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  • I Can Copy And Evolve Talents

    Here's the link to the discord server: https://discord.com/invite/XVNaUKEPmb The convolution of worlds are govern by a set of gods, each god is given a world to rule and there can be skirmishes between them – as a result of one between Nexus, the god of trickery and a senile old hag Elliot reincarnated into Ul’Tra-el by mistake. Ul’Tra-el is a world that grew a voice, because of this voice, it began to take a different path from other worlds -- it was filled with a core anomaly – rifts. Dimensions began to leak into each other, vomiting outrageous monsters. In response or as an auto-correction to such anomaly, talents were awakened in the inhabitants of Ul’Tra-el and they gained tremendous power, for every rift they close down, they were rewarded massively by the voice of the world called Ul. In a hardcore world like this one, our MC (Northern) reincarnated as a talentless individual but in the face of a death and a head splitting revelation... ...when all hopes seemed lost. {System Notice} Your Soul cannot take a form Searching for Unique pattern ability for your soul searching... search found. Unique System ability has been found... Unique System Ability [CopyCat] has been gained. Awakening Unique ability... Northern gained a talent copying system! ... Follow Northern through his journey as he becomes the pinnacle of this world. This a story about a white-haired boy’s rise from rubbles!!

    RighteousFilth · Kỳ huyễn
  • Global Game: AFK In The Zombie Apocalypse Game

    Fang Heng was transmigrated to a parallel world and his soul was forced into the body of a man who had just committed suicide. Huh? What? Every human here was being forced to join a game? Those who refused would be killed? Wait? This suicide dude was a pro gamer? He had the highest S-rank talent sill, the Zombie Clone? Damn! The S-rank skill evolved! My zombie clones could auto hunt! [Your zombie army has crafted Wooden Axe x720 when you were offline. You have received 1921 experience points for the Basic Crafting skill.] [Your zombie army has chopped down 27,821 trees and gathered 128,973 pieces of wood while you were offline. You have received 2,171,921 experience points for the Basic Wood Chopping skill.] Just as the rest of the players were struggling to survive in the zombie apocalyptic game, Fang Heng's zombie clones were starting to clear every resource out of the forest. Hm... What an interesting game!

    Empire Black Knight · Du hí

    A regular student enjoying his high school life playing idle games on his phone gets isekai'd into a different world with a game-like system and mechanics. He was given the power of "auto-battling" as his innate unique skill. We will follow his journey as he explores this new world. Character Progression Page can be found in the Auxiliary Volume. The Cover Page is generated from Gencraft.

