
Pleasant Conversation

Her father also gave a nod towards Wei Jin and he gave a deep bow back remembering what his dad had told him last night, he looked towards Madame Feng who was staring at her daughter with kind eyes and said.

"It looks like Feng Rou will grow up in to a beautiful woman in the future, judging how good Mr.'s Feng looks."

As his voice rang out the laughter stopped from Feng Rou as she looked at Wei Jin with a stunned look, even Mr.'s Feng looked stunned as she turned her head towards Wei Jin. And then the sound of laughter went out as Feng Rou Father started laughing and slapped his knees. It was as if he heard the funniest thing ever as he couldn't control himself.

Mr.'s Feng pinched him slightly as he continued to laugh on and sent a smile to Wei Jin. His father had told him that a complement like that would go a long way when meeting Feng Rou parents so Wei Jin ha instantly said it after he sat down.

Wei Jin father had meant for him to say it during the conversation or at an appropriate time, but Wei Jin didn't consider this and said it right at the start stunning both the parents with the complement from the blue.

Feng Rou also seemed to like the complement as it was a nice thing to say to her and her mother, so she didn't have to say anything about it. Father Feng finally calmed down as his impression of the boy in front of him rose.

"Thank you dear, might I ask where that complement came from."

Mr.'s Feng gave a defeated smile as she ask Wei Jin about what just happened and he went on to explain how his father had told him it was good to complement them when he came over. But he also assured them that he truly did mean what he said, Feng Rou really did look like a young Mr.'s Feng and would likely look as good if not better than her in the future. Mr.'s Feng stroked her chin slightly as she looked at her husband after Wei Jin had explained.

"I think your father is like my husband."

Father Feng puffed his chest out at the complement.

"He does know how to sweet talk a girl."

And then instantly his chest deflated as he couldn't tell if she was giving him a complement or not.

After that episode Mr.'s Feng poured them some tea to enjoy as she started talking to Wei Jin and Feng Rou about his clan and affairs.

"So my Daughter tells me your cultivation goes well."

"Is your clan doing well?"

"How are your parents?"

"Is the time you spend with my daughter fun?"

"I remember one time our daughter came back and her dress was ripped all over the place and had mud all over her, do you admit your crimes."

"My daughter says you helped her with her writing and reading sometimes."

Multiple conversation starters where sent out by both MR. and Mr.'s Feng who were finding it enjoyable to tease both Wei Jin and Feng Rou with faking anger at some of their past misdeeds and actions.

Wei Jin by this point was completely relaxed as he drank the tea place in front of him, it was a very nice tea and left a good taste in his mouth while he talked. He thought he could talk for a few days straight by drinking this tea and his throat wouldn't feel sore.

He some time sweated when they mentioned Feng Rou coming back home with a dirt or ripped dress and had to have Feng Rou speak up to save him from the situation. It was rather enjoyable conversation as he also got to ask some questions about Feng Rou and what she was like when cultivating and before he met her etc.

After a while when the conversations where dying down and it was getting dark outside, Wei Jin knew it was time to go back soon. It had been an interesting day and they had toured around their house during the conversation at one point, so he got to see Feng Rou room and where she trained etc.

He drank one last cup of tea before speaking out towards the parents who had been so hospitable.

"I didn't know what to expect when I came to a middle clan, and was a little over whelmed as I saw the clan for the first time. It really is different from the minor clan where I come from."

He then took a deep breath and showed a smile as he didn't notice that the room had froze and continued.

"But after talking to you guys for so long, seeing your house and around. And mainly knowing Feng Rou for such a long time, I know that you guys aren't that different from everyone else."

"Thank you for having me and if it would be alright with you at a later date, I would love it if Feng Rou could possibly visit my lower Wei clan. If that is alright with you MR. and Mr.'s Feng."

After he said his peace he looked around the room at the now frozen parents that had strange looks on their face and seemed to be deciding if they should tell him something. Happy to have heard what Wei Jin had said, Feng Rou was jumping for joy and couldn't wait to get a chance and actually go visit the Wei clan.

Her parents didn't usually let her go out much other than the times they were going somewhere or she was going to meet Wei Jin so she instantly accepted and talked to Wei Jin.

"Yes I would love to. But I think you have something wrong Jin we're not a middle clan."

Wei Jin suddenly froze as he herd Feng Rou speak and had a bad premonition of what was to come.

If they weren't the middle Feng clan, there was no way they could be the minor Feng clan with such buildings and gates. That only left one option.

"We are a Major Clan. The only true Feng clan, the others don't really count."

Wei Jin sat there stiffly as he looked at Feng Rou who had a proud expression on her face as she looked at him. Never mind the first words of the sentence; it was the last sentence that really sent him for a spin.

He rigidly turned his head towards the parents sitting in front of him and saw them nod their heads as they gave him a worried look. They knew what prestige a major clan had in the city. Seeing them nod, it was a surprise that Wei Jin didn't faint right then and there as he realized where he was and that he had made a friend with someone from a major clan.

He thought back to what his parents always told him as he was growing up and started to leave the clan.

"Remember Jin, never be disrespectful to a member from a major clan. It is likely that you will come across one during you time out, but always treat them with respect."

