
A Duelist in Marvel (Yugioh X Marvel)

Shawn a fan of anything duel monsters dies and wakes up in Marvel with a mission find the scattered millennium items and keep the secret of duel monsters and shadow games hidden.

wiz161 · 电影同人
22 Chs

Ch. 5 Learning the old way

POV 3rd Person

Location: Spirit World, ???

In the courtyard of a temple explosion could be seen and leaning on the warm stone with a drink in hand was High Preist Seto who casually watched as his student struggled against a monster.


Shawn: "Shit shit shit," said his clothes covered im in dust his face covered in cuts and bruises "What am I doing wrong," he shouted.

P.Seto: "Visualization and understanding oneself is key to summoning a monster using Ka," he said taking another sip of his water.

Shawn: "It would help if you told me what monster I summoned," he said and the priest looked up at him.

P.Seto: "I shouldn't need to your monster is a reflection of your nature and personality," he said and Shawn just threw his hands into the air and fell on his back.

It had been Three days since Shawn had opened the gate and been taken under High Preist Seto's tutelage three days stuck in the hot desert of the Spirit world and in that time he had learned a lot and gained many new skills and titles and had increased his stats.

He was even able to continue with his daily missions but couldn't use the gems or the shop until he returned to the mortal world.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

<Name- Shawn Valon>

<Title's- Runaway, Rookie, True duelist, ???>

<Lv- 3>

<Age- 16>


Str- 13

Dex- 14

Int- 18

Cha- 13

Luk- 22


•Swordplay- "Stick'em with the pointy end."


•Hand to hand- "I am a weapon."


•Magic- "You're a wizard Harry."


•Summomer- "I summon. . ."




3, 0, 0

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

But Shawn had yet to summon a single monster and he was about ready to give up yesterday now laying in the hot sun he was ready to go home.

Which he could do at any time thanks to the system but the prompt that appeared made him hesitate.

[When closing the gate there's no guarantee it will open again]

He had learned this information yesterday and changed his mind but now once again on the floor of the courtyard, he was having second thoughts.

POV Shawn Valon

I stood up rubbing the sand and sweat off my head and tired again closing my eyes I felt and imagined a light in the center of my body and let that light fill my entire body.

The familiar sensation spread across my body and I imagined Kuriboh the brown fur ball appearing.


"Motherfucker!" I yelled being flung on my back by the explosion and I felt a few new cuts on my cheek "This is hopeless," I said not even getting up.

P.Seto: "So are you going to give up?" he asked and I wanted to explode at the man.

'What else can I do there's no point in doing the same thing over and over again that is

the definition of insanity!' I thought but I kept it to myself and sighed and shook my head and got up.

(2 hours later)

*Ting* *Clang* *Clang* Ching*

My sword flew from my hand as I fell to the ground my lungs burning my arms tired and my body aching and I felt the cuts on my arm bleed.

P.Seto: "If you showed the same potential you do with swordplay and hand to hand as you do with magic you could summon quite the formidable beasts," he said and I just groaned in pain.

'If I had the. . .Uhh im too tired to even think of a comeback,' I thought as I lay on the hot courtyard ground.

P.Seto: "Come on let's get you cleaned up," he said extending a hand to me which I gladly took.

I lay in the water of the large bath and couldn't help but let out a load groan of relief as the warm water flowed over me.

After a while, I heard the splash of another body entering the water and using even need to look to know who had joined me.

"What do you think I'm doing wrong," I asked after we had sat in silence for a while and he looked at me.

P.Seto: "That's the problem you're doing everything right," he said I felt a migraine coming on and I sighed lowering myself into the water until it was just my head above water.

"Then why am I blowing up every time I try to summon a monster maybe I should just keep going with my duel disk," I said and Seto just stared at me.

P.Seto: "Do you believe in destiny," he asked and I shrugged.

"My father used to say we all walk a path but our actions decided where we end up," I said and Seto nodded his head.

P.Seto: "So tell me why do you think you're failing when you have so much potential," he asked and I looked up at the ceiling.

"I don't know" I whined letting myself slip under the water having asked that question many times already.

After leaving all my minor injuries were gone and by the time I got back to my room my clothes were cleaned and repaired and I was back out in the courtyard.


"MOTHERFUCKING DICKSUCKING TWO TIMING BITCH!!!" I screamed beating a rock with my sword and letting out my frustration at another failed attempt.

P.Seto: "Enough Shawn t is isn't going to help," he said but I simply didn't care as I tried to break my sword or chip away at the stone.

"Don't give a shit need to hit something makes me feel better!" I said not even looking at the man it had now been a week and no progress had been made at all with magic.

P.Seto: "I said enough!" he shouted grabbing the sword from my hand I turned on him and almost punched him.

