
Hundreds in one.

September, 2019. New Orleans.

Walking again the street of this city Sammael devise the best scheme to obtain what he want. One last step and he will be able to fuse the virus in himself.

He know where is prey is, he located him before he even set foot on this city and he didn't lose his prey location one second. In a few hours his prey is suppose to leave with his sister Rebekah.

Sammael marge of time is short but it also offer a mean to hide the disparition. His sister will never stop chasing him if she knew his involvement. Approaching a beautiful appartement he use his Telepathy to confuse the vampire guards in front of the building.

He enter without problem and do the same trick with the receptionist. He take the elevator to the last floor.

When he arrive at the floor, he is met with only silence. He walk inside the penthouse. His Telepathy capt the mental resistance of his prey.

An impressive defense, breaching it would require subtility. Playing a little could be instructif.

Waiting for his prey, Sammael is not disappointed when a blur come toward him. Sam supernatural sense make him able to see clearly and react perfectly to the man preparing to hit him at an unnatural speed.

The fact that he hear his prey thought are convenient. His knowledge in hand to hand combat help him chose the perfect counter. He is not a master but he certainly have experience, Sammael in his younger years fought in a war or two.

The two beast of strength and agility exchange blow after blow. The advantage clearly in Sammael favor.

Dodging a punch, Sam retaliate with a low kick that break the man leg. 2,45 seconds is the speed his prey took for rejenerating his leg. Blocking a right hook, Sammael break the arm of the enemy. 1,36 seconds to regenerate. Sam note the difference in time between the leg and the arm.

Hearing the tough of his prey Sam flick his wirst and break to leg of the man. In 0.24 seconds he break the arms of the man and in 0.35 seconds turn his head at 180°.

In 0.56 seconds he put his palm against his prey chest and use his magic to keep his prey from regenerate its broken neck.

In exactly 1.55 second he totally neutralize his prey. The only upgraded original, Marcel Gérard. Teleporting Marcel to his laboratory he hurry up to use magic to clean up the apartment. He grab the affairs of Marcel and put them in bags, he teleport everything in a volcano.

Getting out of the apartment he use his telapathy forced the employee to erase the surveillance images of him. He implants memories in the vampires guards, memories of Marcel leaving the building and warning them he was leaving the city.

He did this without missing a single person. A dozen of witnesses to cover up his tracks.

Sammael appears in his laboratory, he found Marcel on the verge of waking up. It seems he underestimated the resistance to magic from Marcel.

Moving his hand he use Telekinesis to nail down Marcel to a chair, he don't let go of the pressure and keep him immobilize to the chair.

Grabing the familiar glass container he get close to Marcellus.

" If you kill me, she won't forgive you. None of them will. She knew you could be potentially after me, she warned me. " Marcel say, waking up slowly. He try to move but realize he can't.

" Why would she think I am after you ? " Sammael ask but before Marcel can respond he invade his mind and search the answer himself.

He find it rapidly, Rebekah seem to know him well. Well enough to know he have interest in unique individual, species... And to know he is dangerous, extremely dangerous.

Getting out of Marcel mind, Sammael open the container. He drop the biomass on Marcel head and wait.

The virus start to absorb him, Sam don't have to wait long before Marcel is completely absorbed by the virus.

Without wasting time Sammael test his compatibility with the virus. Observing the reaction he can't help but let out a chuckle, the chuckle let the place to a full blown laughter.

Sammael emits à blood-curdling laugh, but he regain control. The compatibility is 99.98%.

He felt pleasure when he saw the reaction but now nervousness is infecting him. All of his previous modifications and rituals where based on magic. But this, this is a pure product of science. A man made virus.

Relaxing, Sammael take the virus in his hand. He close his hand on the virus. Taking a breath he plunge his hand into his torso and push the blacklight virus into his heart.

His heart that had no beat for centuries begin pulsating. The virus infect every cells in his body, it absorb his cells, his muscle, his bones and all the matter of his body and convert it in biomass. His DNA is absorb and fused with hundreds of different ones. Werewolves, Monsters, Diurne, Vampire, Witches, Mermaid, Psychic.

What result of this fusion is a compilation of the best part of each DNA combined into one DNA.

But the processus is long, each strand of DNA is forced to fight for its survival and evolve or perish.

2 weeks later.

Sammael wake up feeling different. Colder more... More inhuman. He can feel an inherent sense of superiority, the feeling of being all powerful, it can really be intoxicating. Sam think to himself while he try to control this feeling.

He clench his fist, an enormous amount of strength flow through his arm. He imagine his hand transforming in claw and the effect is immediate, his hand is now a razor sharp claw.

He start to walk but after his first step he let a dent on the concrete floor. It'll take time to get accustomed to this new level of physical strength.

A few days later he became used to his strength, he also make a few tests on his new condition.

All of his physical attributes became enhanced, his durability also increased because his body is now composed entirely of biomass. He can weaponize his members too.

