
My Intergalactic Soulmate

作者: sanimimosa7
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  • NO.200+

[WARNING: Violence and gore] “Did I just kill her?” Alexis was lying on the ground with wounds and bruises all over her. And to add to that she appeared to be lifeless. But slowly a soft crackling sound was heard. Alexis’s body was glowing in azure color. It seemed as if she was on fire. “No, no, no… you can’t disappear. Please don’t disappear.” But rather than disappearing, Alexis was now levitating in the air. Her whole body was lit in the azure fire. Her emerald eyes were now glowing like green balls of fire. Her dark ginger hair was floating aggressively behind her. She looked fearsome and at the same time also looked captivating. The fire around her was starting to engulf her. And after a while, an energy blast left her body. The blast was so powerful that the wall and structures around her were turned to mist. [Volume 1 revolves around light romance while Volume 2 revolves around intergalactic war. If you are looking for a pure romance novel, this is NOT the book for you.] This art was commissioned from JEIJANDEE. Find her at https://www.deviantart.com/jeijandee

10 標籤
Chapter 1Soulmate App

"Does this stupid app even work?" Alexis frowned after being tired of staring at the screen of her new cell phone; which was a gift from Natalia's dad, David.

The two girls, both 17 years old, were sitting at the back of an empty classroom of SpaceTravel Academy. They had entered the personal information of Alexis in the Soulmate app about 10 minutes ago and the screen still displayed "Processing..." on top of it. "I'm done waiting. This doesn't work", Alexis blurted out in bored tone.

Her best friend, Natalia said in high-pitched voice, "Of course it does, see," as she flashed the screen of her cell phone which was identical to that of Alexis. David was a spaceship captain in the Intergalactic Travel Federation (IGT Fed). His job required him to frequently voyage to other planets and as a single parent, it was hard for him to keep in touch with his beloved daughter. So, in his recent visit to the planet C-31, he had bought three cell phones of a new model with intergalactic reception. One cell phone was for Alexis as he loved her like his own daughter, and never differentiated between the two.

"My app already found my soulmate", Natalia was blushing a little as she said this. Her screen was displaying the name of her soulmate with a picture of him and his location.


Your Soulmate's name is:

Liam O'Brian


His location is:

P21 Street, MW-01"

Alexis's eyes were wide open. "What? Isn't this guy in our flight simulation class? How come you never told me about him?"

"It's not like I didn't tell you that I liked him. Well, I might not have told directly, but I gave you hints. It's just that you never seem to notice", Natalia said in a complaining tone that her best friend was so oblivious, even about her.

"Oh, I'm sorry!" said Alexis in a soft voice while her emerald green eyes were glistening as the beautiful twilight through the classroom window touched her exquisitely beautiful face. The waves of her luscious reddish-brown hair shined as she tucked it behind her ears. And her light pink lips curved upward to form an enchanting smile. No one could resist falling for her when this other-worldly beauty smiled innocently.

"Hey, don't give me that puppy-eye look. Or else I'll ditch my soulmate and fall for you. Seems like you'll end up alone anyway", said Natalia in a sarcastic tone.

With a little suspicious look on her face Alexis asked, "Are you sure mine isn't the knockoff one? Or are you playing tricks with me? How can an app decide who is my soulmate? Come on, spill it. You aren't joking around with me, right?"

"Whoa! Why would I play tricks on you? This thing is real", Natalia exclaimed with a hint of anger in her dark brown eyes. She paused for a while to calm down while her fingers stroked through her voluptuous dark hair and revealed, "I think the app displayed that in few cases it might take up to three days to find the soulmate. Well, you might fall under that few case."

Alexis said in a disinterested tone, "Never mind this soulmate thing. I was never interested in this love affair anyway. I think I should head home now, it's getting dark." She was suddenly concerned about the time and wanted to reach home as soon as possible.

"Hey, are those girls still bothering you? You can always file a complaint you know." Natalia noticed her best friend's sudden concern and was worried about her. Alexis lived in an impoverished neighborhood which was constructed from the ruins left from the last war between Earth (MW-01) and Planet C-31.

And this neighborhood was not the best place to live in, at least for Alexis, as she was frequently bullied by the local girls for her appearance. She stood out from rest of the girls as she looked like the goddess of beauty herself decided to create her. But the local girls picked on her saying that her eyes had a wide gap between them and she looked like an alien. But in reality, they were just jealous of her as the guys they liked only had eyes for Alexis.

"Filing complaint will make things even worse. Either they will pay few fines or get out of custody in a few days and bully me even more. So, I just try and avoid them as much as possible."

"Shall I walk with you to your home then?" offered Natalia. Even though Natalia's height was 5'5'' which was equal to Alexis's, her sturdy physique made her a strong opponent. In fact, she once easily took down bullies that were disturbing Alexis.

"No, it's okay really. I'll walk faster or will just take an alternate route. I have memorized each and every nooks and corners of my neighborhood, I'll be fine", said Alexis boasting and reassuring her best friend.

They packed their bags and headed towards their respective home.