    Shuri_Suki · Kỳ huyễn
  • A Mordida do Alfa Entre Minhas Pernas

    [ AVISO: CONTEÚDO EXTREMAMENTE MADURO ] "Se eu te ver novamente, vou devorar seu corpo enquanto você sangra, Príncipe!" Rosina, uma mulher assombrada por um passado sombrio, desenvolveu uma obsessão perigosa que levou a um rastro de sangue e cadáveres. Uma predadora que gostava de saborear sua presa antes de tirar suas vidas. Ela sempre desprezou a ideia de ter uma companheira até ser obrigada a participar da temporada anual de acasalamento. Abrigando um profundo desejo de liberdade, detestava qualquer associação com a realeza. Durante o evento de acasalamento, ela encontrou um homem misterioso usando uma máscara vermelha-sangue. Draco era retratado como um Terceiro Príncipe despreocupado que buscava apenas diversão e evitava as responsabilidades que vinham com a coroa. Entretanto, seu encontro com Rosina incitou uma mudança dentro dele. Ele percebe que para ganhar a mão dela em casamento, ele deve se tornar um Rei. Essa transformação colocou Draco em um caminho de auto-descoberta e crescimento enquanto ele se esforçava para se provar digno do amor de Rosina. Seu encontro mudaria o destino deles ou os levaria à ruína? _____ Volume 2: "Meu dever é encontrar um nobre para liderar meu bando, mas você conquistou meu coração, plebeu." Felissa era responsável por buscar uma companheira digna de status e cumprir seu dever como única filha de um Alfa, o que a levou a girar sua vida para se tornar uma futura Luna perfeita do Midnight pack. Ela era conhecida como gentil como uma flor frágil, ou pelo menos era o que pensavam. Por trás de seu sorriso alegre escondia-se a escuridão que queria ascender e tomar conta de seu corpo. Uma personalidade nascida devido ao uso de magia. Enquanto Felissa caçava por um nobre companheiro para satisfazer seus pais. Ela conheceu um plebeu com duas identidades. Vicenzo era um homem vivendo vidas diferentes para manter sua mãe segura do bando abusivo. Ele estava disposto a sacrificar o vínculo de companheiros para destruir o Novo Monarca como sua tarefa, mas seu coração lentamente se partia e ansiava pelo toque de sua companheira. Eles priorizariam seu dever ou cederiam ao que seus corpos desejavam?" _____ Volume 3: "Eu te aceitarei apesar de tudo que você fez, minha querida." Gastone vivia no mundo humano como sua punição, mas foi chamado de volta ao reino dos Lobisomens por Rosina para encontrar sua companheira. Ele não queria uma por causa de sua situação de vida e orgulho como um Príncipe caído. No caminho, ele salvou uma mulher problemática chamada Lúcia e a trouxe para o reino após ela implorar para salvá-la. Isso causou problemas, já que lobisomens eram mitos para os humanos. Com a ajuda de Draco, Gastone e Lúcia se estabeleceram em um lugar recluso temporariamente por segurança. Lúcia tinha escapado do Orfanato que trabalhava no mercado negro. Ela tinha como objetivo parar o negócio dele para salvar a vida de muitas garotas, mas falhou após anos de planejamento. Após conhecer Gastone, ela pretendia usar ele a seu favor, já que precisava de leite para sobreviver a maldição. O amor deles florescerá após descobrirem grandes diferenças entre suas raças? __ [ WPC #301 - Vencedor do Lugar de Ouro!!! ] . . Capa Comissionada Oficial. __ Contate-me: IG: mona_milku Discord: https://discord.gg/XqbVZffGbv __

    youneedsomemilk · Kỳ huyễn
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  • Plot Wrecker

    Opening my eyes in an unfamiliar place with unknown faces surrounding me, everything changes and it all started there. I have to start from the beginning again, because I am no longer Ayla Navarez and the world I am currently in, was completely different from the world of my past life. Rumi Penelope Lee. The cannon fodder of this world inside the novel I read as Ayla, in the past. The character who only have her beautiful face as the only 'plus' point in the novel, and the one who died instead of the female lead of the said novel. She fell inlove with the male lead and created troubles on the way. Because she started loving the male lead, her pitiful life led met her end. Death. Because she's stupid. Literally, stupid. A fool in everything. Love, studies, friendship, and all. The only thing she knew of, was to eat and sleep, then love the male lead while creating troubles the next day. Even if she's rich and beautiful, her halo as a cannon fodder won't be able to win against the halo of the heroine. That's why I've decided. Let's ruin the plot. Because who cares about following it, when I, Ayla Navarez, who became Rumi Penelope Lee overnight, would die in the end without even reaching the end of story? Inside this cliché novel, let's continue living without falling inlove, shall we?

    queenkimzxie · Thanh xuân
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  • La Mordida del Alfa Entre Mis Piernas

