
As Luffy in One Piece

A man was transmigrated into One Piece as the main proganist of the series.. Monkey. D. Luffy... "Well.. That was unexpected but Luffy won't be stupid anymore..." The fan-fiction goes on with the plot.. except the changes in the character of Luffy and have a harem of course. Update schedule: Random number of chapter but it will be updated everyday..

AFKing_000 · 漫画同人
11 Chs

Chapter 2: The Journey Begins!

Seven years later: At the port of Windmill Village..

Several peoples were now advising Luffy who was standing on a fishing boat. He didn't use a rowing boat this time.

Luffy was now 17 years old and was about to start his journey. During the past seven years, Luffy trained continuosly completing the various tasks given by the system and training his ability.

Now he had already finished all the tasks and the system also disappeared. Before disappearing, the screen showed the results:





AGE: 17















Currently, Luffy's body was taller(6'2") and good-figured affected by the system he thought.

Now, he could easily sail around even in New World easily.

Makino: "Take care of your body and be careful out there.. Luffy!"

Luffy: "Hehe.. of course I will. You also try to always stay beautiful.. Makino!"

"Your mouth is still sweet as ever.. I will try it.."

Makino giggled lightly with a rosy face. In fact, not only Luffy's strength was increased but his flirting skill was also the top class.

Luffy: "Ok guys! Then I am leaving.. Bye!!"

Luffy waved his hand and released the sail and sailed away looking back at the cheering peoples.

Suddenly a huge Sea King emerged in front of Luffy which made the peoples looked worried.

"Ah! That is the lord of the coastal waters!"

The peoples said in horror. But Luffy didn't even look at it and said with a smiling face..

"So you've come out.. I didn't expect to happen similarly. Why don't you just get lost from my sight.." Luffy instantly released his aura which made the Sea King lost consciousness and fell to the sea.

"Hehe, thats right.. Just like a good boy.." Then he slowly sailed away leaving the peoples dumbfounded.

"Eh! What just happened? It fell to the sea?"

Makino: "There he goes, mayor.. I'm going to miss him.."

"Humph! He is a disgrace to the village! Becoming a pirate.." The mayor said that but his smiling face told a different story.

Luffy looked at the vast sea holding his straw hat from getting blown by the wind. He then slightly smiled,

"I wonder how Ace is doing.. I hope we meet soon.." Luffy turned the sail and headed towards East to Shells Town. He met a storm on the sea but escaped safely.

The next day, Luffy met a huge pirate ship. It was the 'Miss Love Duck' of Alvida pirates.

"Well.. lets fill my supplies here.." Luffy jumped up and landed on the deck and saw a fat woman and several pirates. Luffy soon recognised the fat woman 'Alvida' who will become quite beautiful in the future.

Seeing someone jumping on her ship, Alvida said angrily: "You bastard! How dare you enter my ship.."

Luffy: "Sorry.. sorry.. I need some supplies, so I came here to loot yours."

Hearing Luffy's words, the pirates immediately got angry and rushed towards Luffy but before they reached him, all fainted and fell on the floor. Alvida was shocked but soon attacked on Luffy.

Luffy easily dodged it, appeared in front of her and stretched his right hand back and said:

"Lets see if you can become more beautiful.."

"What! More beautiful!" Alvida was shocked hearing Luffy's word. She knew that she was ugly and forced others to say she was beautiful but no one had ever said it truthfully..

Then, Luffy used 'Rubber Pistol' and directly blasted Alvida on the sky.

"Wait!!" Alvida's figure became smaller and disappeared.

"Well lets hope that you become slim this time also" Luffy looked at the sky for a while and soon entered inside the ship to take some supplies.

As soon as he entered the storage room, Luffy saw a boy with pink hair wearing a spectacle hiding himself foolishly.

Luffy came forward and watched the trembling boy who didn't even notice Luffy behind him.

"Oyy.. you kid, your hiding skill is very terrible.."

"What! D-don't kill me.. I am a victim captured by them.." Hearing Luffy's voice from behind shocked the boy to jump up and beg on Luffy.

"Hey.. hey.. don't do that. Don't worry I won't kill you"

"Ah! Really! Thank you very much.. oh, by the way I'm Coby. W-what is yours?" Coby introduced himself and asked in a trembling voice.

"Hehe.. you look funny, I'm called Luffy, a pirate.."

Coby: "Well Luffy-san, you look like a good person.. So why did you become a pirate?"

Luffy: "Its fun to become a pirate. You get to sail freely and besides not all pirates are bad."

Coby: "I hope so.. but I'm going to join the marine in the future!"

"Keep up the good work.. You will surely achieve your goal.."

"Thank you Luffy-san.."

Luffy packed some supplies including treasures and walked back towards his boat.

"Um.. Luffy-san, can you take me too?"

"Of course.." Thus, Luffy and Coby started sailing forward.

Coby: "Luffy-san.. where are you heading next?"

"I'm heading to Shells Town to look for Zoro to join my crew.."

"What! Y-you mean Roronoa Zoro, the great pirate hunter!!" Coby asked in a surprised tone, he didn't think that Luffy would actually invite Zoro to his crew.

The next day, they reached the Shells Town. They docked the boat and entered the town. While strolling Luffy asked around for the whereabouts of Zoro which made the peoples scared away.

Soon they reached a huge wall and jumped passed it.

After passing on the wall, Luffy and Coby saw a figure with green head, tight on a cross looking exhausted. He was the pirate hunter, Roronoa Zoro..

