
A Second Chance - Avatar Way of Water

Inspired after watching the fantastic new Avatar film (James Cameron), it tells the story of Harry More a rich OC who is able to use the Avatar programme to make a permanent change to escape his dying body. Now on Pandora, just before Jake Sully, follow his story as he meets the characters from both films and beyond as he explores the world of Pandora. Will he get his peaceful retirement? I think not!

Didiodo · 电影同人
37 Chs

Chapter 18

Harry flicked the switch turning on his scanning equipment. The islands below had started to fade together, his brain struggling to differentiate the many islands he and Sukal had scouted this last week.

Looking down at the sea, he caught sight of her body ascending the waves with regal elegance. His heart burned to be down there with her, dancing through cresting waves in harmony with each and this miraculous world. Being stuck in a metal box, not able to swim freely through the water had never been more frustrating.

Not willing to be separated so soon, Harry had persisted with his demand to help her scout a new home. Sadly, ilus were ill-suited for long distanced travel and so he had to improvise using his rotorcraft. It was lonely during the day, not able to speak to his love, only spectating from afar, but at least if they found an island to rest on, they could be together.

They had found many islands with a wide variety of conditions. Some were barren, others bountiful. Some had great reefs to provide shelter to the island, some did not. They even found some islands that seem more beautiful and ideal for the Navi to settle on, however all the islands surveyed had the same critical flaw.

No spirit tree.

The main reason to relocate the tribe was to reconnect to their deity, to be able to bask in her eternal love. The tribe would never agree to uproot their life somewhere that didn't process a spirit tree.

That night as they feasted on freshly caught fish, Harry couldn't help but ask. "How much further are we going?" Already he was trying to imagine the logistical nightmare of getting all the villages this far, many forced to ride ilus. The ilu's would have to be rested several times throughout the day, which would mean they would have to plan their journey to travel between island rest points. A long and arduous prospect that would add many days to their journey.

Shaking her head sadly, "We've already gone past the point agreed. I only hope the other team has had better luck." With her and Harry forming one scouting team, the other three Tsurak (Skimwing) riders travelled in a different direction.

"What happens if we can't find a spirit tree?"

Looking out at the open water, Sukal whispered the fear that had been eating away at her ever since her return to her people. "Disband. Join another tribe."

"But…" While there had been conflict between Navi tribes, it was rare. Each tribe represented a history of honour and memories that disbanding would see vanish in the sands of history. The consequences of failing to find a home, now very real.

"Do you interact with the other tribes much?" Harry asked softly, trying to pull his lover's mind away from dark thoughts.

Nodding Sukal explained further. "We often trade with tribes. Many specialise in certain products. The Tipani tribe are great fishermen, their tribes produce the most beautiful shells." Pointing further east, "The Nantang tribe are great crafters, the knives they make are the sharpest."

Looking down at his chest, he saw the knife that Sukal had given to him in what felt like a lifetime ago. "Yes, Harri. My fathers traded for it on an expedition many moons ago." Leaning over and giving her a light kiss on the lips, now appreciative of the significance of the gift. It was likely the last item of her family she possessed, yet she had given it to him.

Coughing and trying to focus on her information again, Sukal continued. "To the west is the Metkayina clan. They are known to be the greatest hunters, few dares to make trouble with them."

Recognising the name, Harry chipped in.

"I've been there. Met them."

Sukal turned in his arms to look at him. This was the first she had heard this.

"I was following these giant whale-like creatures, larger than anything I'd seen before. Their bodies seemed to be decorated with patterns."

"Tulkun!" Sukal called out, he hadn't ever seen her this excited before. He assumed that as reef people, she would have seen plenty of them before. "You really saw Tulkun my Harri?"

Nodding he continued. "They were what led me to the Metkayina tribe. I tried to introduce myself, to learn from them. I wasn't welcome, so I had to leave." Holding Sukal close to him he muttered lovingly. "And if they hadn't, I might never have met you, my love."

For the first time, she looked at her alien lover in envy.

"The Tulkun are sacred to the reef people Harri. Only the largest, most blessed tribes are visited by the Tulkun in their migration. I have even heard of Navi bonding with them, soul brothers and sisters. I have dreamed of seeing one up close since I was a cub."

Harry's lips smiled at the image.

"This world is filled with wonders, my little cub." Sukal nudged him in the ribs causing him to yelp in protest. "We can see it all. Travel to the distant tribes of hills and deserts. Search the ocean for your destined Tulkun partner. We can do it all."

Sukal snuggled further into his embrace. "I don't need all that my Harri. Eywa has blessed me with you, I need nothing else except the feel of your arms around me."

"Together" Harry whispered. He had no desire to be separated from his love, but there was a heavy sensation in his heart.

He could feel the delicate peace he had established under threat.

Every extra second together was a blessing from Eywa, but Harry knew it wouldn't last forever.

His retirement would never be that easy.



