
A Second Chance - Avatar Way of Water

Inspired after watching the fantastic new Avatar film (James Cameron), it tells the story of Harry More a rich OC who is able to use the Avatar programme to make a permanent change to escape his dying body. Now on Pandora, just before Jake Sully, follow his story as he meets the characters from both films and beyond as he explores the world of Pandora. Will he get his peaceful retirement? I think not!

Didiodo · Movies
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37 Chs

Chapter 17

"Tsaheylu is how we connect to all of Eywas children my Harri" Sukal told him. "When bonded, we share all. All our senses, our memory, our strengths." Her hand gently traced his chest, around his body until she held his braid. A shiver of pleasure and nervousness ran through his spine.

Mating as a Navi was different from humans. While there was the physical aspect, Harry was at least familiar with this part, there was also a spiritual one where two Navi could join their queues (neural connection) to truly become one in they eyes of Eywa.

Sukal and Harry may have dedicated themselves to each other, however they were only considered a mated pair when they performed Tsaheylu (The Bond). Something he didn't know if he was ready for. Handing back his braid, Sukal instructed him.

"Make the bond."

Feeling nervous and knowing that he had run out of excuses, he brought his queue to the ilu floating patiently in front of him. It was one of the ilu who had no family to return to and so Harry had been offered its services.

The pink tendrils of nerves reached out to each other until they could link together and create a solid connection.


Alien sensations flooded his mind making his knees weak. The ilu flicked its tail, trying to adapt to his mind.

Sukals voice reached out, trying to calm both. "Nimwey. (Calm) Feel her heartbeat."

As she spoke Harry could feel the ilu's heart beating steadily as if it was his own. He started to feel more, his legs gone replaced by flippers. He could feel the cool water beading and running down its, no, his neck.

"Feel her breath." Opening his mouth to take a deep breath, the ilu followed Harry's lead, its flanks rising and falling in time to his. The two creatures now existed as one. Harry could feel the ilu's mind and desires, the sudden urge to dive down to the reef was almost irresistible. He felt himself fidgeting, needing to be moving.

"You can tell her what to do through here." Sukal pointed to his head. "You must focus on what you want."

Climbing on with equal parts trepidation and excitement, Harry gripped the harness. Deciding to try something simple to start with, Harry thought 'Swim'


The ilu took off shooting through the water. Harry's one hand barely hanging on, becoming more of a dead weight than a rider. The water spray assaulted his face. One course correction flung Harry off in an all too familiar way.

Trying to hide her laughter, Sukal mounted Uro and came over.

"My Harri, look at me" She positioned herself on the ilu. Her feet locked on the shoulder bone similar to how he had done it. "This strong position out of water only."

"I think it's the in-water part I'm finding hard." Harry replied sarcastically. He was ignored.

Sukal moved her body, her feet further back and head resting on the ilu's body. "This how you dive. Good position very important." Looking at her example, Harry could see his mistake. Going that fast underwater, the pressure was immense. He needed to be as streamlined as possible.



It was several hours later that the pair emerged from the ocean. Harry was bone tired with every muscle screaming out for rest.

He had improved, able to ride the ilu with at least some control. He had worked on his positioning with Sukal rigorously until she was satisfied but his entries when diving in the water still caused him issues.

Sukal was a brutal taskmaster who demanded he practice more and more. It seemed there was no special knack for it except experience.

Pulling his weary body to a cooking fire and collapsing beside it, ignoring Sukal's comments of continuing his practice after the food was dismissed by his brain as too painful to process. Finally sitting down, a bowl of hot broth in his hands, he could finally relax and rest.

"Harri! Harri!" Turo came running up to the pair. "The elders have called a tribal meeting. Come quick!" It seemed rest was to be postponed yet again.

Not having the option to refuse, Harry was pulled along to the largest hut.

Oreona, as one of the oldest living of the tribe, had taken charge of the meeting.

"The sea gives and the sea takes" Oreona quoted the way of water Sukal had been teaching him. All the Navi sitting in the circle nodded. "Our tribe is left broken. Our leaders rest with Eywa while we are cut off from her guidance and love."

More nods from the crowds with some of the elders calling out "Great Mother!" in prayer.

"This has been our home for many generations. Now we face the tough decision."

"You can't mean…" Sukal called out in shock.

"Yes child. Relocation. We need a new home." Her words immediately sparked debate. Navi against Navi. This was their tribe's home, having been protected and cultivated for hundreds of years. Now they might have to leave.

"Hear my words." Oreona tried to silence the crowd. "What is necessary is not always easy. This is the Great Mother's will." At that, the chattering stopped. All Navi held Eywa in the utmost respect. "At first light, we sent scouts to search for somewhere suitable."


Harry watched as Sukal and a group of the strongest hunters mount their ilu's.

"Are you sure I can't join you? I don't like the idea of you doing this without me." Harry complained to her. Again.

"You are not ready for the water beyond the reef. Stay here, train with your ilu."