    ``` —Si te vuelvo a ver, me saciaré con tu cuerpo mientras sangras, ¡príncipe! —Rosina, una mujer atormentada por un oscuro pasado, desarrolló una peligrosa obsesión que llevó a una estela de sangre y cadáveres. Una depredadora que disfrutaba de su presa antes de quitarles la vida. Siempre había despreciado la idea de tener una pareja hasta que se vio obligada a asistir a la temporada anual de apareamiento. Albergando un profundo deseo de libertad, detestaba cualquier asociación con la realeza. Durante el evento de apareamiento, se encontró con un hombre misterioso que llevaba una máscara roja sangre. Draco fue retratado como un despreocupado Tercer Príncipe que buscaba solo diversión y evitaba las responsabilidades que conllevaba la corona. Sin embargo, su encuentro con Rosina provocó un cambio en él. Se da cuenta de que para ganarse su mano en matrimonio, debe convertirse en rey. Esa transformación puso a Draco en un camino de auto-descubrimiento y crecimiento mientras se esforzaba por demostrar que era digno del amor de Rosina. ¿Su encuentro cambiaría su destino o los llevaría a la ruina? _____ Volumen 2: —Mi deber es encontrar a un noble para liderar mi manada, pero conquistaste mi corazón, plebeyo —Felissa era responsable de buscar una pareja digna de estatus y cumplir con su deber como la única hija de un Alfa, lo que la llevó a girar su vida para convertirse en una perfecta futura Luna de la manada Medianoche. Era conocida por ser tan delicada como una flor frágil, o eso creían. Detrás de su alegre sonrisa se ocultaba la oscuridad que quería ascender y apoderarse de su cuerpo. Una personalidad nacida debido al uso de la magia. Mientras Felissa buscaba a un compañero noble para satisfacer a sus padres, conoció a un plebeyo con dos identidades. Vicenzo era un hombre que vivía diferentes vidas para mantener a su madre a salvo de la manada abusiva. Estaba dispuesto a sacrificar el vínculo con su pareja para destruir al Nuevo Monarca como su tarea, pero su corazón se rompía lentamente y ansiaba el toque de su pareja. ¿Priorizarían su deber o cederían a lo que sus cuerpos deseaban? _____ Volumen 3: —Te aceptaré a pesar de todo lo que has hecho, mi querida —Gastone vivía en el mundo humano como castigo pero fue llamado de vuelta al reino de los hombres lobo por Rosina para encontrar a su pareja. No quería una debido a su situación de vida y orgullo como Príncipe caído. En el camino, salvó a una mujer problemática llamada Lucía y la llevó al reino después de que ella le suplicara que la salvara. Eso causó problemas ya que los hombres lobo eran mitos para los humanos. Con la ayuda de Draco, Gastone y Lucía se instalaron temporalmente en un lugar aislado por seguridad. Lucía había escapado de un Orfanato que trabajaba en el mercado negro. Su objetivo era detener su negocio para salvar la vida de muchas chicas pero falló después de años de planificación. Después de conocer a Gastone, tenía la intención de usarlo a su favor ya que necesitaba su esencia para sobrevivir a la maldición. ¿Florecería su amor después de descubrir grandes diferencias entre sus razas? __ [ ¡WPC #301 - Ganador del Lugar de Oro! ] . . Portada Oficial Encargada. __ Contáctame: IG: mona_milku Discord: https://discord.gg/XqbVZffGbv __ ```

    youneedsomemilk · Kỳ huyễn
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  • Nekromant der Schatten

    "Ich hätte zu Hause bleiben und Videospiele spielen sollen." Dies war Rays letzter Gedanke, bevor ihn die Dunkelheit einhüllte, nachdem er von einem Auto angefahren worden war. Doch überraschenderweise fand sich Ray nach seinem Tod nicht vor den Toren der Hölle wieder, sondern er wurde in eine andere Welt versetzt. Die Welt, in die Ray versetzt wurde, hieß Arora World, ein Ort, an dem man verschiedene Arten von Fähigkeiten und Magie einsetzen und sogar mächtige Klassen erwerben kann. Ray fand sich im Körper eines Jungen namens Evan wieder, der an einer Jägerakademie studierte, nachdem er im Alter von vierzehn Jahren seine Fähigkeiten erlernt hatte. Zunächst war Ray froh, dass er in den Körper von jemandem transmigriert war, der seine Fähigkeiten geweckt hatte und die Magie anwenden konnte, die er schon immer einsetzen wollte. Als Ray jedoch Evans Erinnerungen durchging, wurde ihm schließlich klar, dass alles nicht so einfach war, wie er erwartet hatte. Evan hatte einen einzigartigen Körperbau, der es ihm nicht erlaubte, seine Kraft wie andere Menschen zu steigern. Wegen dieses nutzlosen einzigartigen Körperbaus war Evan der schwächste Jäger in der gesamten Akademie. Und das war noch nicht alles; je mehr Ray sich Evans Erinnerungen ansah, desto mehr wurde ihm klar, wie problematisch seine Situation war. "Ich weiß, dass ich diesen Körper betreten habe, ohne ein Ticket zu kaufen, aber ist das nicht zu viel?" sagte Ray mit bedrückter Stimme, nachdem er Evans Erinnerungen durchgesehen hatte. Wird Ray in der Lage sein, in dieser neuen Welt zu überleben? Ist der Körperbau seines neuen Körpers wirklich nutzlos? Begleite Ray auf seinem Abenteuer und finde es heraus. --------------------------------------------------

    Zero_writer · Kỳ huyễn
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  • El Amor de un Licántropo

