
Sword style and End of Training

Lucas woke up excited and enthusiastically when he remembered that he will learn Haki this day. He then ran at the pond and practice his sword as a habit.

After a few hours, Issho arrived and sat on the Bamboo floor. Admiring the scenery and waiting for Lucas to notice him.

Lucas already noticed Issho when he arrived. Lucas unhesitatingly finished his sword practice first. Even if he was excited about learning Haki he still chose to finish. Lucas knows that learning something can't be in a moment's notice, it should be step by step. After a few minutes he finished his whole set.

"I need to visualize what kind of swordplay I should do" Lucas thought of this while running towards Issho.

"Old man Issho, is it time to teach me now?" Lucas grinningly said.

"Oh yah! Oh yah! Young man, Haki is not a simple thing as you think. Come let's talk about it" Issho and Lucas then sat a Japanese table at the Old house and drink tea.

"Hmmmmm Let's talk about what is Haki first, Haki is a mysterious power that is found in every living being in the world. It is not that different from the typical senses" Issho then sip a tea while looking at Lucas.

"Most people do not notice it or fail to awaken it. Broadly speaking, there are two types of Haki available to everyone, given the proper training; however, there is a third type that only a certain group of "chosen ones" are said to possess. In simple terms, Haki is an ability to sense spiritual energy (Kenbunshoku), use life force (Busoshoku) and overpower enemies (Haoshoku)."

"It will take years to even gain a glimpse of mastery over Haki, I don't intend and expect you to learn from my tutelage. I'm just giving you an idea, so in future cases, If you ever awaken and learned to use among those three I'll expect you know what to do" Issho taught Lucas seriously.

"Seems like there is more to it, than meets the eye" Lucas ponders about the things Issho is talking about. Lucas then listened attentively. It's rare for a person to know anything about Haki and it's rare to find a teacher who will teach you.

"Young man, I'll be going on a mission for three months, you'll be staying here and continue your training. Damn that headquarters now of all time they call me for no reason at all" Issho then bid goodbye and reluctantly left.

Lucas then finished his chores, thinking of what Issho said.

"Old man Issho might be getting the Zushi Zushi no Mi" Lucas worries about Issho eating it before I he has a chance to have it. Then he stopped and focus on his training.

Lucas then trains with all of his might, giving his best at every situation.

Four months later at an Old House at the Marine Base.

You can see a young man fighting a samurai. The young man has a clean cut muscle that is hidden within his clothes. The young man then ran. The battle is almost at a climax. The young man attacked with power.

"Annihilation Cut!" Lucas slash intently with an exploding power towards his teacher.

The teacher then parries his attack, then smiled.

"Hmph, not bad this past months you showed progress, you can now call yourself a student of mine, even if our meeting is momentary you passed my personal test and it seems like you already created your own sword style, may I know the name of it" The unknown samurai asked.

"Sensei, I call it Annihilation Sword style, it is very simple yet complicated set of sword techniques that focus on Annihilation on every sword attack that have the intent to Annihilate. It fits my style of being straightforward when it comes to swords the most" Lucas explained his findings to his master.

"Hahahaha good, good not bad at all. Our training ends here, I have nothing to teach you anymore as I promised to Issho then I bid farewell. I might hear some news about you. So do what you always wanted, someday I might hear that swordstyle and you will gain my respect young man" The Unknown samurai then left with a smile on his face.

Lucas then bowed respectively, even though he doesn't know much about his teacher. He taught him everything he needed to create his own style.

"Yes, I created my own style hahahaha I like what I have come up after experimenting which sword style suit me the most" Lucas then clean his body then finish his chores.

On the way to his room, he heard a footstep arrive at the house.

"Seems like we have a visitor" Lucas then realized that the footstep seems familiar.

"Old man Issho it's been a long time hahahaha, how come you have only just arrive" Lucas asked curiously.

"You noticed me, not bad Young man. I have just arrived this afternoon. For some reason I met some diffuculty on the way here, and I'm late because of my personal reasons" Issho said with a furrowed face.

"Do you want to talk about it Old man?" Issho asked seriously as he made tea and set the Japanese table for both of them.

"Those damn politician I have investigated them on my own accord and found about their corruption and evil. Damn it!" Issho then hit the table as he was angry.

"I've brought them to authorities yet those higher ups took the blind eye, because of a position they don't want to offend and money involved. Damn it, I've been doing this and there are no results being obtained, it's the same thing with the corrupt and evil world" Issho was boiling with anger then decided to draw out his sword and look at it.

"Ahhh, damn it! It's all for nothing" Issho then draw the blade of the sword to his face.

As Issho was to cut his face, he saw a hand blocking his hand.

"Seems like this is the reason he cut his face. I need to prevent this to escalate" Lucas thought of this situation.

"Old man I know that you're pissed that you can't do anything about it right now for some reason. Still don't give up and continue what you are always been doing. Doing the right thing. There is just something I want to tell you," Lucas then looked at Issho seriously.

"Old man Issho, no matter how corrupt and evil people are, it doesn't change nothing even if you hurt yourself" Lucas then sip a tea.

"What are you trying to say young man?" Issho looked at Lucas Intently.

"What I'm trying to say is that everything has a side and they chose to follow what they always wanted, there desires and dreams. As you say, there is a lot corrupt and evil, isn't there a lot of good people with honest life? If not, what's the purpose of everything? I know this won't satisfy your question, but remember this Old man there are people that is willing to sacrifice themselves to save a person and you will meet that person someday, so if you want to see that person stop right now" Lucas then bowed respectively to Issho.

Issho then thinks of what Lucas said quietly. After a few minutes he smiles, then said.

