
Becoming eternal, Vampire diaries. ( HIATUS )

Sammael Mikaelson, the original heretic will stop at nothing to obtain what he want. Omniscience, possessing all knowledge existing. Isn't it a wonderful goal ? -Fanfiction free to be used if modified or continued :)

SnowofBlood · TV
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25 Chs

Pulling the strings.

1500, Italy, Venise.

Sammael and his friend watch the peoples live their life without care, unaware of the futility of their lives. When you are immortal, life lost some of its intensity, you are almost living outside of time, and the more knowledge and life experiences you aquire the more you feel detached from the rest.

" I refuse your offer, again, as tempting at it is I don't think it's for me. That may be pleasurable in its own way, but infortunately I don't want to live forever my friend. " answer Sam's friend.

" You really are a surprising man Leonard, you and I are a lot alike, we constantly search for deeper knowledge. Don't you think ? " ask curiously Sammael.

" I am indeed a pursuer of knowledge but I want to live and die, like it is meant to be. But you, you have the determination and all the time to explore the mysteries of the universe Sammael. " respond Leonard with a smile.

" If you came back from the dead, come to me and tell me what you saw. Ciao signore DeVinci. " concluded Sam, leaving a man he respect enough to not enforce his will on him and transform him in a diurne against his choice. 

What a loss, think Sammael.

1604, Unknown location.

In a undisclosed place, twelve men and women are sitting around a table, the room is dark enough that the faces of the 12 persons is indistinguishable in details. 

" The 112 meeting of the Deorum de Terra can begin, but first identify yourself. " say December. 

" September ." a woman voice say. 

" January. " say a man. 

The rest continues, March, April, June, August, February, May, July, November, October, all of the twelve members have the codename of a month. 

" March start you report on your findings. " begin December.

" In my territory, rumors of a giant spider preying on people circulate. I sent 3 of my oldest vampires diurne to assess the situation and only one came back. He describe a giant black spider capable of speeking and having acid saliva. That's all. " report March. 

" My turn. The pope Alexandre VI want to start a crusade against the turc. No monsters for me only the regular politics. I warn you Rome is a dangerous den of snakes. " say July. 

Hours of discussion and important decisions taken, everyone stand up and start to leave. Leaving only December alone, finishing his glass of blood he put it on the table, standing up and approaching a candle he light it up with a look, revealing Sammael hypnotic black eyes. 

In only 2 centuries and some decades, the organization he created developed at a remarkable speed, the foundation are strong, extremely strong. Their hands are everywhere, medecine, engineering, arts, architecture and others domains. All of this giving him enough materialistic power to make alliances and gain political weight. 

The next step is to consolidate the power of his organization while staying behind the curtain, taking the control of the authorities could also be very useful but it will have to wait for the futur. 

1657, Italy. 

The last decades Sammael met a lot of peoples, scientists, like Antoni van Leeuwenhoek who invented something extraordinary called the "microscope", or Galilée a physicien and astronomer. He also debate with the most notorious philosopher, Descartes, Spinoza...

His studies of magic slow down a lot, he hit a block road, but on the contrary sciences keep advancing waiting for no one. So he concentrated on this part but also on experiencing new things, discussing with intelligent men and women...

He have obtain an impressive wisdom, 6 centuries spent in roaming the world and learning teached him a lot. In recent years he start to feel old, almost ancient, his indifference toward mortal keep growing, after witnessing history repeat itself, the birth of new empires and their destruction, after observing the cycle of life in action and the ascension of the humans toward unknown heights, you start to see the bigger picture. 

And when you see it, you realize that there is no purpose to our existence except evolving. Their is no good or bad, darkness or light, only an endless processus of evolution, to what end he don't know. 

Stopping his inner thoughts, Sammael focus and appreciate the painting he received at the death of his late friend Leonard. The name of the painting "Ordonate Chaos", if he wanted to describe it he couldn't. 

1732, France, Paris. 

The age of Enlightenment they call it here in France. Great progress made in sciences and arts. The universities have never been so full, the world is changing at a very fast pace and its imperative to keep up with it. Sammael have begun to help the technologogical advancements by publishing some of his theories and results of experiences and offering funds to certain parties. 

In a few days the 212 session of the Deorum de Terra meeting will start. The organization solidified its power and integrate itself even more in the society, the twelve first members control the world in the shadows. Of course a few leaks escape outside, but nobody know the true influence of his organization. Rumors about dark hands behind the curtain circulate around but not a lot of peoples believe it. 

Days later. Unknown location. 

" Good we're all here. June tell me what you find out about the golem I asked you about. " say December alias Sammael. 

" Well I didn't find the golem, but after some digging in the supernatural community, I heard that a vampire, a werewolf and a witch created a golem capable of absorbing supernatural beings with the exception of the species that created it. After absorbing the creature it erase the memories from the collective conscious. They named it Malivor" answer June. 

" Excellent, did any of you get your memories back ? " ask December, a series of no is the reply. 

" You probably don't have the mental strength to counter the memories erasing part. " think out loud December. 

The rest of the meeting continues normally, they talked about everything they toughts significant and exchange useful informations. 

1826, America, Washington. 

John Adams the successor of George Washington, Sammael charged April to get close to him and gain a direct access to the White House, the seat of power of the American government.

As he walk the streets of Washington, the sky free of clouds, Sam notice a familiar face in the crowd. His father the infamous destroyer, who gained his reputation by burning villages to the ground and leaving a trail of corpses, he have a second nickname, the vampire hunter of vampires, it was earned by only feeding on the blood of vampires. 

