
Death come for all.

April, 2026. New York.

" Hello dear fans, we are outside the quarantine zone, since 7 months New York has been put in quarantine. But this the government we are talking about. You my fans know how governments tend to hide things from us the little people. So for you, today I'm going to try to enter New York to see what is really happening inside. " Sammael watch a video post by a YouTuber on her channel.

The video continue and show the YouTuber using her power to make herself invisible to the eyes of the guard. A very cleaver use of Telepathy. She also seem proficient with technology because she pass all the detectors.

She walked the outskirt of New York and enter inside the city.

" Hmm. As you can see no one is around maybe they are in their house... But I have to admit the silence is creepy. There is not a sound, listen. " she film the city and keep quiet to prove her words.

After exploring she goes deeper into the city, the decor changed drastically. Buildings destroyed, the atmosphere become dense and oppressing, her feeling of a danger is crying to her.

" What is this ? It's like I am watched from everywhere and the smell. Oh the smell is horrible, the street reek cadaver, look her. " she run toward the entrance of a store. " it's blood ? This is... This is human guts, oh my God ! " she exclaim. She begin to puck but video editing cut to when she finished.

" Guys. I need to get out of here, right now. I need to fucking get out this is some serious shit. " she run back outside the city. But before she can leave the zone filled with blood and guts she feel with her Telepathy a presence. A strange one, the being have no rational thoughts its like an animal but there is something different, a predatorial instinct, she feel the want to kill her of the beast.

She make herself invisible to its senses but it only work for a minute, the mutated monster seem to capt her position and rush toward her. The camera is totally unstable, and the video cut again.

The youtuber is forced to cover her ears when she hear lound gunshots turning back the video show 3 military shooting the monster.

The video cut again and come back to the YouTuber in her house.

" My fans, I can't believe I'm going to say that but... I think I made a terrible mistake. This is... I can't even understand what's happening but I don't think you'll hear from me for a while. After a post this video, dangerous people will try to make me dissappear like they always do ! Even worst, imagine they send the Conclave 4 to hunt me. I talked to you about them guys. Augmented people experienced by the armies to make them stronger. Anyway I hope you have watch this and are happy to finally have some answes.

Keep searching the truth, only truth matter. This was Blake, see you. " the video end.

After she post this video her channel was erased from YouTube and from all the internet, nobody know where she is right now one month after this video.

Sammael contact could only get it on the darkweb and the price was high, very high.

Infecting New York was not an accident, Sammael himself made sure the city was quarantined the fastest possible. The purpose was not to infected the world but to see the result on a large population, to observe the ramifications caused by the blacklight virus.

People mutate, but the result can be qualified horrible, bloodthirsty beast of muscle having only one objective, consuming. The virus evolve by consuming and absorbing genetic materials and selecting the best traits. But keeping his mental faculty require a certain level of willpower. An gigantic level of willpower, but the most dangerous specimens are the one that have mutated and keep their augmented abilities, sometime these abilities are even stronger after the mutation.

The people with the weakest powers are generally losing them when the virus mutate them, the virus find the pure strength more useful than a weak power. The only exception for those with weak power are the one having a high potential to develop their powers.

The only downside is that the souls are not absorbed, Sammael can send the souls into his hell dimension to convert them in energy pure but if he don't, the souls disperse and rejoin the universe flow of energy. Without a dimension keeping the souls intact they simply have nowhere else to go. The consequences of this is that to bring back someone from the dead became an incredible difficult task. Sammael himself would have a really hard time to bring back a soul to the physical plane.

He'll have to track down all the energy of the soul and reassemble all of it together, the final part would be to bring back all the memories of the soul.

If the soul is sent to his hell dimension then it will be somewhat easier for him. He sent Rebekah in his hell dimension, the quantity of energy she feed to the dimension is enormous. The soul of a powerful, immortal and old creature is much more stronger than a simple human, augmented human or monsters. An extremely powerful witch could potentially equal or surpass a soul this strong. The hollow for example could have give a lot of pure energy to the hell dimension.

May, 2026. Sammael's penthouse, New York.

In the most dangerous place of the quarantined city, one building stand without an inch of destruction, the others buildings are all destroyed but this have not been touched.

On the last floor Sammael wait. They won't be long. In a few minutes they'll arrive in his penthouse. It was inevitable and terribly predictable. One day, one way or another this confrontation will have happen, centuries of conflicts, of betrayal have make sure this will take place.

