
Between 2 worlds

Breaking most curses are not easy most especially when it comes from the mouth of a witch who witnessed her child killed before her eyes,placing a curse on the head of the three kingdoms present at scene, which only twins with divine and strong elemental powers can break,and placing the second curse on the Bibarni Rock to hold the soul of her daughter in other to haunt down the souls of every twins down.Who will break the curse,how will they break a curse that is nearly unbreakable

Oreoluwa_Oyebanjo · Fantasy
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65 Chs


Chapter 9: Reputation 1.

"Jaze, where have you been, why are you just going into your quarters now", Liza asked.

"Good evening my princess", he greeted her as a sign of respect.

"What were you doing in the forest with a human",Princess Liza asked.

"Are you spying on me", I asked

"no,no, no, why would I, I was just asking you cause you sister was worried sick about you ", Liza said.

"Thanks, I need to go now to see my sister since she is been expecting me and I'm sure she must be very worried about me", he said. He was about leaving when she stopped him

"Five minute just five minutes please I want to tell you something important", Liza said.

Every where remained still and silent so she took that as a yes.

"okay, come to my room let's talk there", Liza said.

"Why not say it here, its much better over here", he said.

"No my room is better",Liza argued.

"What would people think I'm doing in a princess room at this late hour of the night", Jaze said.

"I don't care so I don't see the reason why you care, Come with me, Liza insisted and dragged him.

" Just leave me alone princess, I care about what people think because I care so much about my reputation", I said angrily and removed my hands of hers. "Jaze, how dare you!!!, Liza yelled I'm a princess, the one and only princess of Domini kingdom , I deserve respect,respect my status ,I'm not those low lives you just treat any how you like, I'm a princess, respect that fact", she said angrily.

"I'm just a simple and loyal servant, I don't have any status, so let me be", he said angrily and walked away.

"What an annoying man, he only cares about that worthless thing he calls a reputation and I'll make sure I crush that reputation in no time", she said angrily and went to her room.


Reputation, reputation, reputation my foot,Liza screamed and broke the nearest flower verse.

At least he would have listened to me,but all he Cares about is his reputation, don't worry Jaze, I will make sure I destroy this reputation of yours, I will crush it and if you try to build it again, I will crush it to the lowest that you won't have anymore courage to raise it again".


"Don't you think it would be bad if I don't thank him", I asked.

"That would be so bad of you", Juliet said.

"but how can you find it when you don't even know how it looks like or where it stays, I doubt you know its name", Mary said.

" Mary, why are you using the word it for that man, he is a living being", I said.

"you mean, a living demon", Mary said, forget about the fact that he saved your life those creatures are cunning and have so many tricks up there, I'm sure he is just fooling you, just tell him thanks and stay very far away from him, there are better men out there like Zain and wisdom", Mary said.

"Please don't go there, not to mention, I don't even like that Zain guy, its not like I don't like him but I don't like him and I don't hate him, he's neutral so leave it that way", I said."Back to the topic who are those going with me to thank him", I asked.

"Count me out , I'm not going to see that thing not to talk of thanking him, a demon for that matter", Mary said.

"It would be very much better if you just keep shut if you don't have any better thing to say", I said angrily.

I don't know but my mind tells me he is not a bad person, but the way she is insulting the man who saved my life is really getting on my nerves.

"count me out as well, I'm not going to that mystical place where a snake turns to a bird", Juliet said.

"that's bad, you'll have to go all alone cause I can't accompany you to that place, but don't worry I'm sure Wisdom won't allow you to go all alone to that place, uhm, uhm", Joy teased.

"Stop it, we're just friends, nothing else" I said smiling broadly.

"That's how it starts sis", Mary teased.

"Guy's stop it, don't make a big deal out of something little", I blushed and covered my face with my pillow.


"Thanks for yesterday, you really helped me a lot, you really helped me a lot, how did you know that I'll come back to say thank you," Lucina asked.

"My mind", he replied.

"I think I should leave you both to get to know yourself better, I'll take my leave now",Wisdom said.

"okay bye, see you later", she bided,I'm sure he must have been bored, I didn't even introduce him, why am I so forgetful this days.

'who is he", Jaze asked.

"He is one of my friends", Wisdom, I replied.

"You haven't introduce yourself yet,or have you forgotten our promise?", Jaze asked.

"oh, our promise, I hate making promises, " I grumbled.

"I'm Lucina, my friends prefer calling me Lucy, I'll love it if you also call me that," Lucina said.

"So I'm your friend now, wow, I don't have any friend and I don't know what it seems like to have a friend", Jaze said.

"No, no, no, I never said so, I only said my friend prefer calling me Lucy and I'll love it if you also call me that, I never said I'll love it if we become friends".

"Now you are twisting your words, right?, alright then, friends", he said stretching his right hand forward as a friendship offer.

"I can't accept a friend request from a stranger',I said.

"So you still see me as a stranger, its just a friend request its not like I'm asking you to marry me, if I had seen you as a stranger I wouldn't have helped you", Jaze said.

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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