
The end justifies the means.

1271, Mikaelson's birth village.

" You wanted to see me my Lord. " say the only vampire diurne in existence.

" You still hasn't learn to perfectly hide your emotions, I can clearly see your desire to kill me. " remark Sammael with amusement.

" Despite all the things you've done to me, I still kept my humanity, I don't know if it's a curse or a blessing but least I'm not like you. " answer Leif.

" Don't be an hypocrite, you were one of the three volunteer for the transformation. " say Sam with annoyance . 

" I never wanted to be at your service and I absolutely never wanted to became a monster feeding on the blood of innocent peoples. " respond angrily Leif.

" Enough. You should know me enough to know that I would never let you roam the world if you could hurt me or act against me. But I have a task for you, accomplish what is ask of you and you will gain your freedom. " propose Sammael. Leif take a few seconds to consider it. 

" Very well, I will do this last task but I want to be free of you. " accept the vampire diurne. 

" Listen attentively... " Sammael explain what he await from him. After every details is planned, Leif leave to accomplish his task but before he open the door Sam interrupt him. 

" And Leif, don't project your guilt on me, you could have feed from animals, I never forced you to kill. Your precious humanity is only a silly idea, in reality the more control you have over your emotions the closer you are to "Humanity". By letting your emotions and instincts rules you and affect all your decisions you are more like a sauvage animal. " finish Sammael, while Leif leave the room gritting his teeth. 

Four months later. 

Leif is running with all the strength he can gather, his body is riddled with wounds regenerating faster than normal but slower than a diurne is capable of. 

Finally after hours of running through the woods, he see a hut. Rushing to the door he knock vigorously on it. The door open revealing Sam. 

" You're here, I had doubts about you getting it out of the coven in one piece. But you seem fine, or at least with all your limbs, come in, don't stay outside Leif. " say Sam. 

" Sit down and tell me everything from the beginning. " continue Sammael giving a glass of blood to Leif and sipping on his own. The two sit on the chairs and Leif start telling what happened. 

" The plan worked exactly like you wanted, I lied and tell a story about being on the run from a violent and cruel vampire. I explained to the witches that the vampire transformed me for torturing for eternity. Their was a few hiccups, like my immunety to the sun, they almost discover it but Lucinda made me a daylight ring that allow me to have a cover. " tell Leif. 

" Lucinda ? " ask Sammael with curiosity. 

" It's no one, just a witch that was there. " answer Leif with haste, but the grief striken face didn't escape Sam eyes. 

" Don't stop, tell me the rest. " say Sammael. 

" A month later I start to gained a little bit of their trust, I protected them and in exchange they gave me their blood. I had already achieve the first objective at this point but I had no idea where was the grimoire. But I discovered it's location. " continues Leif. 

" How ? How did you discover where it was hidden. " interrupt Sam. 

" It doesn't matter what does is that I find it. " respond Leif trying to avoid the subject.

" Don't be shy, tell me. " Sam compel him. 

" Lucinda, she and I, we got close. We started to share our secrets and one night, we were having a drink made of a strange mixture of plants, she inadvertently talk about the grimoire. " answer Leif having no other choice. 

" I didn't act immediately, in your instructions you said to wait for an opportunity. So I waited and waited. But last night a large group of humans attacked the camp, this is when I acted, this was probably the only chance I had and so I took it. " finish Leif. 

" You did an excellent work Leif, now give me the blood and the grimoire. " request Sammael calmly. Leif get a vial of blood out of his satchel and give it to Sam. 

" And the grimoire ? " ask patiently Sam. 

" You think I'm stupid ? I hide it and I will not tell you where until I'm very far away from you. " respond smugly Leif. 

" Leif, you're naivety is a disappointment, I knew you would do that but I was thinking you would be smarter about it. Maybe you overestimate yourself or underestimate me but in both cases you made a mistake. " say Sammael before compelling Leif to not move from his chair. Approaching him, Sam put his hands on the head of Leif and start to use his minor telepathy to extract the information out of his head. He succeeded and find the information he was looking for after long minutes terribly painful for Leif. 

Before Sam or Leif can say anything someone knocking on the door is heard. 

" Enter. " exclaim Sammael. A tall and healthy man enter. 

" Lord Ruthven, the few witches that survived have run away, do we purchase them ? " report respectfully the man. 

" Let them be, it will be a shame if a family line of witches as powerful were to be exterminate. I want you to go find a tree at 130 meters in direction of the river, at the base of the tree is buried a book, bring it back to me." order Sammael. The man follows the order and get out. 

" I should have known. The attack, my attempt to hide the grimoire. You planned everything, from the beginning to the end. " say Leif with a little bit of awe in his voice. 

" A perfect plan doesn't mean having everything go within expectations. A perfect plan is achieved when it has the flexibility needed to deal with troubles. " explain wisely Sammael, Leif listening to the words of his maker. 

" What are you going to do with me ? " ask Leif. 

" In order to measure a person's worth, you must do more than push them. " say Sam ignoring Leif. 

" You showed all your worth, and even if you are my creation you are find lacking. " finish Sam having take his decision. 

" Please you don't have to do this. I don't want to die ! I'm begging you ! " beg Leif tears falling on his cheeks.

" Goodbye Leif Ericson, adventurer and explorator, my first creation, the first vampire diurne that came to existence. " say Sammael, before slapping the head of Leif, decapiting him and killing him instantly, a tinge of sadness in his eyes disappearing as fast as it came. Not staying any longer than necessary, Sam go get his prize and erase the last witnesses of his presence and involvement in this tragic event. 