Maybe in the past he would have tried to resolve this conflict without deaths, but he have changed. The objective he have take have millions of possible roads to achieve it. Different roads, but he have chose his own. No matter the roads they all have a commun point, determination and conviction. Every choices he made, every decisions he made was his own, it was precise and well thought decisions made in full conscience of the implications of these choices.

He still feel, but when his brain was restructured his emotions where erased in favor for intellect.

There are not totally inexistant but low, so low that the control he have over his emotions is absolute. A total and unchallenged control. If he didn't he would simply be like a programme, while it would have its avantage, he would lack the inspiration and imagination possible to advence further.

Killing Rebekah wasn't an impulsive decision, killing her just because she revealed informations on TV was not logical. He could have easily fix the situation without killing her, he just advanced his schedule.

The Deorum de Terra have long since loose their usefulness, Projet:Genesis was the mission of the organization and it have fulfilled it. Now it is only an appreciable tool.

He stop to think about this and focus on the moment, he can feel them they are here. They have no problem to dispatch the mutated monster on the streets. Underestimated them would be a stupid error.

Getting up from his piano, he walk toward the window.

" Traiectus. " Sammael whisper and the window glass begun to shimmer, he walk right trough it and free fall to the ground. He use his magic to slow down his fall at the last moment for avoiding leaving a crater.

In front of him Freya look at him with a lot more fear than the last time he met her. Beside her Elijah seem calm but two complex emotions can be seen in corporal language and facial expressions. Sadness and anger, a cold rage burning under the sadness rain. Klaus on the other doesn't try to hide his emotions, murder is in his eyes, Rebekah was his beloved sister.

Kol at Niklaus side is looking ready to run away one second and the next ripping Sammael head.

" What did you do brother... You were part of this family too, how could you betray her and us like this... This the end Sammael. " Elijah say with regrets and disgust for Sammael. Before someone say something else, Klaus try to rush to Sammael with his hybrid speed but Kol and Elijah hold him back.

" You are an abomination ! It was not me the bastard, but you, how could we not see it? Even now as you stand against us your family you don't... Even as human you were monstrous, it take me years to realize your manipulations that night when I killed Esther ! You used me like a pawn in my most vulnerable moment in my life. " Niklaus shout with rage, his eyes darkening and taking a yellow color.

" For the safety of our family you need to be put down for good. " Freya add with decisiveness, she exchange a look with Kol. He take out a dagger from his inside pocket, Elijah and Klaus take out a dagger too.

Sammael observe them silently, the dagger blade is covered with a strange substance, smelling it with his supernatural senses Sam recognize werewolves venom, he also feel a signature of vampire, werewolf, witch the three linked together. Tribrid blood to make the werewolves venome more powerful.

The last thing he feel from the daggers is dark magic, the dagger are full of dark and corrisve magic.

" Ingenious, was the daggers your idea Freya ? " Sammael ask with little interest.

" Blades imbued with the darkest magic, dipped into the potent venom of Marvel's. Tribrid blood spelled to drastically augment the effect of the venom. You are not an original vampire, the diurne are a proof of that. But these daggers will kill even you. The blood of our siblings and I, made them specifically designed to kill a Mikaelson and you are still one. " Freya answer with pride but with the intention to gain time for Elijah, Kol and Klaus to circle Sammael.

A few seconds of silence follow but Sammael interrupt it.

" Know that your sacrifices will play their role in my endeavor. It is tragic and ironic... This family creation permit my birth on this planet, and the destruction of this same family will allow me to being birth again but this time free. " Sammael chuckle in face of the symmetry.

" What are talking about ! Have you finally lost you mind. " Kol say not understanding Sammael.

" I can't understand any of you. Why are you lacking the ambition to see more, to know more, to be more... We have lived for more than a thousand years but you all kept repeating the same circle over and over again. " Sammael wonder outloud.

" You don't understand because you are empty, love is what truly matter, family matter. You are alone, you have always being alone and by your own design. How could you understand. " Elijah reply preparing himself for the battle.

Sammael ignore him, the incompatibility in their view of the world are too large and it will be pointless to discuss it.