"Well, what else am I supposed to do!?!" I shouted back a week in the shadow realm trained by the past life of Seto Kiba and I hadn't accomplished anything.

P.Seto: "Clam yourself, Shawn your time has not been wasted," he said and with a wave of his hand the air became a mirror.

In the mirror, my reflection showed just how much in a week I had changed I now had well-defined muscles and the beginnings of a six-pack.

"I didn't come here to work out I came here to learn and now that I have learned I can't even use the knowledge," I said looking away from the mirror and falling to the ground feeling the frustration and rage inside me building up.

P.Seto: "All you can do you have a choice in front of you try again or give up," he said and I got up and tried again.

I closed my eyes but this time I didn't see a still white orb this time the orb was flashing with energy and I let it spread across my body.

'Potential huh well let's go big or go home,' I thought as imagined the dragon with black scales and red eyes.

But to my utter shook the energy doesn't explode it took shape and my eyes opened to see my shadow expand and out of it flew the Red-eyes Black Dragon.

"I. . .I. . .I did it?" I said not believing what I was seeing as the large dragon landed on the ground it burning red eyes looking at me expectingly.

Looking at the massive dragon I couldn't help but feel empty and noticed all my rage and frustration were gone.

P.Seto: "The dragon with eyes of red symbolizes fire, rage, darkness, and infinite potential," he listed walking up next to me "And a perfect partner for you, and do keep practicing and now know your emotion gives you power," he said walking past and into the temple.

[Gate is now closing in 3. . .2. . .1. . .0]

I woke up with a jolt and looking down I found I was still outside the sun had barely risen looking down I found a blanket on top of me.

"I'm home. . .wait was I left outside for a week?" I asked but checking my phone it had only been a day 'So time is a bit different in the Spirit world,' I thought as I got up and went inside the house.

[Good morning Shawn how was your sleep]

Looking into the kitchen I saw the robot set up the dining room table and after training with Seto and only eating the bare minimum, I immediately sat down ready to stuff my face.

"It was enlightening how about you," I asked as I enjoyed the smell of scrambled eggs and pancakes.

[I did not shut down last night too busy fulfilling cleaning and getting the house organized]

"Was the house that bad," I asked and the robot brought me a plate of pancakes scrambled eggs, grilled sausages, some grapes, a bowl of frosted flakes, and a cup of apple juice.

[Most of my time I was out shopping and order for supplies the stores nearby didn't have]

"Wait did you go out and buy stuff from stores and in front of other people?" I asked my fork dropping onto my plate.

[Of course how else was I supposed to fulfill your requests quickly why is that a problem]

*Sigh* "No well at least I hope not did anything else happen while I was asleep," I asked and the robot detailed its activities to me while I ate but none of it was that important.

After that, I went to the living room and turned on the tv and my jaw dropped at the video footage of Helperbot on the news with many bags hanging from multiple arms as it checked out of a Walmart.

~Now you are seeing a video from an employee of Walmart that the robot that identified itself as Helperbot shopping and when asked who its owner was it denied to identify them~

'Thank god for that,' I thought letting out a breath I didn't notice I was holding in and changed the channel when I notices the notification from the system in my vision.

[Your hidden title is now revealed]

[You have enough gems for your wish-listed item: (Custom Duel Runner)]

[Mission is completed your reward is available]

I opened the system and loomed my stats over first as I made my way outside a skip in my step.

[Mission: Time to Duel] (Completed)

•Complet the mission°


•Complete a Gate°


•Defeat a legendary Duelist°




-Dark Magician Robs-

I almost tripped over my foot seeing the item reward I got I accepted the reward and put out my hands ready to catch the robs but to my surprise the clothes flouted mid-air.


•Dark Magician Robs

-These Robs can increase the power of your spells and reduce the strain to summon monsters.

-When using Dark magic the resulting spell is doubled.

"Holy shit now this is an item," I said and once I reached out for the clothes they immediately wrapped around me 'Man I feel like a cosplayer,' I thought.

But a moment later the robs molded and changed to look like my clothes and the hood and hat became a helmet.

"Well guess that's my cue to buy the Duel Runner," I said and open the systems shop.


•Custome Duel runner


-Let's rev it up with your very own Duel Runner a turbo duelist's best friend and partner a modified motorcycle that allows a due list to duel at high speeds.



[Gems: 11,540]

Pressing the "Y" button and immediately I felt a strange sensation like something was tugging on his mind than like pulling a bandaid off the sensation disappeared and in front of me was a large motorcycle.


Completely nerding out I circled the bike multiple times looking it over until I noticed a notification from the system.

[Mission: Safety First]

•Complet the safety course of Speed duels, Riding a duel runner.


•Verified Driver's license

•New Deck

• Gems -3,000-

"Aw man seriously," I said to myself but nodded and accepted the mission.