
Between 2 worlds

Breaking most curses are not easy most especially when it comes from the mouth of a witch who witnessed her child killed before her eyes,placing a curse on the head of the three kingdoms present at scene, which only twins with divine and strong elemental powers can break,and placing the second curse on the Bibarni Rock to hold the soul of her daughter in other to haunt down the souls of every twins down.Who will break the curse,how will they break a curse that is nearly unbreakable

Oreoluwa_Oyebanjo · Fantasy
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65 Chs


Chapter 7: Day 1: The death trap

"Stay away from my brother or else.....

"Or else what, please tell me, what will you do, what can you do with that weak power of yours, I'm eager to know", Liza yelled.

"I will ensure I tell him everything without missing a single word", Menza threatened.

"Go ahead, who's stopping you, just remember, your our secret is right here", she said waving her left hand.

"I don't care, tell him anything you want, no secret can be hidden for ever any ways", she said calmly


" Good morning guys, food is ready, stand up and go and get yourself cleaned up", Mary said.

"Mary,are you the one that cooked this food, I'm confused, are you sure you really cooked this food", Joy asked.

"Nope, Juliet cooked it, I just helped her in serving it", Mary said.

"I'm not surprised, what more can we expect from you", I said.

"Hey everybody should stand up and get ready", Juliet said

"I'm feeling bored already, Mary you are so lucky", Joy said.

"Why is that", I asked.

"David is here, oh, what a pity, Drake isn't here, he isn't in our group that's why joy has been staring and chatting since she woke up", Juliet said.

"Lucky me, I don't have to stress my precious fingers out,"Mary said.

"Hi ladies, good morning", Wisdom said and came inside our apartment.

"Where's David", Mary asked.

"Right behind me", Wisdom said and shifted a little bit to make him visible.

"Awnnn, Lucky you", we said after seeing David majestically approaching her with a tiny red rose in his hand.

"Thanks so much Dave", Mary said and covered her face with her palm.

"Are you feeling shy," he asked and she nodded a yes.

"Hey guys, stop looking at us, we need privacy....You can open your eyes now,no one is looking at us", David said.

"Okay", she replied and removed her palm from her face. Have you eaten", she asked.

"Did you expect me to eat without you", actually I'm very, very, hungry, let's eat", David said.

" you really sound hungry, can you wait for few more minutes, I need to get myself cleaned up and get ready", Mary said.

"Okay, be quick if you don't want me to die of hunger", David said.

"Just stop your love story here and be quick, we must start our project as soon as possible before sun rise course I'm not taking any breaks I that Mysterious Forest", Wisdom said.

"let's eat", Juliet said.


"I'm tired, let's rest, please, we've been walking non stop, I can't bear this anymore, I'm finding it so difficult to breath, please, I need to take a break", Mary complained.

"Nope, we're moving on", Wisdom said.

"Don't worry, I'll carry you on my back", David said.

"Thanks so much Dave, I can't imagine my life without you in it", Mary said.

"Look guys that looks more like were we are going to, it looks spooky, and there is a sign board over there, it says"DON'T GO FURTHER, DANGER AHEAD.",I don't have a good feeling about this", I said.

"Why"?, Juliet said

"My parent told me this place is haunted", Wisdom said.

"same here",I said.

"Parents talks are always boring, let's go, be brave, you're a man so act like one", Juliet said.

After walking a bit further we saw a similar sign board which says"DON'T GO FURTHER,DANGER AHEAD"beside it looked like a dead Anaconda.

" I thought we saw this the last time still nothing went wrong",Juliet said.

"And what's that", Joy asked.

"Judging by its size and coils it looks like an Anaconda", Wisdom said.

"Let's go check it out", David said.

"count me out, I'm not going near that disgusting creature, it makes me have rough flashbacks", Lucina said.

"Thanks Dave, I think I've rested enough now, put me down, I'm not going anywhere near that thing", Mary said.

"guess our strong and brave assistant, assistant Juliet is the only female left, prove to them that we ladies are not weak but extremely strong", Joy said.

"You say what?, actually, there are other things I can use to prove your point, not this one, I still have a long way to go", she said.

"Then I guess we'll just take the pictures then", Wisdom said.

"You guys are missing out the fun", David said.

"Seems like you have a death wish", I said.

"look at it, its dead', he said and hit it with a stick.

noticing that the Anaconda didn't react, we all calmed down.We began taking pictures while Juliet was making a video.

"Since its dead we can take it", Wisdom said.

"and it won't decay?",I asked.

"we'll put it in the freezer", he replied.

"rubbish", Joy said in disgust.

"I'll put it in mine, there's notting disgusting about that", he said.

'Okay', we replied and they brought out a rope just about to tie it down when the snake we assumed to be dead woke up and turned into a wolf.

This is odd....

"Ahh", we screamed and ran for our lives but this horrible looking creature continued chasing after us and I was lagging behind because I was having this blur flashbacks again.

After running for a while I noticed that the wolf was focused on me like it wanted something from me, it turned into a giant spider and made a large sticky web in front of me.

I was looking behind me and tripping most of the time that I accidentally got trapped in the web." I'm a living dead now, this thing would surely suck life out if me", I cried.

The spider turned back into its wolf form and walked to me slowly,I had no other choice than to close my eyes accept my fate.


I tried all my possible best to get out of this sticky web but to no avail,I had no other choice than to accept my fate,I shouted for help but I was too weak from all the running and the web, it seems like there's something in that web sucking my energy out.

The wolf walked majestically towards me to have its breakfast,"Somebody help me" , I cried out.

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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