Taking a step back Sammael avoid Kol stab, he counter by breaking Kol arm but he have evade another stab this time by Elijah. He use a magic Shockwave to make space for himself, he also took note of the barrier around all of them suppressing a little his magic. Using Telepathy to know their plan would have been useful but breaking the protection put by Freya would have take too much time.

He had to move from his original position after the brief exchange but blow after blow he get back to it. Flicking his fingers, Klaus on his right have his two legs breaking under him. Blocking the regenerated arm of Kol he grab his chin and broke his neck. Feeling the curse of Freya coming toward him, he sidestep and block Elijah from behind, he force him to take the curse in his place.

Lacerations appears on Elijah and he scream because of the pain. He use his Telekinesis and break Klaus neck.

Facing Freya, Sammael start to realease his magic making the ground quiver, Freya obviously afraid of his magic still resist and release her own power. The two invisible forces clash and fight for dominance but suddenly Freya retreat a power and use the ambiant magic released by their fight to paralyze Sammael.

A clever plan admit Sam in his mind. With all the ambient magic she achieve what she wanted, he let himself being hit but her timing was perfect. Making calculations in his head he estime the duration of the spell to be 5.68 seconds. In 4 sceconds the three brothers will wake up, Freya accelerate their regeneration, it would normally take longer for a vampire breaked neck to fix itself.

It was tight, but he have gained his original position. Reading her mind would have gave him a considerable advantage but he wouldn't have had the time to set up the spell on this emplacement if he had take the time to breach her mental defense.

3.4 seconds.

Kol, Elijah and Klaus wake up and don't wait a second more. They grab their daggers and the three of them rush to Sammael and stab him at the same time.

The dark magic allow the daggers to pierce his body made of biomass. The venom shouldn't have any effect on him but the problem is the tribrid blood, the blood completely changed the venom into an extremely lethal dose of dark poisonous magic made to kill him.

If Freya didn't explain him the nature of the daggers he could been weakened enough to be sealed. But while she was explaining he was creating a spell matrix destined to help him.

The instant Sammael get free again he activate the spell he put on the ground, his biomass begin to absorb all the blood and dark magic and he adapt to it. The spell was made specially to speed up the process of adaption.

While he couldn't be killed the possibility of being sealed exist. Very slim but still there, Freya is a powerful witch but just didn't have enough information about him she must have reach the conclusion that there is a way to kill me and she find his last weakness, tribrid blood. The only species he doesn't have the DNA, a truly brilliant flash of genius from Freya.

If only he had take more blood from her, his curiosity for her evolution could have been a real problem but like a strick of fortune the blood of the only tribrid fall in his lap. 1 stone 2 birds. Normally he wouldn't have a problem absorbing the DNA of a tribrid but the dark magic and Marcel venom made it into a weapon.

The blood slow down his system and siphoning ability enough for the dark magic to inflict damage on his cells, the cells constantly regenerate in endless vicious cirlcle that slow him down. Using his full magical power would simply cause too much destruction on the planet.

And he may as well play his part of the comedy of this fight.

When the adaptation processus his finished, he feel it immediately. A qualitative change went through his DNA, it became more harmonic you could say, more balanced.

Without his body having to deal with the blood the dark magic is subdued and siphoned easily.

He push back Kol, Elijah and Klaus with his magic and he use it to take out the daggers too. The wounds close instantly, not letting them the time to go back on the offense biomass extend from Sammael body and absorb the two original vampire and the original hybrid.

Feeling Freya trying to catch their souls he crush her magic with his own and sent the three souls to his hell dimension. Looking toward her, he teleport in front of her and plunge his arm in her rib cage.

Spilling blood, she look at him with desperation and horror.

" You co.... Could have end all of us from the beginning.. The beg.. Of this fight. W.. Why ? " she ask with difficulty.

" Because of you. It was a surprise, but when the apple fall in your hand, you take it. I guess I also wanted to see your efforts. " He absorb her and send her soul to his dimension.

So, for the emotions, i find this solution to be the best it allow to not completely write about a machine, if I do there won't be any interaction at all.

And it allow me to keep Sammael personality like I want.

Honestly this fight scene, all of it was kinda strange.

I wanted to give credit to his siblings not making it just him snapping his fingers and poof shower of blood. So I justified it as I could.

Thank you for the support, I don't answer a lot but I read reviews and comments. :)

SnowofBloodcreators' thoughts