Seeing two figures in front of him, Zoro looked up with sharp eyes and said with a cold voice,

"What are you two doing here? Get lost.. you are an eyesore.."

Hearing the words, Coby suddenly shuddered in fear and hid behind Luffy. Luffy instantly appeared in front of Zoro and looked at his face.

"What! How did you appeared here so fast?" Zoro asked in a shocking voice. He didn't even see his shadow.

Luffy: "So you are the pirate hunter, Roronoa Zoro.. From now on you will be my crew.. hehe"

Zoro: "What! I don't agree! How can you make the decision yourself! "

"By the way, nice to meet you.. I'm your captain from now on, Monkey. D. Luffy.."

"Didn't you hear what I just said! Now I'm really pissed with you.." Zoro was very mad at Luffy. He didn't even ask his choice and made him his crew.

At that moment, a small girl came beside Zoro and handed two rice balls on him. After Zoro knew that she tried hard to make it for Zoro, he took the riceballs and ate it all.

"Hey!! You guys! What are you doing there?" An angry voice came from the gate and a man with blonde hair and cleft chin came forward with some marine soldiers. He was Helmeppo, a marine offficer and the son of marine Captain, 'Axe-Hand' Morgan.

"You all get out before I throw you out personally!"

He shouted towards Luffy but still didn't move. Seeing Luffy neglecting his words, Helmeppo bacame angry and ordered the soldiers to attack him.

Zoro: "You get out of here, do you want to die?"

Zoro shouted at Luffy and thought the soldiers will beat him but it didn't happen. Instead, the soldiers all fainted instantly after getting near Luffy. All the remaining peoples were all shocked.

Coby & Zoro: "Eh! They fainted! "

"W-what happened to you guys? Get up and beat him up.." Seeing his soldiers suddenly fainted near Luffy, he shouted at them but he was already trembling with fear sitting on the ground.

"I heard you are the strongest swordsman in the East Blue. So, why don't you join me and aim for the strongest in the world?"

Luffy turned to Zoro and suddenly asked making the shocked Zoro return to normal.

"Heh.. I am but my swords are all taken by the marines.."

Luffy: "Well I will bring it back and then you join my crew.."

"Damn you! Don't just say that! " Zoro shouted at Luffy angrily and continued, "After tomorrow I will be free and continue my own journey.."

Helmeppo: "Haha.. what did you say? Roronoa Zoro, you believed what we said? What a dumb one.. you will not be released tomorrow but will be executed.."

"What! Bastard! You lied to me.." Zoro shouted at Helpemmo after realising that the marines lied to them.

"Haha.. poor Zoro, you have no choice but to join my crew. I will take your swords back from the marines.. you wait here.." Luffy said happily, took the scared Helpemmo and shot towards the marine building stretching his hand. Luffy destroyed the wall and entered inside the base and made Helpemmo led the way and finally took Zoro's swords. Luffy also took the money and treasures inside the room and left the base.

After Luffy returned back, he released Zoro and handed him the swords. They were about to leave when several marines rushed towards them.

"You think you can escape after destroying everything! Straw Hat kid.." A hoarse voice sounded and a blonde-haired big man with metal masked on his mouth came forward. He was the current marine Captain, 'Axe-Hand' Morgan.

"Shoot them!!" He ordered the soldiers which shot several bullets on Luffy but didn't hurt him and instantly got deflected. This made everyone present shocked opening their mouths wide.

Morgan: "Hm! A devil fruit user..huh!"

"Its rude to suddenly shoot at innocent peoples.. I'm getting sick of this.." Luffy said in a mocking tone and started getting serious. Strong aura released from him and instantly fainted all the marine soldiers. Morgan was again dumbfounded,

"You can also used that too! It seems like I can't let you leave this place.. Straw Hat!"

But Luffy instantly appeared in front of him, pointed his finger and pierced several holes on Morgan's body..

'Finger Pistol'

"What! splurt.." Morgan looked at Luffy with wide eyes, he didn't expect Luffy to be so strong that he didn't even have a slightest chance to act. He splurted out a mouthful of blood and fell to the ground losing consciousness.

Zoro & Coby: "So strong! A marine captain was defeated instantly! " Both of them were shocked once again seeing the strength of Luffy.

Luffy and the others soon left the place and entered a restaurant and had their meal.

Zoro: " Ahh.. it's the first time I've eaten this full.. By the way, Luffy.. you looked strong so you should have other crew members.."

Luffy: "Nope.. you are the first one.. don't worry we will soon have several crew.."

"Ok! And do you have a ship?" Zoro asked with high hopes but Luffy's answer disappointed him.

Luffy currently only have the fishing boat. He had enough money and treasures that he looted, but decided not to buy a ship as they will soon have 'Merry Go'.

After meeting the marines and leaving Coby with them, Luffy and Zoro went to the port and started sailing away.

"We are now hated by the whole town, it really seems pirate-like.."

Coby rushed towards the port and shouted at them..

"Guys! Thank you for everything you have done.. I will forever remember your kindness.."

Zoro: "Well.. I have never heard of a marine thanking a pirate before.."

Luffy: "Hehe.. bye Coby, I hope you become a great marine when we meet again.."

"Of course I will, Luffy!"

Zoro: "Then, where are we heading next?" Zoro asked Luffy after sailing far away from the town. Luffy took out a map and a compas, he had fully prepared the necessary items for sailing.

"Ok! We are heading to the Orange Town.."

Zoro: "Ok captain! It seems like some interesting adventures are waiting for us.."

Thus, Luffy and Zoro started sailing towards their next destination..


End of Chapter..

Enjoy it..