
War is Here

The ships began to land on their designated location one by one. The armed police forces were spread out everywhere to oversee the smooth movement of the citizens. They were there to prevent any outbreak of riot just because everyone wanted to get inside the ship first. 

The police made everyone stand in a line and wait for their turn to get inside the ship. They were also constantly notifying the panicked public that all of them would get a seat inside the crafts and unless their names are not on the particular list, then they wouldn't be asked to leave the premise. 

Everyone waited in the queue patiently and waited for their turn to arrive. They were being led inside the craft by the crew members of the ships. They were being taken to their respective places. The crews tried their best not to separate the families even on the ship so as not to make them feel scared or anxious about leaving their planet and going to a new one.