As Alexis was walking down the road of P97 Street, several thoughts crossed her mind. She considered David as her role model which was the main reason why she joined SpaceTravel Academy. She dreamt about getting a job at IGT Fed and becoming an official voyager like David. In the future, she wanted to travel to all the discovered planets and lead missions to search undiscovered planets.

Before today, she had never given much thought about love. She hated the idea of love because of her parents. Her mom, Melissa, was abandoned by her father when she was pregnant with Alexis. And he never even tried to contact them. Though Melissa was a great mom and never let Alexis feel the need of her father, Alexis could not help but wonder sometimes if her life would be a bit better with the presence of her dad. She wanted to see her mom happy but Melissa never fell in love again. And after the Soulmate app did not show any result, Alexis wondered if she would be like her mom, who would never find a soulmate.

Her train of thought was disturbed by a sudden tap on her shoulder. She stopped and turned back to see who it was, and as she feared it was Judy. Judy was taller than average girls with two-block hairstyle. One could easily mistake her for a boy. Not just her looks, Judy's physical strength was also no less than that of a guy and could easily take down a girl like Alexis.

"Haven't seen this alien around in a while", Judy said in a monotonous voice to her two lackeys, Mina and Nora. Mina and Nora were not as tall as Judy but were as heartless as her when it came bullying Alexis. Mina's boyfriend once told her that he has not seen someone as beautiful as Alexis and she has not forgiven him yet.

"What do you say, Alien? You ready to take some beating on your alien face? If you hadn't run from us for three weeks, then maybe we would be considerate and just push you to the ground." Judy clutched Alexis's small face and said, "Now we have to put some wounds in that pretty face of yours."

Alexis's heart was pounding like crazy, so much so that even Judy might have heard it. All kinds of thoughts came to her mind, she even thought that today might be her last day to be alive. Just as Judy was about to punch Alexis, Mina's boyfriend appeared out of nowhere.

"Hey Mina, I'm sor...", just as Jimmy was about to apologize to his girlfriend, he noticed Alexis being held by Judy. "Hey Judy, what are you doing to that poor girl?"

"It's non of your concern. Mina I had warned you not to see this dog anymore, you still seeing him?" asked Judy in that same monotonous voice.

Mina whispered to Jimmy, "Why are you following me? I told you not to seek me when I'm with Judy."

"Then what do you want me to do? You were out of contact for more than a week", Jimmy whispered back.

"I want you two out of my sight, you guys are spoiling the fun for me", Judy slightly turned back towards them and demanded them to leave. But while she turned back, her grasp loosened and Alexis took this chance to free herself from Judy and run.

This was one thing that Alexis was really good at - running. Once she started running, no one could catch her unless she wanted to be caught. She dashed and dodged all the obstacles in her path and ran for her life. From all the frequent running, she had memorized all the paths and short-cuts back to her house. As she was running she would look back to check if the bullies were still following her, and to her terror, they still were. It seemed as if she would be caught today and get beaten up.

[NOTE: Keep in mind that IGT Fed does not provide services for the public to travel from one planet to another. The spaceships are just for official use and their major purpose is to be used for voyages to the unknown. IGT Fed's headquarter is in planet A-11 which bans unauthorized space travel to avoid war breaking out between planets.]


The Dark Fairy

Kidnapped at the age of three, Rain found herself amongst the people who put monsters and devils to shame. Subjected to their torture since young age, she turned out to be the cold-blooded killer with no emotions but was gifted some superhuman abilities. As a result, she began turning into one of those demons herself. But two little angels in the form of her brothers saved her from this eternal damnation and to protect those angels from the fate same as her, she decided to flee from the shackles of those monsters. Rain believed herself to be one of those monsters whose sole goal in this life was only to create a safe world for her brothers. But the interference of a certain pesky man forced her to question her goal. He just barged into her life and made her believe that although she was filled with darkness, she was a fairy. “A Dark Fairy” is what he called her. After marking his presence and establishing his position as the ruthless leader in the underworld, Elliot Harvey finally decided to take over his family business. But before that he had to intern in his own company under a disguise as Kai. It was there that he met Rain. Now gone was the ruthless king of the underworld and what remained was a young puppy in love who just wanted to be noticed by this mysterious girl who had captured his heart with her hypnotizing eyes. ******** “Wha… Just what happened here?” his best friend gulped as soon as his gaze landed on a girl standing there like a demon sent by the Hades himself. “Elliot. What in the world happened here? Why does Rain look like thi… like this….”. He wanted to say demon when he heard Elliot say “Fairy.” “Fairy??!!! Are you out if your mind? She’s clearly a Demon, okay?? A DEMON! Straight from the hell!!!” his friend trembled. ********** Although she had escaped, she soon realised that she could never be free unless those monsters were annihilated from the face of the Earth. Thus began a secret war. A war to save humanity. This is her journey of redemption. This is his journey to unbound her from the darkness within her. The story of his assistance to her quests, complimenting her where she lacked. He thought that he was lucky enough to get a chance to join her in this war but unknown to him, he had already signed up for this war before he even met her. But what is it that they are fighting? What is it that she is protecting her brothers from? How was Elliot involved in this war before he even knew her? Will she be able to overcome the darkness within her to lead a happy life? Let’s accompany Rain on her excursion to find the answers. (Warning- This story have a BL romance later into the story. Hence those people who are uncomfortable about reading such stories are suggested to re-consider before picking up this story. As for the rest of the readers, Thank you for your support. Happy Reading \\^_^//) Ps- The credit of the picture on the cover goes to the original owner in Pintrest whom I don’t know.