But he discovered something worrying, his brain have changed. The emotional part of his brain have evolved to afford more processing and solving problem power. His empathy, sense of morality already low are now almost non-existent, only the knowledge of these concepts are still there.

His perception of time also become more defined and precise. Without emotions feeling of the time passing doesn't need to be fast, losing sanity is not a risk.

His vison is affected too, he can see on other spectrum, thermal, magical energy, x-ray... His hears can capt inaudible sound for even the supernatural species.

His nose became extremely sensible, able to categorize and recognize a person only by smell and others very useful tricks.

His siphoning ability work just as much as before If not a little better.

His psychic abilities benefit from the restructuration of his brain, he gained more control and precision.

Checking his phone Sammael see 7 missed call from Rebekah and 3 voicemail.

He launch the first one.

" Marcel leave New Orleans, you heard anything about him ? People tell to me he is in New York but I am at New York and I can't find any trace of him. Please call me back if you know anything. " Rebekah voice speak in the voicemail.

He hit next and listen the second voicemail.

" You have something to do with it. This have your marks all over it. There is nothing, everything point ou to the fact that he is alive and he just leave without me, but my guts are telling me you are implicated. Everything is perfect but Marcel would have give me or at least write me an explanation. You are so inhuman that it probable didn't even enter your mind. " the angry voice of Rebekah resonate in the laboratory.

" I'm coming for you. " Sammael listen to the last voicemail.

One year later, February 2020, Unknow location.

" News on the "2012 event", a old vampire more than 500 years old made revelations about what she called the Deorum de Terra. The vampire named Bekah Gérard revealed the implication of this secret society already suspected by the group of still anonymous hackers who published a video to alert the public.

Miss Gérard declared that the Deorum de Terra is a secret society created by ancient vampires, an ancient vampire is a vampire older than 800 years. This society manipulated the mondial economy and development of humanity for centuries, they have supposedly a hand in the creation of gouvernements and securities agencies. The FBI denied the accusations, the CIA and NSA abstained from responding.

She promised details on the "2012 event" in short time and express a thanks for a certain Sam.

Thank you, will return to you when we have news on this burning topic. " March turn of the TV.

" Well I think it's safe to say this is terrible. And who is this Sam ? " April ask.

" I don't know and I don't care, I say we eliminate this Bekah Gérard. " October offer.

" It's too late, she already said too much we are comprised. " November add.

" We were prepared to be exposed but letting her reveal anything about the project: Genesis will lead us to the death. We may be diurne but if we are decapitated or if our heart is ripped out will die. And if the government arrest us we'll end up in a cell for 10 lifetimes without a drop of blood. " February say to the group.

" December... December are you listening ? " June say to December.

" I am listening. " December answer simply.

" Really, it look more like we bore you. " June continue.

" Can we go back to our problem please. " November diffuse the conflict.

" We just have to disappear. Do we even need to still run the world, I have to admit I am not particularly liking it lot anymore. " July propose.

" Are you joking ? If we don't keep a tight grasp on the world it could slip and come crashing down and break in thousands pieces. " August respond.

" Let her tell what she want. Even if she know and reveal the truth about the "2012 event" she can't reveal our identies, nobody know our real identies. We are perfectly invisible. " May say.

" I suppose a vote is in order. " December conclude.

One month later.

Inside a house without any lights on, Sammael is waiting, sitting in the dark. The lock of the door click and a blonde woman enter.

Sam is undetectable even for the senses of vampire. The blonde woman turn the lights on and show a surprise and fearful face when she recognize the person sitting on her saloon.

" How did you find me. I was cloaked by a very powerful spell. " The blonde woman say, she adopt a combat position.

Sammael doesn't move from his sitting place.

The blonde woman have a cold look in her eyes.

" You killed him. I don't even need to hear your confession to know it. Revealing to the world your dirty secret have anger you enough to get you out. Your servants are maybe different vampires but they are still susceptible to an original compulsion. " she explain.

" I loved you. " Sammael say. The woman run to him a dagger in each hands, Sam stand up and his arm shoot out, his hand grab her by the throat, he lift her easily and he absorb her. He consume her and add her to his biomass.

Thousand of years of memories flash through his mind, the informations are analyzed and categorized.

April, 2020.

" New twist in the affair of secret society Deorum de Terra, Bekah Gérard have been missing, her second interview was schedule for the 28 March but she never join the reporters do conduct the interview. This new devolepoment alimente the complotist who are already shooting about the disparaison being a tentative to mask the true.

It seem this unreal story is not other yet, stay tuned to be the first to know the actualities. " a radia station diffuse in all of America.

" On another hand, a photo of Elon Musk grab the attention of a few curious. On the photo in the background we can apperceive a triquetra, the suppused symbol of the Deorum de Terra. Is Elon Musk a part of this secret society ? This the question on all the lips after the ones about the disparition of Bekah Gérard. " the radio presenter continue.