
6ix tales

NeonJoe0 · Anime & Comics
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9 Chs


Soon, nine months passed, yet King Leo and Queen Lucy had no child. But one day, in the royal garden, Lucy fell in pains. Her royal maidens helped her and she was quickly rushed to the nearest hospital. Later on, she gave birth to a cute little baby boy. His hair was blond and silky like his mother's. He was so fair and had beautiful glowing sky blue eyes, like the eyes of his father. Of course, he had a beautiful smile.

Word was brought to King Leonardo that his wife had just put to bed, then his royal escorts followed him to the hospital. There he saw his wife smiling with their cute son crying. Everyone was happy. The curse was lifted, but Queen Lucy remembered that Rocky also cursed their child upon his thirteenth birthday. There was a probability that their son could also not see his birthday in thirteen years to come.