
6ix tales

NeonJoe0 · Anime & Comics
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9 Chs


It was rainy any everyone was at home. The dark and rainy scene made King Leo to remember his encounter with Rocky the previous day. He tried to get over with it but the whole thing was just so overwhelming. So he went to his wife and sat next to her where she was carrying Leroi. Leo told Lucy everything that happened with Rocky. Lucy was sad and angry at the same time. She was so sad she started to cry because Rocky was still alive, she thought her child would die. The smile she had seconds ago faded. Leo hated to see his beloved in tears, and he didn't want to loose his son either. "I cannot believe someone give birth to that used polythene bag" Leo insulted.

Out of no where, a giant spider appeared at their window. It broke into their room and attacked Leo. Leo killed it, but this was a mystery. Everything was upside down. Who could have sent the spider? Was it even a normal spider? So many unanswered questions.