Dwarika · 科幻言情
200 Chs

Caring for Mr. Mutant

[COMPLETED] How can a Mutant and a Mutant Caretaker fight for their love, if science is their greatest enemy? ------------------------ Year 2023: Random DNA mutations suddenly occurred around the world. These mutations caused newborn babies to acquire animal traits, and no one knows why or where they originated. Year 2033: When funds, advanced technology, and a capable workforce became available to study these mutants, a national team of scientists was formed, called the "DNA Mutation Cadre" or "D.M. Cadre". They were given modern, state-of-the-art laboratories complete with equipment and isolation rooms. Here, mutants were studied and monitored in exchange for a large sum of money and government assistance. Year 2048: In the busy city of Makylee, a 25-year-old part-timer, Lia Brentvale, got fired from her two part-time jobs in just one unlucky day. Since her parents aren’t around, she’s the breadwinner of her family, providing for her two college brothers. She applied as a Mutant Caretaker in the D.M. Cadre Research Facility and after passing their exam, she was assigned to the mysterious and aloof vulture mutant. But as she got to know him, she also learned more about D.M. Cadre. Together with her hacker friend and their batchmates, they tried to uncover the deep secrets that lie within the research facility. ------------------------ PREVIEW: Aesop had always felt that being a mutant is a curse. But upon meeting Lia, he started accepting himself. Lia was always pointing out his strong points. She was always encouraging him to enhance his skills and discover his talents. She always tells him not to think of himself as a test subject just like how the scientists treat him. She reassured him that even though he's a mutant, he's not less than a person, so he shouldn't look down on himself. It was her uplifting words and her mere existence that gave color to his monochrome life. "Lia… I love you," Aesop uttered as his golden eyes stared through her deep blue eyes. "Ae, I… I love you, too," Lia then wrapped her arms around Aesop's neck, drawing in close to him. Aesop's hands slid down to Lia's lower back, and he embraced her. Their heartbeats quicken as their lips graze against each other. Lia thought it would be just a simple kiss, just like they had always done after their very first kiss, but she was wrong. Aesop's right hand suddenly caressed her back, then he placed it at the back of her head, pulling her to him with a little force. The vulture mutant's majestic wings enveloped them, and it was as if he was owning her. Aesop's wet tongue slid into her mouth, and it surprised her. She tried to resist, but with his hand at the back of her head, she couldn't get away from him. Eventually, she gave in to that passionate kiss... NOTE: Not a superhero story, but tackled more of science ethics and social issues ------------------------ UPDATE: Added CFMM Special - The Afterstory chapters after the Finale. Happy reading! ;) ------------------------ WEBNOVEL CONTENT EDITOR: Ms. Qianyu BOOK COVER by @omichiart on IG SPECIAL THANKS: tricks, Wang Cult, Aquila Official Instagram: @ainawang.official Official Discord: https://discord.gg/HYkU3Rr Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/ainawang

AinaWang · 科幻言情
209 Chs

Astral Flower

“Your past built the present you, but it shouldn’t be a shackle for your future.” A peerless assassin, codename Hua, received her last big mission after nearly died in an avalanche. Everyone knew that the Nan Family had a long missing daughter who only recently returned. She was raised in the village and didn’t have common sense of the nobility daughter, inviting mockery all over the Green Planet. Hearing various jokes about this daughter, they only shook their head and feel that she was not worthy of the Nan Family. However… Those who bullied her were bullied back by others suddenly. Those who wanted to hurt her suddenly got oppressed. Those who tried to harm her fell unlucky and got hurt instead. Nan Hua watched this all with an innocent look. They didn’t know that the one who put them in this predicament is precisely the unsightly young miss they looked down upon. Everything was doing well, but why did her supposed indifferent fiancé paid so much attention to her? Shouldn’t he just focus on the examination and his career in the military? A while later, Nan Hua saw Long Qian Xing staring at her gently and smiled back. ... Story set in fictional world with some advanced technology. Join the discord to chat with the author and other readers: https://discord.gg/pBy2wGB ... Note: This story can be read separately, but if you want to, you can read her other stories in: Prequel: Forgotten Legend of the Bloodied Flower [on going] ... Other novels: -Flowers Bloom from Battlefield [complete] - Under the Veil of Night [complete] - 7 Path of the Lilies [on long hiatus] - 1 Year of Beginning [complete] - Villain Lady [complete] - Science and Fantasy [complete] - 2 Years of Restarting [complete] - The Quiet Empress [complete] - The Villain's Little Cat [on going] ... Follow me on IG: @sora100518

Sorahana · 科幻言情
666 Chs
1 :Unlocking the Potential
2 :Clash Between the Superpowers