
6ix tales

NeonJoe0 · 漫画同人
9 Chs


After seven days, the King threw a large naming ceremony for their baby. Everyone was invited to come to the Jade castle royal ball room for the event. At the end of the event, the announcement was made that their son's name will be Leroi. Everyone in attendance were so joyful.

Later the next day, at dawn, King Leo was on a walk with two of his guards at the park, when Rocky appeared. He put the two guards to sleep. Then he said "Hi old friend. Well guess what?". Leo looked in confusion as he stood looking at him. "You're still alive?" Leo asked in surprise. "Duh, you dummy!" Rocky replied. "The Rocky you killed was a clone I made" he continued with an mysterious grin. "What do you want you beast!". "You'll find out soon. But just so you know...I was the one who killed Lara, and it was because she hired me" said Rocky. Leo got inquisitive, then he asked "She hired you to do what?". "She told me to place a curse on your wife... hahahaha" he answered. While King Leo quietly looked in shock, Rocky disappeared, then the guards regained consciousness.