"Your right young man! I almost lost my only chance to see the end! Ha ha ha ha Oh yah! Oh Yah! Not bad young man, where did you learn all of that? Nonetheless thanks young man. Let's eat, I brought some delicacies from the Island I recently visited Ha Ha Ha" Issho then brought the food to the table.

Lucas and Issho then talk for hours. They talk about what each other has done for the past few months. Issho was shocked when he learned that Lucas already finished his training under the samurai. After an hour of talking they finished things up and they slept peacefully in their rooms.

Days past like any other day with some surprises.

As Issho was away for four months. Lucas didn't have to spar every weekend. For that reason he bought soldiers and high ranking officials to spar with Lucas, he brought soldiers, commanders, even commodores everyday. Lucas lost every time at high ranking officials, and sometimes win if he is lucky but the experience is enriching so he doesn't care. Lucas then thought of his journey at it was near.

The day before his travel, Issho brought someone and it shocked Lucas.

"How did this Old man bring this guy here?" Lucas then looked at the man beside Issho.

"It's Vice-Admiral Momonga, damn it, why is this guys here? Lucas then looked at Issho who is laughing on one side then said something.

"This is your last sparring teacher, he is a Vice-Admiral so be careful. Raise your sword he doesn't have enough time, so do it quickly" Issho laughed again and sat at the Bamboo wood while rolling some dice.

"Boy, I heard a lot about you from Fujitora. Let me see if you have the skill to back those words" Vice-Admiral Momonga then took a stance with his sword ready to be drawn out.

"This is no joke, the pressure this guy give is heavy, it seems like he knows how to use his Haki. Looks like I can't use some tricks utilizing my speed if he can detect it. I just need to give my best" Lucas then seriously draw his sword and look at the vice-admiral sharply looking for a chance.

The quiet atmosphere continues as winds passed by.

A drop of water, and a slight step of his foot draw the vice-admirals attention. Suddenly Lucas ran exploding with his momentum, then jump raising his sword.

"Annihilation Slash" Lucas slashes with everything he's got.

Vice-admiral was shocked how this young man utilized his surroundings to his advantage, nevertheless he receive the strike, pushing him while holding his sword. Vice-admiral Momonga then looked and smile at Lucas.

"Not bad young man. Continue!" Vice admiral then chopped in an unexpected angle.

Lucas parried the strike awkwardly. Both of them continue their fight in the rest of the morning. At The moddle of the day Lucas looked like a rag doll, pushing his concentration to the max with a tired look never giving a chance to lost his wits, still he lost fair and square. He then sat looking at the sky smiling.

"Thank you, Sir, I learned a lot!"

Lucas then stood up, then bowed 90 degrees. Issho then thank Vice-Admiral. The Vice-admiral then left with nothing to do anymore. As he was to leave he said to Lucas.

"Not bad young man, but don't ever be satisfied with what you have, always travel forward, then farewell with your journey" Vice-admiral left.

"Hahaha Young man, you just got served, you should be happy that you've been complimented by a vice-admiral, but he is right without taking a step forward you will never know how weak you are" Issho then brought Lucas inside eat lunch for the day.

They talked about their plans as Lucas was about to stand Issho then said something.

"Young man tomorrow you'll leave in the morning so if you have any other issues in this island, then you have to finish it" Issho then stood up playing with his dice and left the house.

Lucas then cleaned and finished his chores. Lucas then left the house in the middle of the afternoon. He met up with his close friends and visited and circled the island as he and his friends didn't do this before, they talk about each other's circumstances. He then hugged his brothers tightly and bid goodbye to them.

"Goodbye, my friends till I come back" as Lucas looked at them.

Lucas then walked back towards the Old house admiring the house for one last night that he will be here. He cleans the house thoroughly. Issho arrives later on and cooked delicious food for both of them.

Issho looked at Lucas with a smile. Even if their time together is miniscule, he was happy with what Lucas accomplish with short span of time. Both of them eat happily and talk about a lot of things.

Next Morning in a dock near the end of the Island stands a young man with a handsome face looking at the sky and the ocean smiling.

This man is Lucas as he was to leave the island. Lucas then looks back and look at Issho.

"Old man Issho thanks for everything!" Lucas bowed again three times showing his gratitude.

"Ha ha ha Oh yah! Oh yah! Young man, you are being oversensitive ha ha ha" Issho then took something from the bag he was holding.

"This is my last gift to you, I know you know about this kind of fruits. But this is special as I was supposed to eat this, as it was ordered by the Marine Headquarters. They gave me a choice, I brought 3 fruits. I intend to give you the other fruit, but I think that won't be enough on how big your dream is ha ha ha Here!" Issho then gave the fruit to Lucas.

"The name of that fruit is Zushi Zushi no Mi, I don't know about its abilities, nevertheless it is strong enough to be given to me. Don't be worried at me as I have back up plans if I want to be stronger" Issho then looked at Lucas then hug him like his own son would.

Lucas was surprised by this unexpected situation. Then he hug back, as he liked Issho on how he was sincere and honest. This Old man that gives him the feeling that he really took care of him and treated him like his own child.

"Don't worry Old man. You will hear from me later on" Lucas then hug Issho then bid goodbye.

While Lucas was walking on the way to the ship, he smiled.

"At last I received the fruit hahahaha one step to my plan to join the crew hahaha" Lucas then looked at Issho then waved like a little boy.

"Goodbye Old man Take care of yourself" Lucas shout.

"I said don't call me Old man, you brat" Issho then waved his hand too.

"My journey at the sea starts now" Lucas then closes his fist.

This my Longest chapter yet guys. Hahaha I made this chapter, this afternoon until now. Sorry for waiting guys hahaha.

Please support me. :)

Expect Lucas journey to start next chapter. Think of it as story of adventure guys. Again thank you and support me.

UltimateGodlyGenecreators' thoughts