When his father see his face, a look of recognition appear in the eyes of Mikael followed by anger and betrayal. Sammael don't stop and keep walking, his father following behind him. 

Entering the theater, he take his place on the private balcony, ordering a drink delicious for the lovers of blood. Few seconds later Mikael enter and sit on the chair next to him. 

" Did you stop hiding boy ? All these centuries tracking the bastard and I saw you only a couple of times. You have always been the smartest so I shouldn't be surprised. But here you are. " say Mikael with anger. 

" Don't call me boy it's insulting considering my age. And I never was hiding, we just operate in different ways. You are an instrument of destruction, you lack my precision and finesse. " respond Sammael. 

" Help me, this is not you or your siblings that I want, it's the bastard, he is an abomination we need kill. " add Mikael trying to discreetly grab something inside his coat. 

" You really hate him with all your being, it's ironic that he is the one resembling you the most. " say Sam with a chuckle, casting a glance to Mikael. 

" This entire conflict is stupid and meaningless, Niklaus is not responsible for the mistake of mother. But you, you are responsible for his emotional trauma. " continue Sammael. 

" It was interesting to speak with you father but I can only tolerate your company for so long. "finish Sammael, making a movement with his hand he broke the neck of Mikael with magic and he fully grab the stake inside Mikael's coat.

Appreciating the play until its end he prepare to leave but before leaving he inspect the stake, he recognize the special wood immediately, white oak.

Taking a decesion, he put the stake back inside the coat pocket. His last interaction with his siblings or at least his brothers Elijah and Niklaus was not pleasant at all maybe a threat to their life will make them change.

1890, Boston.

Reading "Beyond good and evil" writed by a philosopher, Friedrich Nietzsche, he sip his drink. 

Sammael close the book and make the final preparations on his new project, a ritual less complicated than the one he used in the past but just as important. He is immortal, truly immortal but he is still dependent on blood, his resistance grew he can keep functioning for 62 days without blood, but this is still a weakness. If he find himself in a situation preventing him from feeding, even his immortality won't stop the processus of mummification. 

After the researches and dissections he practiced on creatures, he discovered one particular reptilian creature who can sustain himself by absorbing magical energy, but something must be add. Something increasing its adaptability to different energies, the addition of this trait will mutate the ability allowing it to absorb any kind of energy. With only his reserve of magic he could survive without a drop of blood but it'll drain his reserve constantly, so absorbing exterior energies would be much more useful. 

Weeks later, Boston, Sammael's laboratory. 

Mixing the essence of the two creatures, Sammael obtain a ball of energy, using this energy he draw symbols on the ground of the ritualistic chamber and infuse the energy and a little bit of his own with it. He put the major organs on their emplacement on the drawings. 

Standing in the center Sam take a minute to fully concentrate. 

" Mutationem Harmonicae." start Sammael. 

" Fast recta accommodatio obtineri. " continue to cast Sam, the organs melting down and transferring their proprieties to him. 

" Summa assimilatio. " finish Sammael, ending the ritual. 

An hour later. 

The ritual worked perfectly, Sam tailored it for himself after all. But like the last one his siphonner part was essential, the ritual change his siphoning ability to passively absorb energy and to adapt to different type of it, absorbing energy can now be substitute for blood. 

His vampiric physiology also played a role, after the ritual he performed centuries ago, he became different in more than one way from the originals vampires. The spell his mother used to transform him and his family was programmed to make the body a "living dead" body. Dead but simulating the body functions as if alive. 

His ritual changed this point and his body became like frozen in time. He don't need to eat, to breathe... Blood keep him in pristine condition and in a perfect state. 

If someone without siphoning ability and his physiology were to use the ritual, the result would be self implosion, another side effect could be physical mutations but the person would have to first survive the constant absorbtion of energy, and without being a siphonner it is impossible to regulate the quantity absorbed. An original could perhaps survive, but they'll develop one or more unwanted physical modifications. 

The last part he add in the ritual is the ability to adapt to every type of energies. This is invaluable, the only downside is that it take time to adapt. 

He achieved an almost perfect immortality, he can't be killed by any normal means, in fact, the only way for him to die is if the universe is destroyed. 

He said almost perfect because he is still connected to the universe, he is not even a entity existing above space and time so before he can sever his bond with the universe he still have to become better. 

But over the centuries, he advanced little by little toward his final goal. 

The leaps forward made in the fields of sciences lead him to a better understanding of magic. With a deeper understanding of magic, he categorize the differents spells into 5 tiers. 

Magic of Tier 5 : spell with the lowest difficulty, they only affect a small area, can't kill but can inflict pain or ease it. 

Magic of Tier 4 : Simple enchantement and basic manipulation of the elements. Spells and curses for offensive and defense purpose. 

Magic of Tier 3 : Magic affecting a bigger area, used for sealing and barriers. Telekinesis, Pyrokinesi and advanced manipulation of the elements. Healing spells. 

Magic of Tier 2 : Magic capable of transmuting something into another and changing the basic nature of organic and non-organic matter, like rituals. Extremely difficult without using a big source of energy. 

Magic of Tier 1 : Dimensional magic, magic affecting entire planets. Most advanced manipulation of the elements, capable of manipulating weather. 

There is an hypothetical Tier 0, but no one have ever reach it. 

Tier 0 : Galctic system scale magic, manipulation of reality by willpower and thoughts on a solar system scale. Control of time and space in a located area. Basic to advanced control over the fundamental forces of the universe. 

The capacity of creation and annihilation is the highest peak surpassing every tier including tier 0.