    ``` —Él detuvo el auto. El agarre en la manta se tensó mientras Raine se preguntaba si había hecho algo mal. Podía sentirlo cuando Torak extendió su mano hacia ella. ¿Me golpeará? Raine se estremeció con ese pensamiento. Torak le retiró la capucha de la cabeza y suavemente apartó su cabello detrás de su oreja. —No —dijo él firmemente—. Quiero verte, no te escondas... —“El espíritu del ángel guardián insuflará nueva vida en el niño humano. Tres ángeles guardianes nacerán de nuevo en el mundo terrenal y los tres serán sus protectores”. —¡¿Protectores?! —Jedrek estalló—. Al final, se detuvo y se giró para mirar a la diosa de la luna desde la lejanía, sus ojos brillaban rojos de ira. Su lobo estaba furioso. —¿Por qué crees que ayudaremos? —preguntó Kace entrecerrando sus ojos negros como la obsidiana, su lobo había tomado control de él. Él era el más joven de los tres y el menos temperamental entre ellos. Los tres habían sido maldecidos por Selene debido a sus acciones feroces para obtener poder y autoridad supremos. La diosa de la luna no les bendijo con una compañera como castigo de su conducta atroz y los forzó a involucrarse en esta guerra mortal con los demonios. —¿Nos convertirás en esclavos de esas criaturas enfermizas!? —preguntó Torak incrédulo—. ¿No temes que los partamos en dos? El ángel guardián era tan frágil y ellos, como licántropos, no apreciaban las debilidades. —No, no lo harán —dijo Selene con paciencia—. No serán sus esclavos ni les harán daño, los cuidarán en todas las formas posibles. Jedrek rió de manera amenazante al oír esto, no les importaba la resurrección de la bestia, una vez que cruzaban su territorio, con o sin el ángel guardián, desgarraría sus cuerpos. —Seré la última persona que verán, en cuanto los encuentre —se refería tanto al ángel guardián como al demonio. Pero, la siguiente voz de Selene estaba teñida de alegría cuando habló. —No lastimarás a tu compañera. ============================ Sesión 1 (capítulo 1 - 394): Torak Donovan - Raine (completado). Sesión 2 (capítulo 395 - 628): Kace Donovan - Esperanza (completado) Sesión 3 (capítulo 629 - 1083): Jedrek Donovan - Lila (completado) Sesión 4 (capítulo 1084 - en curso): Historias Paralelas ============================ Esta es una historia de hombres lobo y, por supuesto, ¡de fantasía! Como cada quien tiene su propia versión de la vida sobrenatural, aquí estoy intentando escribir la mía. Si has leído otras historias de hombres lobo, te darás cuenta de que existen similitudes y diferencias. ============================ ***¡Precaución! El inglés no es mi primer idioma, así que es posible que encuentres errores gramaticales (aunque no es mi intención), si te resulta incómodo, por favor házmelo saber para que pueda corregirlo. *Has sido advertido ^^ ¡Todo comentario constructivo es muy bienvenido! .......................................................................................... ##Encuéntrame en Instagram: jikan_yo_tomare ##Portada por: @Gisel.arts Echa un vistazo a mis otras historias: **PURPLE DAWN TILL DUSK: dearest through the time **THE STORY OF DUSK ```

    jikanyotomare · Kỳ huyễn
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  • Wedding Wrecker

    "You're still a virgin, right?" Isabella's laughter held a bitter edge as she pushed Deus Wycliffe's body away, putting space between them once more. "Virgin? After what you did to me last night, you're asking if I'm still a virgin?" "I meant before we... you know." "Will my answer change anything, Deus? Will it?" Deus fell silent, Isabella's cutting words sinking deep into his heart. "It's your fault, Isabella. You initiated this deception. If you hadn't lied, none of this would have happened. When you claimed to be pregnant with my child, it was like insinuating that you and I..." Deus paused, searching for a more tactful term. "Well, engaged in what we did last night." He finished his sentence, realizing the impact of his words. --- "Maybe this will refresh your memory." Deus Wycliffe's grip tightened on Isabella's neck as he drew her closer. "I won't allow anyone else to lay a hand on you but me."

    ariaevelyn · Thành thị
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  • Home Wrecker

    After being dumped by her lover of five years, fired from her job of three years, and now evicted from her flat on the same day. Zara McLaren is having the worst day of her life. Yet with the proper contacts and a few words, Zara stands next to Aries Horne, one of LA's most successful entrepreneurs. One thing leads to another, and Zara becomes head over heels for the man, but there's one problem: his wife.

