
Falcons Arrived

Let's go back a few minutes earlier and see what happened at the open ground where the berserkers were threatening to kill the hostages in front of the soldiers under the command of Captain Iroston.

[I made a mistake in the earlier chapter. There were 40 snipers (Photon Rifle users) under Captain Iroston's command, not just 10.]

When the Lieutenant gave the signal to all the snipers that they were going to shoot down all the berserkers at once, they were all ready to take out their rifles and shoot on their Lieutenant's command. Everyone's eyes were fixated on the fingers of the Lieutenant as he was signaling the countdown.

And finally, the Lieutenant put down his index finger as well.

The moment he put down his final finger, all 40 of the snipers grabbed their weapon from their back, targeted at the berserker in front of them, and then shot the laser beam in a matter of a fraction of seconds. 
