it seems it is a 'was', how do you expect us yo go and sleep after all this drama, we are tired and hungry, won't we eat first, I'm really hungry and thirsty", a voice said from behind.

"Lucy!!!", Mary said In a state if shock, "you are alive", she screamed and gave her a tight hug, I thought you were dead, not only me, we all thought you were dead".

"Thank goodness you are alive....

"I'm thirsty", I said.

"Here", Wisdom said and handed a cup of water to her

"Thanks", I said and gulped all its contents.

"Who saved your life or did you save yourself", Mary ask.

" I almost forgot, the man standing outside saved me", I said pointing my fingers outside.

"Which man", Joy asked in confusion.

"oh, I think he left, I said feeling hurt for not being able to tell him my name, say thanks and introduce him to my friends, how stupid of me, who knows when next I'll see him", I thought.

"Do you know him", Wisdom Asked asked while searching through the window.

"No, I haven't even seen him before and I didn't even had the opportunity to see his face all I could see was his curly red glowing hair and his red eye balls", I said.

"Red eyes and hair, demon, he is a demon", Wisdom said.

"No, he's not, demons don't help people, they destroy understand", I said angrily.The fact of being with a demon somehow annoys me.

"well let's forget about that for now to avoid any further arguments", he said.

" Now gist us what happened?", joy said feeling excited.

"Did you guys cried", I asked.

"Nope, we were actually laughing, didn't you see us, now talk", Juliet said.

"would you guys at least let me first get over the fact that I almost died today, I said.

"oh please, we all almost died today, yours was just in another level, don't use that as an excuse to change the topic", David said.

"Fine,...When you guys were running, I fell while looking at the back because I was having this strange flashback, I stood up and ran and ran and ran and ran for my life, I was lagging behind so I ran and ran and ran and raaaaan.....

Enough of the ran and ran and ran, we don't need the ran, we all ran, as long as we remember you were about to die, the spider was about sucking life out of you, after that what happened, that's what we want to here, David said with irritation written all over his face .

"That's what I'm talking about so just listen, when the spider turned to a wolf, I accepted my fate that that was the end of me but when I opened my eyes, I noticed the web turned to dust and I was free, the wolf turned to a bird and flew away and then a heavy wind flashed pass me, when I managed to open my eyes I fainted", I narrated.

" I didn't faint because I was surprised about the whole event", I said just to clear their doubt about me being a weak person.

" You weren't surprised but shocked shocked, just accept it you're to fragile", Wisdom smirked.

" Noooo, I saw a man, I saw a man I repeated he had this weird strange look, then I fainted, I don't know why', I said.

" I think I know why, you wanted your hero to catch you", Mary teased.

"Stop it , I'm hungry, have you guys eaten", I asked.

"Let's eat, Lucy is back after all", Mary. said .

"I'm speechless", Joy said.

"You just said something",Juliet said.


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