1322, France. 

Sammael contacts in France informed him that two warlocks are looking for an artefact, more precisely a knife. If the legend is true the knife have the power to end or save the world. 

Sam seriously doubt the veracity of the legend, the knife may have magical properties but enough to save or destroy the world is very unlikely. Having nothing to do for the time he choose to investigate, maybe he'll find something interesting. 

He tracked them to a small town surrounded by forests, after interrogating the locals he learned from an old woman, that in the wood a mysterious creature is guarding a knife killing anyone trying to obtain it, the two warlocks probably followed this lead, so he follow it too. 

Arriving at the place the first thing he notice is the smell of blood, on the ground two dead men their bodies looking to be mutilated by claw mark. A few meters away there is an altar, on the altar the knife reflect the light of the moon. Sam look around him, the warlocks must have tried to take the knife but were killed by the guardian. Not seeing any "guardian" he approach the knife, as he is about to touch it he hear a noise, trusting his hearing he bend down dodging a vicious strike.

" Repellunt. " cast Sammael, projecting his aggressor away, turning around he found himself face to face with a strange creature with a skin looking like stone. 

Wanting to test its physical prowess he engage it in hand to hand fight. Blocking a attack on his left side, he take his distance with the creature having seen what he wanted. 

" Nervorum Resolutiones." use Sammael, the spell immobilizing totally the stone skin creature.

Approaching it he put his hand on its chest area.

" Cor Mortem. " whisper Sammael stopping its heart and killing it. Observing the new being he discover he can't help but think about all the doors this open, he thought only human or derivation of humans like werewolves existed but this is something entirely different.

An excited smile appear on his face, returning his attention on the knife he try to take it in his hand but a force field reject him. He siphon the force field energy and try again but the handle of the knife start to burn his hand. He then wraps it in a cloth and put it in his bag.

Casting an illusion spell on the dead body, he lift it to carry it.

1379, England, University of Cambridge. 

The last century he studied the grimoire of Qetsiyah and the others he stole from the Bennett. Qetsiyah's grimoire was the hardest to deciphered, written in ancient language he didn't spoke or know, it take him a long time to understand the grimoire.

While he didn't learn much from the Bennett's grimoire, the one of Qetsiyah contain the spell used for making the other side. Her own experience and tips is written in it, valuable information are also in it, for example he learned that the werewolves are the result of a powerful curse.

But what interested him the most was the spell that permit the creation of a dimension, he theorized that there is 2 options to make one.

The first one, using an indestructible object or person and two, having enough power to create one without anchor. It is possible others ways can be use be he doesn't know them for now.

In parallel to that, he made his research on the strange creature he found in France. He found multiple stories about this type of creature, it is apparently called a gargoyle.

It's skin is much more tougher than human's, it's inside too work differently, new organs and missing some the humans possess. He learned everything he could about it.

Using his contacts in the world, he spread the word to be on the look out for unique creatures and if one is seen to report to him.

After achieving this, Sammael realized he need eyes and ears everywhere to not miss anything as important.

Its now time to lay the foundation of his new organization, if there is one thing Sam understood in the last 3 centuries is that information, material power and political influence are very useful tools.

But he will have to be very careful when selecting who will be part of his organization, the gift of immortality is precious after all.

The purpose: creating a spider web on a global scale, having one member or more in the biggest cities and places of interest. Allowing him to know what happen, where it happen and when, giving him a considerable advantage. His organization could also help him with experiments and scientific discoveries.

1463, England.

Around a table, in a castle affordable only for nobles, three brothers can be seen chatting and drinking glasses full of a red liquid. Elijah, Niklaus and Sammael catch up and talk about what happened over the years they spent separate, but quickly the discussion escalates.

" So for you, the answer to our brothers and sister desire for freedom is to daggered them ? " ask Sam not understanding the reasoning of Klaus.

" And you Sammael you decide to care now ? You visit us one or two times in a decade if we are lucky and you allow yourself to judge us ! I am only doing this to protect them from themselves. " respond Klaus with a hurt expression but a voice full of anger.

" They are adults more than a hundred years old, they don't need protection they can protect themselves. Elijah you understand what I'm saying, you are not stupid, letting our siblings in a coma state with a dagger in their heart is not the solution. " say Sammael trying to convince Elijah to see the reality of the situation.

" We can easily avoid Father when Kol is not free and on the loose and Finn... Finn hate being a vampire. And Klaus will free them soon. He assured it to me. " answer Elijah without mentioning Rebekah and making a unreadable face.

" Escape father ? You really haven't evolved, you still are terrified children's. Running will solve nothing, you want to survive, you want to live, then fight for it. Have you experienced nothing all these centuries the both of you to stay so afraid and powerless. " add Sammael cutting deep into Elijah and Klaus. 

Nik grab the dagger he hid under his chair and rush to Sam using his vampire speed. Sammael reflex kick in and he stop the arm of Klaus, the dagger a few centimeter from his skin. Twisting Klaus arm he break it and stand up, he use his supernatural speed and break the neck of Nik.

" You are not better than him, moreover you are naive if you think he won't put a dagger in you too. " say Sam, grabbing his coat and walking toward the door.

" Goodbye brother, I think we will not see each other for a long time. " finish Sammael before disappearing in the night.