The night's peace was disrobed by an alert from the rotorcraft. Disentangling himself from Sukals loving embrace, he wearily went to check.

URGENT: Hells Gate

It seemed the mining base had sent him another message. He was impressed it managed to reach him all the way out in the ocean. They must have boosted the signal by sending it through an orbiting satellite, he thought idly.

Deciding that ignoring two urgent messages was risky, he opened the communication.

Quickly, he regrated his choice.

Reading through the information, and then going back to the previous message to understand the context.

He let out a breath and swore "Wiya!"(Damn!)

Selfridge had commissioned a team of Avatar scientists to tour many of the Navi tribes they were aware of. It was an amazing opportunity that took them deep into unexplored regions, to have first contact with the various Navi tribes beyond the Omatikaya. It was the sort of research expedition that Harry would have given his left arm for when he first arrived on Pandora. Even now, after living with a Navi tribe, he still felt a pang of regret that he ignored his invitation.

The following message was to request his aid. The shit had hit the fan.

Reading on, Harry was shocked to see many of the familiar names attached to the report; Rai, Willow and other Avatar drivers he had met were now being held hostage by a Navi tribe. The first message had been from Selfridge, a clear ploy to ease tensions between them, but the second was from someone else. The name didn't ring a bell, so he searched his records and found it to be a scientist working with the Avatar programme. Max.

Struggling to find a reason he had contacted him, he was hardly the Avatar rescue line, he searched deeper into the data. The offending tribe was located surprisingly close to his island home, and the images recorded on them showed a familiar marking.

Then he saw it.

In the background of a picture was a familiar face. Ra'sar!

The news only got worse from there.

Max had sent word that Quaritch was preparing his mercenaries to retrieve them. Even if he had to eradicate the tribe as an example.

It was going to be war.


Harry watched Sukals sleeping for a short moment. She was so peaceful, so enchanting that he hated himself for what he had to do next.

Gently shaking her shoulders, she sleepily pushed him away. "Not now Harri." She mumbled; the insatiable alien needed to learn to pick better times for their mating.

"Sukal." Something in his voice mustered to wakefulness.

"Harri? What has happened?"

"I need to leave." The words slipped out, Harry feeling as if a hot knife was carving his heart up while he stared into her confused ocean-blue eyes.

"Leave? Harri, we return to the tribe after sun up, then we can…"

"No Sukal. I need to leave. Now. I need to return to the skypeople."

Tears welled in her eyes, not able to understand why. They had been so happy, why must their union be broken now? Holding her face, trying to convey his unending love, he tried to explain.

"I've got word my friends are in danger. I need to protect them. To stop a war."

"Then I come with you." Sukal said. Not wanting to hear any arguments. Stroking her hair and locking their lips together in loving desperation.

"No. You are needed here. Your tribe needs you." Accepting it slowly, she looked at Harri as if for the first time. He was no great warrior or hunter, that had been clear to her since their first fateful meeting. He was more of a curious child that had wormed his way into her heart, but now she saw something different.

Her Harri had a strong heart.

"Then go my Harri, protect your friends and return to me."

Their bodies crushed together then, kissing passionately, neither willing nor wanting to let the other go. Before he succumbed too deeply to the pleasures of the flesh, Harry separated and returned to the rotorcraft. Only turning back to leave a communication device with his love, a hope they may be able to see each other despite the distance.

Rising high in the night sky, Harry looked down at Sukals rapidly shrinking form.



The flight was long, several days on the continuous flight had left him severely irritated but refused to divert to an island to stretch his legs.

As the sun set on his third day of travel, the sea's horizon broke with the mainland's white cliffs. Checking his scanners, he mentally repositioned himself, his island was just over the horizon to the west.

The tribe's location, which was holding several of his friends hostage was a hundred clicks or so ahead. The report said they made their home in one of the sky trees that rose higher than all the surrounding forest.

Finally flying over the mainland again, his eyes took a second to adjust to all the green. He had become so used to the ocean-rich blues and turquoise that it shocked his system.

In the distance, the sky tree was now visible.

The tribes home.

Ra'sar home.

Landing his plane on a flat area of ground he took measures of his supplies.

Harry was still dressed as one of the reef people, so used to it now that he didn't even consider human-style clothing anymore. On his back, a rucksack with a communication module. He would need to talk to Hells gates (the mining base) to help with the negotiation. He picked up his rifle, before placing it back down. If he needed that, then he had failed.

Instead choosing to pick a carved wooden staff to defend himself from the dangers of the forest. Doeung had been teaching him the way of the spear since he had left the infirmary. After seeing Harry's first attempt with a bladed spear, he had declared that Harry needed to train with a staff first. Something about not wanting his doctor to turn into another patient.

With a command from his holo-tablet, he sent to plane back to the island. This close to his island, he was confident he could summon it back when needed.

Taking his first steps into the jungle, he couldn't but feel excited.

It was good to be back.