He then remembered how he had interacted with Feng Rou over the years and the trouble they had got up to and his face started to pale. He was just starting to panic and Feng Rou realized that something wasn't right with him as her father spoke up.

"Don't worry kid; we haven't taken any offense with your interacting with our daughter up till this point, though that doesn't mean we won't in the future."

Wei Jin had slightly relaxed for a second as Feng Rou father had spoken but was trembling by the end. He almost wanted to curse at him for playing with his emotions like that.


Feng Rou had to interrupt as she realized that Wei Jin was intimidated by her clan, and her father was making things worse. Mother Feng also chimed in to save the day.

"Stop it honey. Don't worry Wei Jin we don't bite, you've been talking to us this entire time, haven't you. Do you not remember the words you just spoke about our clan?"

Wei Jin gulped in an exaggerated manner as he remembered his words and thought back to see if he had said anything bad. Once he realized he was fine he released a breath of air and considered what Mother Feng had just said.

Finally calming himself down, he was still slightly on edge but was a lot better.

Feng Rou was also relieved as she saw Wei Jin calm down and knew that this was exactly what she wanted to avoid when he had come to her clan today. She knew her clan was big and powerful, and she wanted him to know. After he had acted fine with everything and said the words at the end, she had been too excited.

If he didn't calm down and instead fainted or been scared out of his mind no matter what they said, she knew she would of lost her first friend forever. Which she didn't want to happen, so seeing him recover slightly, she was happy.

In the end they talked for a little while longer before Wei Jin was sent on his way home, Feng Rou helping him on the way back.

Feng Rou parents had agreed that it would be fine for her to go over to his clan at some point in the future, which had nearly scared Wei Jin out of his mind as he thought about what his parents would be like once they knew she was from a major clan.

Not to mention the Major Feng clan that was on par with the imperial clan.

He had thanked them for the hospitality and left.

Later that night when Mother Wei and Father Wei found out that Feng Rou was from the Major Feng clan they almost fainted and interrogated Wei Jin on what happened while he was there. They even went further and asked him about every time that he had gone out to play with Feng Rou and if anything bad had happened before.

After interrogating him for a few hours and hearing everything that he could remember they both left him to go to bed and asked for permission to talk to the patriarch, this was too important a subject.

Even he was nearly scared witless when he heard the news. He may have been at the early golden core stage, but the Major Feng clan had many people in the golden core stage and their patriarch was even in the Spirit Pillar Realm.

The Wei clan couldn't afford to offend a major clan! Hell after he thought about the subject for a while, if it wasn't because it would have been worse to break of their interactions he would have ordered for Wei Jin to break all contact with Feng Rou.

Though because he had now found out about the matter he decided to funnel more and better resources to Wei Jin as he was a friend of someone so important. It was a chance for the Wei clan to have a connection between them and a major clan.

Even if it was a small connection it would mean no one would mess with their clan unless they themselves were a major clan. This would provide them with protection in their businesses and shake downs that some of the middle clans did to the minor clans.

Of course this would only happen if their friendship was revealed which wasn't likely to happen. Being a major clan it wasn't usual for them to interact with minor clans and they would barely interact with the middle clans.

Because of this it was likely they wouldn't make it public, but it they could get help from the shadows with some of their problems. All they had to do was mention the problem to Wei Jin and let him complain about it when he talked to the Feng Rou girl.

That way it might reach someone in the major clan and it would benefit them. Of course they couldn't do this a lot, or it would become obvious and could back fire. But there was still that connection now.

Once the patriarch of the Wei clan thought up to there, he was all smiles for the next few days and would chuckle to himself from now and then.

He probably wouldn't of been able to smile or even thought of such an idea if Wei Jin didn't forget to mention probably the most important fact he learned on his time out. His parents had been so preoccupied with the major clan fact and everything else that Wei Jin had mentioned, that they hadn't gone in to the minutest of details.

It was even something that Wei Jin didn't consider as he was being hard pressed by his own parents.

He hadn't once referred to Feng Rou's parents by their actual name when he told his story.

Feng Xing er a genius that had stepped into the golden core stage at the young age of 29 and was hailed as a celestial beauty that even the current emperor had chased after in his younger days, and more importantly Feng Shan!

Feng Shan the current Patriarch of the Feng Clan and the only one in the Feng clan that had stepped into the legendary Spirit Pillar realm!

One of the most powerful people in the entire continent, rumored to have established more than 9 spirit pillars and on the same power level as the current emperor. It was even said that he was trying to establish the legendary 12 spirit pillars before he would try to break through to the palace realm.

If Wei Jin parents and the Wei clan patriarch were to find out that Feng Rou was the mysterious daughter of the Feng clan patriarch that no one knew what she looked like or what her name was, they would have instantly fainted and have no clue what to do regarding the mater.

Feng Shan alone could shake the city and destroy countless middle clans on his own not to mention lower clans.

Maybe it was a blessing that they were ignorant of such a subject and it had slipped Wei Jin mind.

Hey guys here's the chapter, hope you enjoy.

Feng Rou really is the daughter of a big shot!

Thanks for Reading :)

Zevrencreators' thoughts