    Chocodrop · Thành thị
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  • Auto Cultivation

    In a world where technology and the supernatural collide, and evolution reigns supreme, meet Aaron - a transmigrator who unlocks an incredible ability to cultivate. As he rises through the ranks, Aaron discovers just how far he's willing to go to seize his destiny in this unforgiving world.

    Fairn · Kỳ huyễn
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  • Worldwide Auto Transformation: Invincibility Starts With Ultimate Enhancement

    This was the era of worldwide auto transformation! At the age of eighteen, everyone could awaken their autos and become auto men! Some awakened off-road vehicles, some awakened sports cars, and some awakened bicycles! By defeating the steel beasts and mechanical abyss monsters, unlocking achievements, and completing missions, one could earn point rewards to purchase various accessories such as firepower, armor, energy, and power cores! Xu Gu transmigrated here and started off by awakening an S-class heavy truck! Unexpectedly, he even had an additional binding to the Ultimate Enhancement System. [S-class heavy truck] got enhanced and became [SSS-class Leader, Optimus]! [S-class liquid hydrogen energy core] got enhanced and became [SSS-class portable hydrogen fusion energy core]! [SS-class defense force field] got enhanced and became [God-level Supreme Domain]! [SSS-class photon pulse cannon] got enhanced and became [Super God-level Annihilator Cannon]! Starting with the Ultimate Enhancement System, with the body of an auto man, Xu Gu conquered the world, dominated countless realms, and proved his invincibility!

    I'm Feifei · Du hí
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  • Auto Biography

    I lost my old account

    DaoistMut19E · Võ hiệp
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  • Auto pilot

    When jin go to the board in front of class suddenly his pen vibrate loudly and even in the back can hear and he suddenly forced tk sleep and after he wake up he is in other world that makes him shock and think he is hallucinating .

    Lj_Mera · Kỳ huyễn
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  • Auto Save

    [Not a Romance!] Offered a chance to beta for the first full dive virtual reality massively multiplayer online role-playing game, known as a VRMMORPG, Jossie Valentine is both excited and apprehensive. An introvert and anime enthusiast, one of her greatest fears is being trapped inside a video game. However, the excitement of being one of the first to experience a new way of gaming is too much for her to pass up. Little did she know that her fears are grounded in a truth more terrifying than even she understands. (Cover by me)

    PayneClover · Kỳ huyễn
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  • Auto Theft

    Two people from the High Society, born into privilege, but they were into crime they came to love, burglary. Two broken people matched by fate, but will they fix each other or stand on their broken pieces?

    Alvin_Lyons98 · Thành thị
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  • Artras

    *Editing in Progress* A group of six humans known as artras are chosen every thirty years to defend a world of magic called Armensia from a great evil, the Seven Dark mages led by Travas (Texan is only his brother.) One might have just called them summoned heroes. Kevin, the most powerful of the artras also referred to as the Siege, must find a way to defeat him and end this cycle that has raged on for nearly eight hundred years, but so many things stand in their way. (not to mention their unfathomable inexperience) Worst of all, the artras' long history is finally catching up to them. Kevin Johnson, an ordinary kid making it to his first day of high school suddenly finds his life upside down when his destiny to become one of the six artras is revealed to him. He is plunged into a life he didn't even know possible. Secrets revolve around everything concerning his seemingly uneventful childhood and even more uncertain future... The fate of the world is at stake and a lot stands in the way of him and his friends, 'You can always count on moving forward, right? Even though forward is straight into the mouth of a dragon or the bottom of a volcano...' ........................................... "How rude of me? I am Texan of the Seven Dark mages. And it is I who controls the Great White Wolf, but you can call it Black now," he spoke smirking for a dark dramatic flair, "Without your dragon, the Elder Dragon Ellimir, the six of you don't even stand a chance against us. I don't even see a point to fighting such amateurs." "So what? You came to fight a one-eyed man," I yelled back at him as it was all I could do to keep him from noticing my shaken state. "We shall meet again soon, Siege. And when we do, you shall then know the true extent of my power," he said darkly before vanishing in a swirl of grey smoke. Time resumed and motion returned to normal. My head was buzzing with so many questions that I left my legs in auto-pilot and was sent into a daze, walking back to wherever it was I did after lunch. .................................................

    kizitomayanja · Kỳ huyễn

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