"But what if I follow in…"

"No Harri." Seeing her lovers downturned face, Sukal reached out and pulled him close. "We need tsuraks (Skimwings) if we are to find a new home. Scouts reported seeing a migrating flock nearby."

"The danger…"

"This is our way. My people have hunted the tsuraks since the time of the first songs. Trust me Harri." Giving her a long kiss goodbye, Sukal and the other dived into the water and sped towards the open ocean.

"I guess its just us left?" Harry spoke to the ilu that was following him.

He thought of all the wisdom the Navi possessed, and considered another phase to be added to the list that perfectly summed his current life up.

When in doubt, practice.



Harry and his mount flew from the sea before expertly diving back in. Underwater Harry raced passed the strange fish and colourful plants. He saw a group of children swimming above him, their legs dangling down, and couldn't help but embrace the ilu's playfulness. Accelerating as hard she could, the ilu rocketed out the water arching over their heads to splash next to them. Harry with only a short moment before taking off and landing, waved at their shocked faces before positioning himself properly for the landing with practised ease.

With Sukal gone the last few days, he had little to do but practice. At first, it was painful. The aches of tensing muscles unused until now burned like fire but he didn't stop. With every practice, every failure, his body strengthened. The rhythm of the water became increasingly clear.

The lessons Sukal had been teaching him all along, they way of water echoed in his mind, 'The sea is your home before your birth and after your death' and for once he felt at home. Here on this remote island, with the woman he loved and the ocean that had embraced him.

And then one day, it clicked.

The water was no longer a barrier that held him back, instead, Harry could feel the pulse of the ocean, pushing him forward. His whole mindset shifted, he didn't need to work against the sea, but with it.

Harry was finally able to ride the ilu like a native, navigating the reef with an ease he would have thought impossible weeks before. Tsaheylu now was an everyday occurrence. The ilu became increasingly entuned with his commands as they forged a stronger bond. Harry had even grown fond her, making sure to take equal care of her. He would scrub her back, rub her flippers and fetch her favourite snacks. She was not a pet, but rather a partner to cherish.

Harry was now starting to appreciate the close link the Navi had to this world. The destruction that humans were so good at, that he had sanctioned by his inaction, now shocked him. If he could form an emotional bond with an ilu, which was lower down in Pandora's creature hierarchy, then the killing of all those beasts was simply murder.

Ahrooo! The Navi watchman blew the into the seashell, the note carrying clear across the bay.

The hunting party had returned!

At the entrance of the reef, where the ocean tides met the bay's protected inlet, the waves were high. On the crest of a wave, Harry spotted the hunting party returning triumphantly. Four Tsurarks (Skimwings) proudly flew at the front of the party, their grey tails slicing the water below as their black and orange wings held them aloft.

The tribe had come out of the homes at the signal and started to cheer and shout. Tsurarks represented true hunters, and hunters were in turn the tribe's strength.

Each Tsurak was twice the size of an ilu and could accelerate through the water much faster as well. Their wings could be folded to their side when speeding underwater and then unfurl to glide through the air when needed. The Tsuraks couldn't fly like an Ikran (Banshee), as they still needed to keep their tail in the water to propel them forward. The Tsurak most dangerous weapon however, was its long jaw of razor teeth that could simultaneously slice and crush most creatures.

As the hunting party returned, he could make out that Sukal was mounted on one of the Tsurak's. Harry's jaw nearly dropped. He knew that Sukal went with the hunting party, as to subdue a Tsurak often required two or three Navi, but to be chosen as one of the riders was a great honour and responsibility.

Gliding up the bay, Sukal quickly dismounted and threw herself into Harry's arms. The time separating them too long. Pulling his face down to her, Sukal initiated the kiss, making sure to savour every moment.

"Are you hurt?" Harry whispered. Hunts were dangerous. The village people told tales of hunts where several young hunters had been slain by their would-be mounts. Shaking her head, she nestled into his strong arms.

The couple moved away from the celebration happening on the shore for the victorious hunters, looking for some more privacy.

Nestled under an overhanging fruit tree on the far side of the bay, the lovers explored each other's bodies hungrily. Every touch a sensual caress, bringing them to the height of ecstasy. Every trail of kisses across their bodies, moving them ever closer to climax in ripples of pleasure. As they made love on the sands of Pandora, Harry's dedication to Sukal grew with every thrust. From this moment on; she was his, and he was hers.

Stopping only before they made the Tsaheylu, Harry and Sukal lay together, their breathing ragged and their entangled bodies bared to the stars.

Tracing the glowing patterns of dots on Harry's chest, Sukal finally broke the silence.

"We begin the search for a new home at sunrise." The words broke their bliss and threw Harry into a whirlwind of nightmares. She would need to leave again, to be gone for weeks at a time, searching distant islands. And the best-case scenario, the tribe finds a new home.

What happens to him them? He pondered silently.

Was his home with the Navi, with Sukal, or did he belong back on his island and his technology?

Running his blue hands through her braided hair, eliciting a small moan of pleasure, he wasn't sure how to broach the topic with the woman he loved more than life itself.

How could he explain that he might have to leave one day without breaking her heart?